Two weeks report

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Well-known member
Sep 24, 2006
Oneida, New York
Hi! Well, it's been 16 days since my surgery and it has been a bit of a roller coaster. I was first released from the hospital on Nov. 6th and was recovering when on Thursday night, the 9th I was feeling the sensation of both of my legs falling asleep. So, I got me husband to help me up to the bathroom and then walked slowly back to my recliner but my leags still felt asleep and tingling. So, I went into a bit of a panic and had my husband bring me to the emergency room to make sure I was OK. Once there they found that I had a bit of fluid in my lungs and surrounding my heart so they readmitted me. They used Lasix interveneously and I was released again on Monday, Nov. 13th having lost 22 pounds of fluid from my leags and body and feeling better in that I was able to get out of bed without assisstance and walk to the bathroom and back with no help necessary. I hate being so dependent. Now, as I was released they changed my coumadin to two milligrams one day and one the next for a few days until I had blood work done and the doctor called and told me that I had taken way too much coumadin and shouldn't take it again until I have blood work on Sunday and see him on Monday. In the mean time I should be very careful not to cut or bruise myself or have a nosebleed.
Anyway, I'm feeling as well as can be expected and my incision is healing nicely. I just wanted to let everyone know of my adventures. Marcie
I cant remember what surgery you had done. It would help if you went to your profile and entered your surgery and such in your signature. I have my info there along with a lot of others. Sounds like your Doctor is really afraid of Coumadin. Do you have to take the coumadin because of a mechanical valve? Good thing you went to the ER and got all that fluid out and you are feeling better.
marciemarine said:
Hi! Well, it's been 16 days since my surgery and it has been a bit of a roller coaster... I just wanted to let everyone know of my adventures. Marcie

Well, I guess so! Glad you're doing better now! Did they give you spirometer exercises? Any other exercises? Do they know why you developed/retained all of that fluid?

Hope every day is better than the previous one for you now:).

Glad things have improved and sorry for the setback. Fluid seems to be a common problem recently so you are in good company (even if you would prefer not to be a member of that club).;) :D ;)

I know you might not be feeling well enough yet but you should look to getting detailed information each time on your INR levels. You should try to understand what changes are being made for what INR so you can figure out whether your doctor really knows how to manage the coumadin. It bothers me to hear of a doctor telling someone to stop Coumadin for 2 or 3 days without knowing the INR level.

Hope things continue to improve for you.
geebee said:
...I know you might not be feeling well enough yet but you should look to getting detailed information each time on your INR levels. You should try to understand what changes are being made for what INR so you can figure out whether your doctor really knows how to manage the coumadin. It bothers me to hear of a doctor telling someone to stop Coumadin for 2 or 3 days without knowing the INR level...

Good point. My family doctor kept telling me that the INR was extremely important and the easiest thing in the world to keep up on; but I had nothing but problems with his staff believing that too and keeping up on it and getting back to me with the numbers and such. I was only on Coumadin for three months but I was hardly within target range, maybe once, the entire time. I found it quite frustrating.
Hi Marcie,

Sorry you're having a bumpy recovery. I'm sure you'll start feeling better once they get all the kinks worked out.

The important thing to remember is, whether you sail right through recovery, or have some setbacks....YOU MADE IT!!!! Your surgery is over, you've made it to the other side of the mountain. It sounds like you're in good control of your care, and that's very important as well.

We'll be looking forward to your continued progress, so please stay in touch.
So sorry about the setbacks, Marcie but hopefully things will go smoothly from now on. Wishing you the best and hoping the Coumadin gets worked out. Let us know how you make out on Monday with the Cardio.
My surgery was a double heart valve replacement surgery which replaced the aortic and mitral valves with mechanical ones. I went to the doctor today (Monday) and he said my coumadin level was 4 which was still high. The last time I took any was Thursday. I'm supposed to not take any today and Tuesday and then get blood work done again on Wednesday. I was told that I am very sensitive to Coumadin. I can't wait for this all to be history. I am feeling pretty good today and I appreciate all of your support. Marcie