Trouble Swallowing

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Well-known member
Sep 20, 2006
Cullman, Alabama
I was wondering if this could possibly be related to the valve problems...usually Noel's first attempts at swallowing are met with resistence...he describes it as it having to get over the hump...he does have a hiatal hernia and also has had the esophagus stretched in the past but the last time he had an endoscopy, was told it did not need it again. He somethimes get choked when eating and once we had to rush him to the hospital from a restaurant. It was after that they did the stretching of the esophagus. Now I am wondering could it possible be related to the heart valves or am I hopefully just imagining things because I am worried?
It may be hard to say what is causing that. It could even be the semblance of a panic attack, if he is beginning to feel anxious about his condition. I think the doctors may just poo-poo it, but I'd call them and report the experiences.

In the meantime, assume it is due to gastric juices, and try to carefully watch what he is eating. Maybe there is something new triggering these episodes. I have throat sensitivities.....too much vinegar can set me off choking. Sometimes, just being in active conversation when eating gets things going all wrong. Maybe there are seasonal allergies causing some irritation from post nasal drip.

Good luck and let us know.

We have mentioned this to the doctors almost every visit and they don't seem too concerned about it. It is a regular occurance...taking pills, eating...even water sometimes won't go down and he ends up having to head for the bathroom. He does not seem anxious about it himself...just takes it in stride and says "I'm alright". He's always the one with the cool head. :)
Well I am Not a Doctor, don't even play one on TV:p But... I complained of a lump feeling in my esophagus for about 6mo before my surgery. Everyone dismissed it, I compared it to the feeling that Somethign was stuck in my esoph. as if I ate a bite that was too big, or had a pill stuck there.

At times I felt almost gaggy (if that is a word) while eating..

I can tell you that 5mo post op I no longer have that feeling or sensation!
No one admitted that it was b/c of the severe regurg. with my MV, but I can say that I feel MUCH better now:)

Other than that I am not sure what to say. I do have Acid Reflux and take medication, but it didnt feel like that to me.
A couple of things come to mind. I see that Noel has had a stroke. Joe just had a stroke, and although it didn't have too many bad aftereffects, he did have dysphagia, where he could choke on food that was in too large pieces or food that could break up easily in the act of swallowing, such as rice. He is technically on a dysphagia diet which means food that are soft and moist and meat that is in small pieces. He was instructed to sit up at a 90 degree angle while swallowing and to pay good attention while he was eating, no heavy duty talking or distractions such as TV. Just concentrate on what he was doing. I guess his was caused by weak throat muscles, however, he does have vocal cords which do not meet due to some nerve damage from many intubations. There are exercises to improve that portion of his problem, which include making sounds in various pitches to get the cords working again.

Another thing that was a direct result of valve problems was congestive heart failure which backed up into his liver and spleen and stomach area (ascites) this causes excess pressure and enlargement in the neck veins, and you can even see them throbbing and enlarged when his fluid is way too high. And that caused swallowing problems as well. So keeping him without edema is the way to go in this case.

I have had to give him the Heimlich maneuver several times in the past because he was choking on larger pieces of food.

Maybe another visit to an ENT doctor to discuss his swallowing problems would be in order. In the hospital, the gal who specialized in voice and swallowing problems after strokes (Speech Therapist) was most helpful.

I wouldn't want him to have another choking incident, they can be scary, not to mention dangerous. If food aspirates into the lungs, then pneumonia could follow, and of course, choking on food can be disastrous.

Good luck, hope it can be helped.
ah.. Nancy did her homework and looked up Noel's history..
I just went off of your post..
So .. I would Echo Nancy.. she is wise and has been in that frightenign experience with Joe..
Good advice from a wise woman!
Thank you Nancy and Marky and Marguerite...I might add that Noel's stroke in 2002 only affected his eyes...can't remember if I had that before in his history. He was totally blind but regained all but the lower right quadrant in the right eye after having been given the clot-busting drug. We have noticed that certain foods tends to be more of a problem than others. I am watching his fluid as he weighs every morning...and can see no noticeable change there. But this will be one of the things we will mention to the surgeon...I had never thought of it until recently as maybe having a connection with the valve problem.
Reading other posts I have noticed a lot of discussion on coumadin. Noel has been on it for quite a while and was told it would be a life time thing....due to some type insufficiency he has. I know this complicates things all around. But does it dictate what type valve he will have and also I am thinking his age may also dictate the kind too?
I warned you all in the beginning I would have lots of questions. I finally got a promise from the records department at the hospital where he had surgery that they would mail us a HIPPA form today. One small step of progress. :rolleyes:
Hi Noel. I hesitate to scare the bejeebers out of someone by mentioning the A-word, but difficulty in swallowing is a symptom of a thoracic aortic aneurysm. The other possibilities are probably the more likely causes, but if he hasn't already been screened for a TAA, he probably should be.
hi, just thought I would add that prior to my AVR I was constantly choking on everything and anything, including water. Have not done so after surgery. But, I don't know for sure if it is truly related.

Hope Noel feels better soon.
PJmomrunner said:
Hi Noel. I hesitate to scare the bejeebers out of someone by mentioning the A-word, but difficulty in swallowing is a symptom of a thoracic aortic aneurysm. The other possibilities are probably the more likely causes, but if he hasn't already been screened for a TAA, he probably should be.
Does someone want to tell me what tests this would show up on? Since it has been going on for quite some time...and he has had a heart cath as late as February this year...what else?
Noel, the best tests to show a TAA are a CT scan or an MRI of the chest or a TEE (transesophageal echocardiogram - they stick a transducer down the patient's throat and record pictures). It's also possible to detect a TAA with a regular chest echo or even a chest xray, but my understanding is those are not really definitive as the echo cannot always (or maybe usually?) image the ascending aorta and an xray doesn't do the best job imaging soft tissue. I don't know enough about a cath to know if the aorta is usually imaged (I don't think it is), if it is that may also do the trick.
He has had some chest x-rays since surgery this year. Of course and MRI is out of the question with the stints. At least that is my understanding. I am feeling pretty confident that it not the problem. Got to have some hope somewhere. :eek: I did some research after I asked the question about tests.

I don't know -

I don't know -

having a lump in the throat and difficulty swallowing is classic for a hiatal hernia. Also maybe thyroid.

Again, as I mentioned in another post - the vagus nerve runs through this whole area - and yes the swallowing difficulties could be related to valve problems because of the vagus nerve being irritated, but I just want to think it is something more benign causing your husband's problems than his heart.

Prayers and good wishes....I see we have another wonderful wife (in you) here on alongside Nancy and excuse me if I am forgetting to mention others here who are caretakers for their loved ones.

Christina L
Robbie and Noel,

I recommend that you call your Gastroenterologist's office Tomorrow Morning, ask to speak with his nurse, and tell here about the swallowing issues. He may want to meet in the 'Special Procedures' room or may just offer some suggestions. Best to check it out. BEEN THERE, DONE THAT.

'AL Capshaw'
Robbie and Noel,

Having BEEN THERE and DONE THAT, I'd recommend calling your Gastroenterolist's office First Thing Tomorrow Morning, ask for his nurse, and tell her about the swallowing issues. Best to check it out, preferably before surgery. Also be sure to include that in your discussion with Dr. McGiffin.

'AL Capshaw'
ALCapshaw2 said:
Robbie and Noel,

I recommend that you call your Gastroenterologist's office Tomorrow Morning, ask to speak with his nurse, and tell here about the swallowing issues. He may want to meet in the 'Special Procedures' room or may just offer some suggestions. Best to check it out. BEEN THERE, DONE THAT.

'AL Capshaw'
He has an appointment with the gastroenterologist the 9th...just saw him last month as he has been doing monthly since July....he is aware of this. I have added this to our notes to discuss with Dr. McGiffin. He was seeing the gastro doctor because of yet undetermined bleeding problems...but since coming off the Plavix has not experienced more problems and his count is rising slowly. He has had every test imaginable, including swallowing the "pill camera" that takes pictures in places where you cannot go with the a colonoscopy and endoscopy...and it has yet to be found. Right after surgery in February he was on Coumadin (still is), Plavix (which he came off in August) plus an aspirin.
My gut feeling from his description is that is hernia related.