Toxic blood?

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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2008
South FL
when the tech took my blood yesterday, he said to me, "Wow, your blood is toxic!. I asked him what that meant and he said the blood was very oxygen rich. ??????? I did have ablood transfusion in the hospital and immediately I started itching like crazy.
Currently, I have this rash that I'm still trying to get rid of. I only had diarrhea once today. I'm turning in my stool culture into the lab tomorrow.

My question is what does toxic mean? it was a very, very dark red. is that from the Coumadin? I've never seen my blood that color.
I don't know if the condition that is mentioned on that link is really what you are dealing with. It would be very interesting if a phlebotomist could diagnose this simply by looking at your blood. I would recommend a conversation with your doctor. I think this tech might be out of line in his/her comments, especially to someone who just had surgery and is naturally a little worried.
Lisa in Katy said:
It would be very interesting if a phlebotomist could diagnose this simply by looking at your blood. I would recommend a conversation with your doctor. I think this tech might be out of line in his/her comments, especially to someone who just had surgery and is naturally a little worried.

This is just what I thought upon reading your post.
It sounds like a mindless off-the-cuff remark from someone who should have not ventured any kind of half baked diagnosis from just looking at yout blood. That is not the way medical professionals in the science field determine things.

Call the doctor and mention what was said to you and get their take on it.

BTW, when you receive a blood transfusion in the hospital or anywhere else, and you immediately start itching, you have to tell someone right away. They always hung around for about 20 minutes after Joe got transfusions to make sure itching or hives didn't show up. That means they have to do something about it pronto.

In the future, do not be quiet about any itching or hives after a transfusion.
KathyM...I went to the lab a few times before my AVR surgery to 'donate' blood specifically for myself if I needed it during surgery. As it turned out, I didn't need a transfusion but it was nice knowing that if I did, it would have been my own blood.
Ross said:
Usually no, but it never hurts to be ready.

So should one donate their own blood before surgery?

They do store yours for you if you set that up, correct?
kevin21 said:
So should one donate their own blood before surgery?

They do store yours for you if you set that up, correct?
I'm 3 hours' drive from the medical centre so I couldn't store my own blood. I asked the surgeon to use whole blood or blood products as a purely last resort if I began to bleed. I was assured that there are plenty of other alternatives to transfusion and to rest easy that it would only be a life-saving gift in the event I was in danger.

I've had many surgeries (14 at last count, along with many, many procedures) and have never required blood or plasma before, during or after. I have been blessed.

My son was given the gift of 4 units during his hospital admission. He was in surgery every other day for 2 and a half weeks to stimulate the flesh on his arm to bleed. He never had ill effects from the blood, in fact felt strong and euphoric after the transfusion, apart from needing to pee every 20 minutes from the IV lasix between units.

If you have concerns, speak to your surgeon and the admitting staff at the surgical centre. They will advise you with respect to self-donations and if it's a feasible option.
Here in Ontario ................

Here in Ontario ................

kevin21 said:
So should one donate their own blood before surgery?

They do store yours for you if you set that up, correct?
patients approaching surgery are asked if you want to make autologous donations. In other words, donate your own blood for future use.
Thanks guys never fail me. I see the surgeon tomorrow. Needless to say scared although I know what is going to be said. It is just that this makes in final. Yet in some odd way I am looking forward to getting this over with already.

Thanks a million

Kathy M
KathyM said:
Do many people need blood after this surgery?

Kathy M

I needed 2 units but was not asked to store my own.
HOwever years ago when I donated bone marrow I tried to store my own but was able to. I needed 2 units then
I also wanted to say that the lab tech sounded like he was just spouting off things that he shouldn't have said..
I needed blood during both of my OHS. My surgeon and I discussed it in our pre op conversations. My first OHS, I needed a unit post op as well and the CICU nurse was very definite about being sure I agreed before she administered it. Can't say I loved the idea but knew it was necessary.
I also have heard of people getting Benadryl before blood transfusions to help reduce reactions. Has anyone ever heard of this? Deb
I was discouraged from donating my own blood (and not sure why). Then they assured me that the blood supply is 'much safer' now than in the past (decade).

I believe I was also told there was a CHARGE for donated blood, even if is YOURS. (A 'processing fee' maybe???) It's been a while so I don't remember all the details.

'AL Capshaw'
Debster said:
I also have heard of people getting Benadryl before blood transfusions to help reduce reactions. Has anyone ever heard of this? Deb
I was given Benadryl after. what happened is they gave me blood because my head started shaking violently( I was freezing) as I was walking around with the nurse (2nd or 3rd day post surgery). the doc said that the blood would help me because I lost a lot of blood during surgery.
ALCapshaw2 said:
I was discouraged from donating my own blood (and not sure why). Then they assured me that the blood supply is 'much safer' now than in the past (decade).

I believe I was also told there was a CHARGE for donated blood, even if is YOURS. (A 'processing fee' maybe???) It's been a while so I don't remember all the details.

'AL Capshaw'
I would have liked my own.