Totally weird question............

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Well-known member
May 18, 2004
Arlington, Tx.
but it's me, ya know? Our filing cabinets runneth over. With Katie's medical records from five surgeries, two caths, and numerous doctors' visits, grad school stuff, military, tax records for the last seven years (three years' documentation , receipts, etc, take up one file cabinet drawer..........sheesh!) etc., etc., we have way too much paper to hold onto. I have spent the last two weeks consolidating four filing cabinets down to two and a half in anticipation of a move next month some time (yes, our fixer upper from Hades may finally be finished sometime next month............hah! not finished, but finished enough to move into, THANK GOD!!. Hey we finally have working toilets after a year!:D) )

Now my question is, "Is there any safe way to store one of those filing cabinets in the garage without the paper records inside being eaten by silverfish, roaches, etc.?" I am going to keep our most current stuff in the filing cabinet inside, but would really like to stash one of those filing cabinets in the garage or storage building out back, but don't want to risk those documents being eaten. If I stick mothballs in each drawer and changed them out every few months, would that keep them safe from critters? Or what do you guys suggest?

Weird question, I know, for a heart forum, but you guys are sooooooooooo knowledgeable, I figured someone on here would know or have an idea. So, help!!!
I don't know the "official" answer, but I do have a suggestion.;)

Thinking back on Katie's unusual collection of pets, maybe you could tell her the file cabinet is home for an interesting collection of critters. She would soon make quick work of anything that's crawling around in there! Presto, change-o, no more worries!

I know; totally weird solution, but it's me, ya know?:p:p:p
Love ya!
Why not put them into some of those "space bags" that are supposed to keep out everything, even moisture, which would be a real problem, as would paper lice.

You could store the bags in plastic containers and stack them.
Things like birth certificates, etc, would be stored in your house I assume, but it's always a good idea to scan those and save them onto a disc which can be then stored in a fire proof location or safety deposit box.
I really like Nancy's idea of plastic encased storage....even zip loc bags would suffice.
I second Bina's suggestion of scanning everything and placing them on CD or DVD. The just store those someplace safe AND make a backup copy to be kept someplace else (safe deposit box).

I scan my medical records and put them on a flash or jump drive.

I had a cardiology appt last Tuesday. The night before, I plugged in my flash drive and printed out out my blood lab results from my 2/11/08 annual exam with my PCP and took that to my cardio.
I also keep the originals. But I don't have several filing cabinets' full of them.

BTW, I have kept a filing cabinet in my garage for 12+ years with a variety of records and magazines. No problems with bugs or other critters getting into the records for a snack.
Thanks, y'all!

Thanks, y'all!

I knew I could count on y'all for some suggestions, yes, Mary, even yours. Ya know, Spike, the bearded dragon, does LOVE live bugs of all sorts (They don't stand a chance, but the crunching is kind of gross. :eek:), and the gunie pig (as Katie spells it) is surviving - guess the third one was the charm, but she is not much for bugs. Nancy, I so wish I had asked this question BEFORE consolidating the filing cabinets. Great idea, though. And I love the flash drive idea................if I started now, I could probably finish in about five years..........:D No, seriously, that is a great idea for all future visits. And, Marsha, I'm glad to hear that your papers in the garage filing cabinet are bug-free as that is probably what is going to end up happening for now. Then when time permits, haha, I can try some of the other ideas.

Many hugs and thanks again. Janet