Tongue tied

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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2003
Naples, Italy
I'm two weeks post op and my tongue is still swollen on one side. It doesn't hurt or anything but makes talking a real chore and eating even more laborious. It's sort of the feeling like you just left the dentist office. The doctors thought it might be a yeast infection but I took all the meds for that and nothing changed.

I was on the intubator tube for about two days straight due to some "rework" that had to be done.

Has anyone else experienced this and if so how long did it last?

Any info would be appreciated.


RP 11/18/03
As I mentioned before sounds like reaction to med,or infection of some sort.The fact that it is some what decreased on one side on one side is a plus . Maybe the yeast med did work? and you need another course or they could also do a scraping to culture it to see what might be growing although you problay have been on various meds , antifungal ,antibiotics which could affect the test.What meds are you taking now? Working in the ICU for 14 years with pts. intubated for weeks this is not a common occurance that I saw. Sore and irritated, but not swollen like your seeming to have. I am sure its something that is reactive and just being on right med will take care of it. If you have any questions just PM or Em

Is it visibly swollen or does it just feel that way? Do you feel like it is improving? Maybe there was pressure on a nerve from the tube and this is just going to take some more time. I'm sure sorry you are having this problem. Are other things going well?
Yes it's swollen and a bit yellow colored on the left side and near the back. The right side is fine. It has improved slightly but I thought after two weeks it should be about back to normal. I'm dying to eat a big bite of a hamburger. Right now I have to stick with small food in order to get it over the "hump" on the back of my tongue. I don't need to lose any weight!


I'm siding with some sort of infection. I've been tubed countless times and never experienced a swollen tongue. Is it possible that you may have bit it and they didn't find any bite wound entry points? I don't know Jim, keep on the Docs about it.
Have you thought about having a consult from your dentist or an otolaryngologist? Maybe they could shed some light
time to take the bull by the horns , EENT!

time to take the bull by the horns , EENT!

go see a eent!!!!!!
Well I went back for my checkup and the surgeon said I sounded good. Now I'll follow up with the cardio. I griped about the tongue issue and he said it might be "thrush". He gave me a swish and swirl med and I've beenon it for 3 days with no sign of improvement. I'm off to the ent this afternoon.

The whole left side of my mouth is swollen as well as that side of my tongue.


I don't think thrush is the problem. I'm headed back to Dallas today to see an ear nose and throat guy. Hopefully he'll take a culture and get me on the right track. I need to be able to eat better to enjoy all of the Christmas parties going on these days.

I'm sore this week. It seems that everything is "waking up" and starting to heal. I'm waling about 1.5 miles a day and breathing good. My sleep schedule is a bit mixed up but I'm getting plenty of rest and feeling good overall.

Are you doing the Jingle Bell Run?



I'm betting on an infection in the tongue, perhaps a sensory gland, something with taste function?

Will check back with you by Friday about lunch Saturday. Maybe something easy to eat??? :)
I went to the ENT yesterday. He wasn't on my insurance, so for about an 8 minute diagnosis I got to pay him $200.00. But he was farly confident about what I had wrong. HE said the tube must have somehow pinched a nerve in my tongue. I have a condition called an isolated 12th nerve that essentially means my tongue is partially paralyzed. The good news is that the nerve will grow back. The bad news is that it grows at a rate of 1 mm per day and could take 3 months to be back to normal!

Its gotta be reassuring to hear that its not permanent, but what a lovely thing to look forward to for 3 months (plus the last few weeks).

Glad the main mission is on track.