Three Years

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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2005
Baltimore, MD
Haven't been posting much lately. So many changes in my life. For starter I got laid off from my job 6 weeks ago and experienced a terrible depression.
Much better now but need to start thinking about a job soon.
Wanted to stop by tonight to share with my friends at that tomorrow is the 3 year anniversary of my OHS. It gets easier to think about that time in my life but I still have some difficult moments when I think back to the hospital experience. I had wonderful care but the whole thing can be such a scary prospect. Thankfully, I had the surgery so I can still be here to share with all of you. I have 3 beautiful grandchildren now and 2 puppies!!
I just wanted to let the new folks know that the surgery is a life changing event that gives us our lives back.
I am so grateful to the skilled professionals who work with all of us and the researchers who are trying to find ways to make it even better.
Thanks for that message Joanne, it is very uplifting for those of us with ohs looming in the near future to hear good things to come afterwards. As a pilot, I have had plenty of experience's of being unemployed, it can be tough to keep your mind in a positive place at times while looking for a job , but something will come along.

Best wishes,
Congratulations on three years. May you have many,many more....
Good luck on getting a job. You will be in my prayers. Keep us informed on how it's going.....
Congratulations and best wishes for many, many more years with your beautiful grandchildren!
Congratulations on your 3rd anniversary. May you have many many more.

Keep you chin up about your job. I lost mine last year after 22 years. I took the opportunity to re-evaluate my career priorities and as I reflected I came to the conclusion I wasn't really happy doing what I was doing. I ended up taking a new direction, actually going back to something I had done before and enjoyed, with much less stress and closer to home. The trade off was a less money, but still a good living, and after only 2 weeks on the job I'm already feeling much better and enjoy going to work. I'm sure you'll land in a good place. Good luck with your job search.
3 years!

3 years!

I like your attitude, well said. Many of us have had our lives given back to us though the fine doctors available to us .I also had my 3 year anniversary a few days back on the 12th, I have 2 young children and need to be around for them for some years to come! Sorry to hear about your work situation and am hoping the situation turns around for you soon.
Best Wishes.


Thanks for all of the good wishes for my anniversary and the support on my job situation. I had a busy day with friends and grandkids. I know I can always count on my friends at
Congratulations!!! I hope you have many, many more years to celebrate with your grandchildren.