This post should do it for me!

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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2005
Hurricane, West Virginia
It's been 7 weeks today! Sometimes it seems like I just woke up 7 minutes ago from surgery and other times like it's been 7 years already. Anyways, I do believe the worst is behind me and only the best is yet to come.
This week will be one I won't soon forget! I've gone all the way from having help walking into the hospital for my second lung tapping to feeling like a million dollars. I can't get enough exercise!:D My energy level is off the chart!:D :D I'm singing the Rocky song every time I finish up a workout. :D :D :D I am chomping at the bit to start using my entire gym, but have to limit myself to lower body workout which is fine. I never thought I would feel THIS good! I am so thankful!
I just wanted to say 'thanks' one last time and be some kind of encouragement to you folks in the 'waiting room'. It does get better! It gets a heck of alot better!!!!! You'll get there!:D
This sounds like a departure letter. I do hope that isn't the case. Please think about sticking around and helping other scared newbies coming in with your experience. :(
Debbi, Congratualtions. Feeling strong now! It's that Rocky scene when the music's playing and you sprint up the steps, fists raised high in victory! Enjoy!

Check in now and then. Keep the fire burning.
Can't Top Rocky Top

Can't Top Rocky Top


By "Rocky" I think you mean "Good Ol' Rocky Top. . . Rocky Top, Tennessee"....:D Go Vols! Glad they are going to have your energy this fall.

But please don't leave us on -- we have enjoyed your posts so much, and you have contributed greatly.


Hey that's great!!! You sound very happy! Enjoy your newfound energy and rejoice all you want!!!

Hooray!! Hooray!! :D

it sounds like farewell to me, too. If you are leaving, Debbi, please come in from time to time and let us know how you are doing. We really don't want you to go, tho. We need inspirations like yours.
Fantastic, Debbi!
Glad to hear you're making progress like this. I agree with everyone though that I hope you're not signing off from You've got encouragement and experience to offer people still facing their surgery. Don't be a stranger!

Oh heck no!! I still need ya'll!

Oh heck no!! I still need ya'll!

I am so grateful for! So many of you have become like family to me and my circle of precious friends has widened as a result of this site. :D What I really want to say is that I am entering what my kids call the "Pay It Forward" phase of my participation here....(hopefully) where I am more of the "encourager" as opposed to always being the "encouraged". ;)
Not that there would be anything wrong with it, but I could just imagine your faces while you make your way through "Debbi's 156th week out post-op report":( :( :eek: :eek: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Your vr buddy!
TO: Atlanta Pat!!!!! So awesome you are doing great! It thrills my heart!
Hugs to your very own Atlanta Patti! I love that woman!;)
I'm glad you feel so great! And I'm also glad you feel equipped to be an encourager now! But don't feel like you can't share the glitches. We all get them. We are here to help carry each other's loads.
I think I see where you are coming from Debbie. I too am not sure I am going to continue my weekly log of recovery. At 6 weeks, I've about said it all, and it is just getting boring and repetitive.

So- I am also going to be an encourager -- in some cases a tiger. People will probably tire of my harping, but if it helps one person make the transition easier, then it's worth it.
It's so nice to hear that neither of you are going anywhere; you contribute so much.

All of us are so thankful for our new life and are avid about it until we begin to settle down into peace and calm - and acceptance. At that point, yes, we are the encouragers and supporters for those who have been where we have been. Who else in this world is going to give them the leg up to better understanding of this complex situation they find themselves in. Members come and sometimes they go, but we are always glad to have known them and they generally eventually come on back to say hey and let us know how they are. Thanks for staying with us; me 'n Ross were concerned there for a minute.


So glad you're doing well! So-are you lifting light weights????(ha-saw your post on the pump head issue...sooo funny!)

Oh there are my babies!!

Oh there are my babies!!

LOVE the picture of our Atlanta P's!!!!! Brings back sweet memories!!! Hey, I am going to email you tomorrow. We must catch up on everything!!! I miss you as always. I want to know how your main squeeze is and of course what you think of our latest shows!!! I have been busy doing so much of nothing that I rarely have time to do much of anything else. Say what?? :eek:
I can't remember if I have been lifting weights or not. Try back again soon for possible, but highly unlikely answer.
Love ya,
I'm glad your filling so good. Praise God that your doing so will!!! You and I will be in good shape the September when it's FOOTBALL TIME IN TENNESSEE!!!
Vols 1 out

P.S. "Slip da jab" Deb "Slip da jab!!!"