They're Striking On My Surgery Day!!!!!

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Oh my God I've been screaming and throwing temper tantrums for the last 45 minutes! The California Nurses Association gave a 10 day notice on a two day strike, Oct. 10-11. My surgery is the 10th at an affected hospital!

I called the surgeon's office and I told them before they new. Christ. Then the nursing director tries to calm me down and offers me a later date. I can't wait!!!!! I can't wait anymore. I'm going insane. She said they will be using registry nurses and they are ICU qualified, bla, bla, bla. Supposedly it wouldn't affect me much in the operating room but would in ICU and then the step down unit. Although I would only be in ICU a day or two hopefully.

I can keep the date and hope this is resolved before then and take my chances. Or reschedule. I cannot take this waiting anymore and think I should take my chances. You now how when they strike the hospitals always reassure the public that patient care won't be compromised. I know alot of it is spin. They've cancelled all surgeries when it's gone on long and they were understaffed, at least at other hospitals where this has happened.

What would you do??? I am officially out of my mind tonight.:mad:
Oh, Peggy, this is absolute crap.....poor you.
It never ceases to amaze me how people in certain professions are able to strike.
Can you wait for a few days and see what develops?
I know I would not want to have this kind of surgery under those conditions.
just my 2 cents.
Yeah, I can call them Monday and take the other date, the 23rd or something like that. But they could do it again! I swear with my luck they'll do it again and my surgery would be affected then!!!

I just talked with one of my bosses who is an RN. She says she would wait. That the traveling nurses and registry they use are good nurses but they won't be oriented to where things are, meds, supplies, etc. That sometimes managment fills in on ICU floors. Great! Like I want an administrator taking care of me.:eek: Yet like she says they may cancel all non-emgerenciy surgeries if they can't get things covered. She said they won't likely get it resolved before the 10th.

Oh I don't know what to do. I need to go back to work. I need to make my money. I need Peggy back!!!!
My son's last surgery was his 3rd in 9 months (the first 2 were only 15 hrs apart). I could/would not have done it without my favorite ICU nurses. I have serious trust issues with doctors now (his current docs are wonderful). I think I would put it off.
FWIW, the nurses were due to go on strike the last time my son had to have a right heart cath. I was ok with it for this procedure and thankfully the strike was averted and everything went well.
I'm so sorry you have to make yet another major decision at this time.

I'm so sorry to hear what you're going through. I know it's tough to know what to do when you just want to have your surgery over with.

I had my surgery on 06/19/07 for mitral valve repair. I woke up in ICU to find out that the hospital I had my surgery in was implementing a fully Electronic Health Record (EHR) (everything on computers, no paper copies of ANYTHING!). My first day in ICU was the first day of implementation. There were many ?Super Users? in bright yellow t-shirts trying to show everyone else how to get the information into the computer.

Although my valve repair was a great success, I had a stroke as a result of a problem with a suture and being moved in ICU. I still wonder if things would have gone differently if the hospital staff hadn?t been so distracted by the change with EHR. Until the day I checked out I was constantly dealing with medical staff who were feeling their way through the change.

The best scenario is to go into surgery with no distractions for any of the very important people involved!
Peggy for what its worth, don't do it without the required players being present. This is nothing to toy with. I know your going nuts, but I'd hate for you to run into trouble and lose you because of a silly strike.
I am sooooo hungover from taking two lorazepam last night. I needed to calm down after talking to people on the phone and crying and yelling.

The last person I talked to last night was the nursing supervisor at the hospital. She assured me I wouldn't be affected much. That the CPU (cardio pulmonary unit) is where I'll go right after surgery and it's a 6 bed unit. She said not everyone leaves on strike. That key nurses in the CPU will remain and that they never put unqualified or inexperienced nursing/replacements in that unit. It makes me feel somewhat better that it's only a 6 bed unit. She swore they don't put traveling or registry nurses in that unit. The step down unit is another story. But if it's only a 2 day strike, they should have all their normal coverage by then.

I emailed the surgeon to see what he says. No response yet. When I go for my pre-op tests this Wednesday, I'm going to go up to the CPU and take a tour and ask alot of questions.

The stress of this is killing me. And my FMLA (family medical leave act) coverage ends Nov. 9th. I need to by back to work by then!!!

My boss RN is going to call her good friend who is a cardiac nurse there and she said she'll be straight with her. Hopefully I'll hear something today.

I do understand why they are striking. But I so want to write them and say what this is doing to me, a patient.:(
Peggy, have you thought about writing a letter to the newspaper or even calling the local TV news station? Yours would be a very real story told from the "other side" on the effects of medical professionals on strike. You are not having some kind of minor elective surgery.....this is OHS...!!
Bummer, Peggy. I completely appreciate your frustration. Personally, I would be just as enraged and forlorn. And, I'm almost certain I would feel inclined to wait. Talk to your boss about the situation and see if they won't give you a new return date. Surely a boss could understand about a strike situation!

In the meantime, step back and have a look at yourself. This "hangover" certainly isn't productive, nor benefitting your necessary state of mind. You need to be calm as you approach this event. Stay on an even keel. So, sorry, but hey girl.....get a grip, okay? Life is handing you obstacles beforehand....maybe you'll get over all the bumps before they even wheel you into the OR. ;)

Several members here have gotten phone calls just prior to surgery postponing their date because they were "elective" and an emergency had arisen that necessitated their own postponement. A few had that happen twice!

Waiting is Hell. But you have to accept it. Please let that teeny bit of acceptance grow inside you.

Best wishes, truly!

Peggy, I had my surgery date pushed back, though not because of a strike -- that is really aggravating! I think if I were in your place, I would opt for a short delay if the docs said it was safe to put off for a few weeks. Wouldn't want to deal with the uncertainties of how everything will be run during a strike.
Ross said:
Peggy for what its worth, don't do it without the required players being present. This is nothing to toy with. I know your going nuts, but I'd hate for you to run into trouble and lose you because of a silly strike.

I agree 100,000,000,000% This ain't nothen to take second best on.
Hi Peggy,

There are some situations we end up in because we did not have any advance warning. There was no way we could make a decision to avoid it.

I am glad you know the dates of the strike, because you can take steps to avoid being part of this situation.

Your goal is to come out with the best possible results. You will find a way to deal with work, paying bills, etc. once you are through the surgery with the best possible care. There is really only one important thing right now - and that is having the best possible scenario for your surgery and recovery.

There are no "little things" when it comes to an experience like open heart surgery. I have been through three of them with my husband, along with some other hospitalizations, and have the view point of the one who is his advocate.

For myself, or my husband, I would never choose to go into a situation where there was a strike.

Best wishes,
I'm really sorry to hear about this, Peggy. I know the disappointment, as my surgery got "bumped" for two weeks after I had already had the pre-admission.

If it were me, I'd be inclined to accept the short delay, if you can, rather than risk the unknown with the strike. Is there any chance they will resolve the issues and avoid the strike? Hoping the best for you.
Hi Peggy,

Sorry for the frustration you are experiencing. Believe me the waiting, cancelling is by far the worst part of your surgery. Mine was cancelled several times by a recorded message on my phone, once because of an impending snow storm, and again (the fourth time) after being pre-sedated prior to surgery without explanation.

They did a great job when they got around to it though and the timing was right, the usual medical support staff on duty and everything went well. It was worth the wait.

Just hang in there things will work out.
Many thanks to all who responded. I spent the weekend calling and emailing everybody and his brother. Including the governor, Arnold and a hysterical call to the Calif. Nurses Association demanding they call me back. Funny, but they haven't.:rolleyes:

The nurse who works in the cardiac unit that my boss spoke to told her 33% of their nursing staff are already registry. That it's not just nurses but the respiratoy, occupational and pt therapists as well. I've had people tell me not to worry, that it will be covered. And other people tell me they wouldn't do it. The surgeon's office says it's still a go and not to worry.

The reality of it though is as of Nov. 9th my job protection under the FMLA will be expired. That means I could lose my job. I would lose my health insurance also because I cannot afford to pay for it through COBRA. So I would lose my docs, etc. too. Can you see why I'm losing my mind? lol.

I have to, to the best of my ability, get back to work by Nov. 9th. If everything goes okay I should be able to. But the other reality for me is nothing ever goes okay with my surgeries and health.

I know I should only be worrying about my health right now and not the strike and all this other crap. But I can't help it. And I've become so depressed. But today I am just numb. Sitting here numb. Waiting for Arnold to write me back. :)

I'm thinking a big box of See's Chocolates will improve my emotional state so I'm going to go get some. That and a valium.:p

Thanks again, guys and girls. This forum is all I have at times.
Are they dreading putting up with you so much that they are going on STRIKE?????? :eek: :p :D

Oh, I'm sorry, its about money!!! Never mind!!!! :confused: :eek:

Good luck on whichever way you go. Prayers and good thoughts are coming your way.

May God Bless,

Danny :)
HI Peggy,

I just wanted to let you know when I had my AVR in Summit the best care I had was from the traveling nurses, physical therapist, etc. I bet the nurses from Dr. Duzinsky and Dr. Lee's office will be there, they are the best. they spend time in the hospital and in the office. I really don't think you have anything to worry about in ICU or the cardiac step down unit. Just my 2 cents worth.
My French daughter-in-law says the nurses and doctors strike quite frequently in France but the system goes on somehow and the patients do well. The patients always favor the nurses and doctors and want to see them get a nice raise. I don't think they will allow poor care in San Fransicko.
After being up and then being down and being ready and then being shot down and then being good to go......they cancelled my surgery this afternoon. The hospital told me this morning not to worry, that they weren't cancelling any surgeries. Then the surgeon made the call this afternoon. Now it's on for the 24th.

I am so sick to my stomach and dizzy and need to play possum. I can't think anymore right now.

I hate, hate, hate them!!!!!