The philosophy of INR measurement

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Professional Dingbat, Guru and Merkintologist
Nov 4, 2012
Queensland, OzTrayLeeYa
It doesn't matter if you use a Lab or a Coaguchek.

analysis paralysis.jpg

Just measure it with the tools available to you (so, visit the lab or prick your finger) because all of them are better than not knowing (just leave it at Ontology). I think we've all arrived at a very special place; ontologiocally Epistemologically, Chronologically Spiritually, Ecumenically, Grammatically.


all the worst experiences we have with warfarin comes from a time when we didn't even have the idea of INR.

Best Wishes
It doesn't matter if you use a Lab or a Coaguchek.

View attachment 889720

Just measure it with the tools available to you (so, visit the lab or prick your finger) because all of them are better than not knowing (just leave it at Ontology). I think we've all arrived at a very special place; ontologiocally Epistemologically, Chronologically Spiritually, Ecumenically, Grammatically.

View attachment 889721

all the worst experiences we have with warfarin comes from a time when we didn't even have the idea of INR.

Best Wishes

Ah, yes. I remember those times well. When there was no INR, no simple testing, and no real knowledge of Coumadin(warfarin), most Drs were scared to death of it, and we patients had very little, if any, access to meaningful info. Hence, a lot of mistakes were made in the '60s and '70'. I learned the hard way to respect Coumadin(warfarin) when I had my "one and only" glitch (a stroke in 1974). I learned to respect warfarin, unfortunately without help from medical professionals who didn't understand ACT any better than their patients did.......which was zero!. Fortunately, docs know much more today and patients do as well thanks to forums like this one.
Ah, yes. I remember those times well. When there was no INR, no simple testing, and no real knowledge of Coumadin(warfarin), most Drs were scared to death of it, and we patients had very little, if any, access to meaningful info. Hence, a lot of mistakes were made in the '60s and '70'. I learned the hard way to respect Coumadin(warfarin) when I had my "one and only" glitch (a stroke in 1974). I learned to respect warfarin, unfortunately without help from medical professionals who didn't understand ACT any better than their patients did.......which was zero!. Fortunately, docs know much more today and patients do as well thanks to forums like this one.