Thank You to ALL of you!!!!!

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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2005
Happy Summer everyone!! Today is the big ONE year anniversary of my open heart surgery.:D It is such a huge day for me as I NEVER thought I could/would get to this point. I am here to Thank everyone who has made this possible and yes....that means YOU;)
I feel AWESOME!!!! I feel STRONG!!! I am GRATEFUL! I do find it difficult at times to revisit the dark place (early recovery) and have worked hard not to let my mind drift there daily. I also walk 2 miles a day STILL!!!! and have also not had a single cigarette since last June 24th. Another huge milestone in me recovery. I just wanted to post this today as I was a very ungrateful, angry, and such a scared lil thing when I started coming to and today thanks to all of you and your support and info I am living proof that you can make it through even if you are a whimp like me:D :D :D :D. THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH.......YOU WILL NEVER KNOW THE GRATITUDE I HOLD IN MY HEART FOR YOU!!!!! Have a wonderful day!!!!:) :D :) :D :)

One-year is such a milestone for each of us. When it comes, most of us are fully recovered and happy with where we are. I am glad you are in that place.
You are correct about revisiting the "dark place". I try to do that occasionally if I have a bad day since it helps me focus on how far I have come so do not discount it totally - it can be your friend.
I have enjoyed your postings and the off-site friendship we have. I hope both continue for a long time.
May all your roads be easy ones.
Congratulations! I'm so glad you are doing well. I know it has taken self-discipline and preserverance to get to where you are. This site is valuable to all of us and you also did your part. You are not the whimp you thought you were! I think quitting smoking is awsome!

I consider my St.Jude mitral valve as the area of my heart that has already been fixed. It requires a little maintenance sure but I do consider it as "done". An echo tech once said ,"Well, let's see how that St. Jude is working." My immediate reply was that the valve was fine but I had to know how the rest of the heart was doing. It's nice to have that kind of confidence in something that at one time I dreaded having to get.
Congratulations, Hayley. So glad that you are feeling so well and back to enjoying life. You may have gotten a lot of support here, but YOU are the one that did it- Keep smiling!
It's so great to read your post Hayley! I'm so very happy you are doing so well. Don't be a stranger. Come "home" now and again to see if anyone is in need of your success story.
imhayley said:
Happy Summer everyone!! Today is the big ONE year anniversary of my open heart surgery.:D It is such a huge day for me as I NEVER thought I could/would get to this point. I am here to Thank everyone who has made this possible and yes....that means YOU;)

Congratulations on your 1st year milestone, and . . .
Congratulations Hayley!!

Congratulations Hayley!!

You sound great! May the coming years bring more renewed health and of course, all the joy that life can hold.

Christina L
So happy for you, Hayley.... Glad to hear you are doing so well, keep up the good work!!!! Rose
You are an inspiration!

You are an inspiration!

Congratulations, Hayley! Good for you. You are an encouragement to us pre-surgery folks. You must be very proud to have reached this point with strength, determination, and style! Have a great day!


Happy One Year Birthday! You sound wonderful. You also have been a great support to others. I hope you enjoyed your day. You deserve many, many more wonderful days.
:) Hi Hayley...

Congratulations on your 1st Valve Birthday!

I remember back when you were feeling sad about your new valve and wondering how on earth you were ever going to get used to the ticking :) ...

I am so very glad thats no-longer an issue...

I wish you all the very best on your 1st anniversary and 1 year smokefree is excellent too :D ...

Big Hugs

Happy 1 year New Birthday!!!

Make yourself a cake, the kind with thick frosting and pink roses! !:D

:D :D :D :D :D
Hayley! That is a wonderful post. I'm so glad to hear how fabulous you feel!!! I really appreciate your sharing that since it really offers those of us still dawdling through recovery the true notion of success at one year!! My experience has been very, very good.......but in the whole scheme of a year's time.......I definitely "want what you're having!!" :D

Keep that smile shining!!



Hayley, What a delightful post to find here! It is a treat to see you triumph over all those symptoms! I knew you'd do it! The smoking too! Wow! I am so happy, and proud of you. All the best, Brian