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Well-known member
Nov 14, 2005
Miami, FL. I'm not really sure what country this
:D Hi,this is Noni, testing! Thank you guys for keeping Stretch busy so he has been leaving me alone for the last few months. But in honesty, y'all have been a source of encouragement to him. After the surgery I imagine he will continue logging in to the site to encourage other people.

Thank you and I'll keep y'all updated as long as Stretch is not able to type. Don't expect me to be a comedian he is, however, I'm more of a straight shooter! :cool:
Thanks Noni,
We all are looking forward to your postings and Stretch fast and uneventful recovery. My prayers, and best wishes to both of you... :)
Very good to see you checking the communications. He'll do well, Noni. You keep us in touch with his recovery.

Did you get the envelope I sent, or did it arrive there too late?

Very best wishes,
I can't imagine Stretch being gone for too long. I know he'll be chomping at the bit to tell us his story - an we look forward to his description of all the goings on.

Thanks so much for filling in for him and doing a test run. We do wait anxiously to hear the news of our members who are having surgery.

Praying for all the best for both of you. I know it will be a successful procedure.
Thanks for testing, Noni. From on wife to another- "Courage". This too shall pass and he will do fine and back "on your case" before you know it!
Hi Noni. Thank you for the trial run as we'll be anxious to hear about his experience. As you can see, there are many of us out here hooting and hollering for him. He'll do well...we're sure of it!!

I don't know if he got my PM (private message) but I had a lovely talk with Evelyn on Thursday as you were in transit. I just wanted him to know that I did.

Hope you have a pleasant weekend.

Best wishes. Will be thinking of you both on Monday.



you got me. i had to check a calendar to make sure it wasnt dec 11 yet, as i think that is stretch's surgery date, right???? i remembered it becasue it is the day before my 11th anniversary of getting my st jude. hang in there stretch, i'm looking forward to comiserating with you as we recover -- joe
Best Wishes.......

Best Wishes.......

*Very Best of Wishes to Stretch for his surgery on 11th and for an uneventful recovery. Prayers and thoughts to you both. 8)
Nice to meet you Noni!

You and Stretch will be in my prayers and thoughts on his big day. I wish you strength and peace as you wait for the surgeon to come out and tell you that everything went just as Stretch expected it to go.

Stretch Here.

Stretch Here.

So it looks like Noni's ready for the updates.

Bob, I received the envelope and laffed my butt off as I read it. AWESOME! I'm going to keep the contents confidential for now... the valvers-to-be will be the envy of the veterans due to this mystical knowledge that will be passed down along with The Shirt.

Marguerite, I did get your PM... I tried to reply from my Treo handheld to no avail, and we don't have internet in the apt across from the hospital. Thanks so much for calling my mom... I think she's good to go. Thank you also for your words to me about letting her process all this as she needs to... very wise.

Dr. Stelzer said he anticipates the first cut at 8a Monday.

T minus 45:41.

All systems go.
Nice to meet you Noni!!!! You all have thought of everything. I hope you have a bit of fun before the surgery - and a strong uneventful recovery after. We will all be thinking of you both!!!

Best of luck!!!