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Bob Gleason

MY GOD!.........Words cannot express my feelings about this. How vulnerable we are to terrorism.

I was scheduled to go to New York City for an appointment with my cardio at Columbia this morning (which was subsequently changed to tomorrow) but I would have driven to Hoboken directly accross the Hudson River from New York and taken the train (under the Hudson) to the World Trade Center and then another train uptown to Columbia. I was going to leave early and would have been in NYC around 8:30-9:00AM.

As I write this, my son Robbie, who lives in Hoboken, takes the train from Hoboken to New York via the same train system and works midtown New York away from this carnage. He called me awhile ago to tell me he is okay, but stranded in NYC. All bridges tunnels, etc. now closed in and out of the city. I thank God he is okay...........

I pray for those who have perished........Having so many friends who work in New York, some work in the trade center and I pray that they are okay.
Sending love and prayers to all our friends in America, especially those in New York, at this shocking time.
Working at The Trade Center

Working at The Trade Center

Before I made a career change in 1986, I worked at One World Trade Center on the 91st floor. You cannot appreciate the massiveness of these buildings unless you can see them close-up.
Oh Bob, I cannot even imagine what you must be feeling. This is just so incredible. Thank Heavens your son is ok. My prayers are with you and those who are so directly involved in this tragedy.

Looks as though you may have to reschedule tomorrows appointment. Please take care of you.

Oh Bob,

This is just so terrible! Unbelievable! I'm glad your son is okay. Thank God you didn't go there today. My prayers are with you and everyone else involved in this tragedy too.
I work in the Chicago Loop! They evacuated us within an 1/2 hour of coming into work. I'm back hom now, about 62 miles away from downtown! I was scared too, knowing Chicago could be a possible target! Everything is shut down here too, as well as all over the USA! Let us pray!
Bad History

Bad History

This day is and always will one of the most significant days in Americas history. Pearl Harbor is like a simple street fight compared to these incidents.

The thousands of people that have surely perished this day, will be heralded as being an integral part in a new world order.

Lives have been lost. But undoubtedly there will be more. My prayers are with the survivors and the families of the victims.
The Pentagon is burning!

The Pentagon is burning!

I want to say hello to all my heart buddies outside the "beltway".
We live five miles from the Pentagon and the area is shut down and under sort of martial law. I work in Falls Church four miles from the house on a shift starting at 1:00 PM and was called and told to stay home- all Kaiser clinics closed. The hospitals Arlington,
Alexandria, and the big Inova Fairfax are sending all patients home that they can and moving patients out of the ICU's taking in patients most with second and third degree burns. At this time they are still removing severely burnt and injured out of the Pentagon and don't know how many injured and dead are still inside. The Pentagon was hit by American Airlines #77 which took off from Dulles with full gas tanks headed for LA. Nobody knows how they got control of the plane. Pray for the people and God bless America!
Our prayers are with those whom have parished today along with the loved ones of their Families.

Bob G.....you were the first person I thought of upon hearing this news. I am so happy you and yours are ok!

Where is our Bob Franklin in Boston? Please drop us a line Bob.

Going to mass later today to pray for the lives lost and the well being and safety for the US citizens.

God Bless,
We have only just begun to see the devastaion these terrorists have caused. I pray that retribution is quick and swift!!!!

I also pray for those who may have loved ones they have lost and the others with injuries and trauma. The physical and mental scars will be many.
This is a day that will forever be marked in History.

Love to All.
Is the Eagle awakened?

Is the Eagle awakened?

Whoever has done this must certainly know he has awakened a screaming, vengeful eagle. We must not stand for this. This time our own country has been invaded...we must identify with certainity who did this and then expunge them from the face of the earth. If this is Bin Laden and Afghanistan will not turn him in, they should know they are condeming themselves. Prayers for all of us, we need guidance from ABOVE.

What a horrific day. Bob, so glad that your appointment was changed, and that your son is OK. I am out in Los Angeles, and flew out here yesterday morning. My company has issued a notice that is grounding all employees until further notice, the LAX airport now as I type has a bomb alert. They have a suspecious car that may be a car bomb. The whole airport is evacuated. LA city is closed and deserted. I am working just outdide the city limits.

My prayers go out to all those effected by this terrible tragedy.


Hoping for a safe flight home on Friday.
May the Lord guide our Administration & Congress

May the Lord guide our Administration & Congress

Glad to hear all is well with you and yours Bob.
Today has been a terrible day to remember, like remembering where you were when JFK was shot.
I have and will continue to pray for all involved, directly and indirectly. For guidance to those making the U.S.'s decisions and for all of those responsible to understand that they have made a grave mistake.

I am, although concerned about Sharon and Larry F. They live in NYC. Drop us a line guys. Praying for you.

May God Bless our wonderfull Country and all of you,

Ben Smith
Defeating terrorism

Defeating terrorism

A deeply tragic day when more even than precious human life may have perished. In Christianity, in Islam, in Judaism and Hinduism and all our great traditions, there is nothing more reprehensible, more "punishable" by God in ways God knows best, than taking innocent life. One person lost in this way, I think, is in a sense as tragic as ten thousand, yet the numbers bring the tragedy close to so many more people. Let's pray for the souls of those taken so unjustly from us, and for their families, but remember and remind others to pray that we not allow these events to turn us for one moment into race mongers or vigilantes, for then the terrorists will really have had their way.

In the bond,

Thoughts and Prayers are with you all

Thoughts and Prayers are with you all

American Friends ....What a terrible ,horrible day ....just want you all to know that here our thoughts and prayers are with all of you and your Country . I hope all of you and those you love are safe ...and I pray for those who mourn ...
The TV brings the terrible events into our homes here and makes it so personal that one feels helpless in the face of such appalling violence ,and our inability to do anything except express our shock and horror ...
Be Safe and God Bless each and everyone of you and all Americans.


Thank God you're OK, Bob and your appointment was changed!

You too, MATXR!

Try not to replay all of those "what -if'" thoughts today, and go over to a driving range and whack the hell out of a bucket of balls!

God Bless America!

Hi Bob and Friends

I too am deeply shocked and upset at all that has happened today. We watched the TV at work this afternoon in utter disbelief. I feel sick to the stomach with what has happened and the new pictures just made me feel so so upset for all those involved.

Please know that your friends overe here in the UK care VERY much indeed. We are saddened and also angry at what has happened.

All those involved are in my prayers. This is a sad time for many, many people and I'm thinking of you all.

God Bless,

Just spoke to francesca, some times she takes the wtc train. Thank goodness today she did not. She made it into work, and then they all left. It took her five hours to get home. She had to walk most of the way to the ferry. My heart goes out to all those and there families. This has been a day of the worst kind.
Bob, glad to hear you and yours are okay. You're the first person I thought of when I heard. Glad also to hear that Francesca is okay. I can't imagine what must be going on there.


I just wanted to add my most heartfelt condolences to American people everywhere for yesterday's atrocities in New York and Washington. I feel totally stunned by the awful news and no words can sum up how I feel. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
It's hard to know what to say, or do. All who I know are very shocked and devestated by what has happened. My prayers are with you. God Bless.