Teeth Problems Post op

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Supporting Member
Jun 5, 2010
Brooklyn,New York
Has anyone had emergency dental work before 3 months post op. While in the hospital and everything tasted funny started to experience pain in one of my teeth when drinking my hot tea. Had gone to Dentist pre surgery and had all cavities fixed (I thought). Mouth was still feeling like I ate cardboard while I was sleeping so must have woke something up in there. Went home pain gets worse, call surgeon, Dentist , Dentist will not touch unless surgeon says OK Surgeon says nothing invasive for 3 months, take Motrin. Ug 3 months babying the tooth.Feeling pretty good all around 4 weeks post op, brushing teeth twice a day and chewing on one side hurray taste buds are back ,sometimes pain just pop a couple of Motrin. Yesterday working on a lifesaver and what's this ; half of another tooth and of course on the other side. So far no pain keeping fingers crossed, will need to call Surgeon & Dentist on Monday . Otherwise I'm healing good except one of the chest tube holes still icky but getting better.
I have no suggestions but tons of sympathy! I had some fillings put in last year and my molar was never the same. Let the first dentist fix it numerous times, excruciating pain every time anything cold would touch it. Finally switched dentist, ended up w/ new filling, then crown, then root canal, and finally an extraction. 15+ months later. Now it doesn't hurt. Dental problems are no fun, especially when you can't get them fixed. I really hope the motrin keeps helping until you get to the safe zone for fixing it!

I had to have some emergency dental work done when I was between 2-3 months post op. I was really worried about having it done. My cardio told me not to worry about it, but wanted me on antibiotics for a longer time afterwards, can't remember exactly but between 10-14 days, instead of the usual one coarse before dental work. I did fine, turned out to not be a big deal.

Could something have been knocked/shifted during intubation/anesthesia? Agree, dentist needs to at least evaluate what may be going on based on symptoms and what he/she did preoperatively. Best of luck.. hope this resolves soon for you.
Were it me, I'd be visitng the dentist to have it diagnosed and then consulting with surgeon, dentist and cardio the safest way to have those teeth treated. As Ross says, infection in your mouth is very dangerous to your valve. Most OHS surgeons insist on dentist verifying our mouths are infection free before they will operate.
If you are having this kind of pain, and half another tooth has disintegrated, then someone forgot to send you to the dentist before your valve replacement (they're supposed to). If you have or develop an infection in either of those teeth, Ross is spot on: you are endangering your valve and your life.

While there is no evidence that one-dose premedication will keep you from getting infective endocarditis on your valve, there is no reason that a "normal course" of antibiotics (such as KFay was put on) might not work for that effect. I would definitely get together with your surgeon or cardiologist and figure out how they're going to deliver antibiotics to you so you can have your teeth done (in one visit). Seems like you could start the night before and continue for the ten days or so of a normal antibiotic course of treatment.

Their ignorance is showing. In order not to be potentially responsible themselves for a minor risk, they are exposing you to a much more dangerous risk. Within three months of valve replacement (or six months, if root or other aorta portion is replaced as well), the healing, internal wounds are not yet covered with endothelium (inside-the-body skin), and are much more susceptible to infective endocarditis. Please get this moving, and don't take no for an answer.

Best wishes,
Thanks all, calling everyone on Monday and will be assertive. I had gone to dentist pre op and everything had been ok. Bad timing for my teeth . If this is the only problem post op so far I'm very lucky.
I'm worried too that your drain holes haven't healed yet. That's not normal. Have you talked with your doctors about that also?
It just seems that the dentist might have been more thorough, x-rays and the like. As you are finding out, dental work right after heart surgery is a very big deal.

Lily also makes an excellent point: the drainholes should all be only scars now. Have it checked out by one of your doctors.

Best wishes,