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Transesophageal Echocardiogram--they stick a little bitty transducer (a smaller version of the one they use on your chest during a Transthoracic~or regular~echo) down your throat so they can take a closer look at your heart and environs (without ribs and muscle and fat and skin and lungs in the way). Oh...and the patient is sedated.


PJmomrunner said:
Transesophageal Echocardiogram--they stick a little bitty transducer (a smaller version of the one they use on your chest during a Transthoracic~or regular~echo) down your throat so they can take a closer look at your heart and environs (without ribs and muscle and fat and skin and lungs in the way). Oh...and the patient is sedated.

That sounds awful :eek: !!!
From what I hear, the taste of the stuff they use to freeze your throat is just about the worst part. Mine was done right before my surgery in the OR so I don't remember it.
Not at all. They spray your throat with a numbing spray and have you drink some numbing drink. It was a bit difficult for me to not swallow as instructed--choked on my own saliva a bit--but I don't remember anything after that and my only discomfort was a scratchy throat for 3 days or so after the procedure. They give you versed to make you forget about it, although you are conscious. I only vaguely remember talking to the doctor afterwards. I wouldn't know about my aneurysm if I hadn't had it done because the TTE didn't show it! :rolleyes:
Okay, I'll Bite . . .

Okay, I'll Bite . . .

PJmomrunner said:
Not at all. They spray your throat with a numbing spray and have you drink some numbing drink. It was a bit difficult for me to not swallow as instructed--choked on my own saliva a bit--but I don't remember anything after that and my only discomfort was a scratchy throat for 3 days or so after the procedure. They give you versed to make you forget about it, although you are conscious. I only vaguely remember talking to the doctor afterwards. I wouldn't know about my aneurysm if I hadn't had it done because the TTE didn't show it! :rolleyes:

What's a TTE???? :confused:
I've said it before and I will say it again, I liked the taste of the stuff they make you suck on. The spray is rather good also. But then I am a bit warped. :rolleyes:

A TEE is not bad at all, as long as the doc doing it knows what he is doing.
The ONLY thing I liked about my TEE was the detail of the results. Everything else was horrid and I remembered it all. I guess I didn't get enough Versed.
geebee said:
The ONLY thing I liked about my TEE was the detail of the results. Everything else was horrid and I remembered it all. I guess I didn't get enough Versed.
Mom had the same problem, she remembers the entire thing. (Right after I assured her she'd be knocked out for it, too, go figure :eek: ) She's very nervous about having another one before surgery, but we've already told the doc there how the first one was for her, she's been reassured she'll be nicely drugged this go-round. :D
The Doc can control your level of consciousness anywhere from seeing and knowing everything that is going on to not knowing and not remembering anything simply by the amount of Versed given. You WILL need someone to drive you home and will need to stay at home for the rest of the day. Even if you are awake and alert immediately afterwards, you may not remember much of the first few hours so you will definitely want to be in a safe environment, preferably with someone to watch you.

I just had an upper endoscopy (scope down the throat - many times over the years) and colonoscopy. I told my GI Doc "I didn't want to see, feel, or remember anything" and I didn't. I could have done without the valium being added to the mix of versed and demerol...it left me woozy for 36 hours or so.

'AL Capshaw'
When I had my first one the numbing stuff tasted like rotten banana :eek:
They knocked me out pretty well, don't remember a thing. My second one was started while I was asleep... and drugged I guess. I woke up and felt everything for about 5 seconds until another dose of happy juice. I did not experience any sore throat though :D

Whats wild, if I'm not mistaken, they don't really knock you out. Now, you may fall asleep, but they don't put you to sleep. The drugs just keep you from remembering any of it. I've had upper endoscopy for Ulcer, hernia. I remember the spray but don't remember it being yucky... what do they call it when they look at your heart during a Colonoscopy? A Mistake!!!!! lol..... :eek:
Our for the TEE

Our for the TEE

Different doctors seem to take different routes. I had my TEE in May of this year and they completely knocked me out. Whatever they gave me was strong stuff. I didn't care what they did to me, woke up once during the procedure, and was promptly knocked back out again. It made it a simple process - a piece of cake. I told my wife I wanted to go to a restaurant for dinner when we left the hospital.
My TEE wasnt too bad. The stuff the spray is nasty! I had a hard time with that because it made me gag. I was awake for the procedure, and I remember some of the details. I could hear the doctor talking. I could even look up at the monitor. However, for me anyway, it wasnt bad knowing what was going on. I wasnt in pain, didnt notice the tube down my throat and thought that it was all pretty fascinating. Next thing I knew, it was over!

Like everyone said, a lot of it will depend on the doc. I would tell them your concerns before, and I am sure they will work with you to make sure your comfortable. :)
I had my TEE in August 2004......the WD-40 they sprayed in my throat did not do a thing for me....after the 7th spray the Doctor said it would be OK, they promptly knocked me out and while I was out they went ahead and did a heart cath......
My TEE was great. Had the Versed, sprayed the throat, went home a happy camper. Don't recall any issues afterwards.