Team On-X !

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Well-known member
Nov 21, 2008
Coast of Cornwall SW England.
Here it is ..... I am !
Ready or not ... Well, I'm not sure about me but my bike is ready and able to take on an exciting zig zagged journey the length of France !
I've been pretty poorly for the last ten days and almost going to pull the plug on the whole 900 mile ride. But I've put so much time and effort into getting this far that I've decided, with the all clear from my doctor to just go for it ! So I leave next week.
What do you think of my Team On-X shirt !?
Please follow my progress on my blog....
The shirt is great. Good Luck as you leave on your journey. I will most definately be following your progress. I wish you legs that do not tire, the sun on your back and of course your On-X that will keep on ticking.
God Bless You:)
Us Yanks from are chartering a plane and will meet you in Northern France with a bottle of Champagne (I wish). Think of us as you pedal.
Thank you all so much for your well wishes ! Lionheart, that's a fantastic plan !! If I had the money I'd charter that plane for you all ! Wow, that would be a party worth going to, or pedalling to as the case may be ?
Very cool!! I have often thought of trying to talk them into sponsoring an off-road race for my son. We keep waiting for him to truly feel healthy before I approach them.
Good Luck Justin. I'll be looking for your blog. Keep good notes and then send it all to On-X, Kathryn Barnett. She may do a story in their publication about your event and recovery. Love the shirt!
Thank you all very much... Just to clear one point, On-X aren't in any way financing the trip, Catheran has though, kindly gifted me the cycle shirt and some decals and lots of good will.
I'll definately be writing and photographing along the way and posting onto my blog... So long as my laptop can withstand all the lumps and bumps along the way !
Thank you all so much for your well wishes ! Lionheart, that's a fantastic plan !! If I had the money I'd charter that plane for you all ! Wow, that would be a party worth going to, or pedalling to as the case may be ?

Well if Hank would just order the company jet...........:D
Hey! Have great Going.
All the Best.

P.S.Do you take Asprin or othe Anti-Coug?
Hi Vinny, I take Warfarin, about 4mg/day. That reminds me, I must put it on my things to take list !
Thanks for your support, all the way from Delhi, wow ! I bet you get fed up with bicycles there ? What are those little Taxi bikes called that you pedal ? Is it a Tuk tuk ? Maybe my next challenge will be to cycle one of those across a country ? Watch this space !
Thanks too to Tex !
I've just been for a ride tonight, only 12 miles but a couple of long steep hills, pretty easy with the new pedals... All looking good.... Fingers crossed.
I applaud you for the effort you are about to launch on and for your total dedication. Have a safe journey. I'll be reading the blog too. Good Luck