Tachycardia ???

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Well-known member
Jan 21, 2005
Alberta, Canada
Its me again:

More questions...is it normal for BAV patients with moderate AS and AR to have chronic tachycardia. My heart has been beating above 100 bpm for quite some time. Last night I swear it was beating over 140 bpm. I seriously thought I has in afib but I didn't get it checked out because the hospitals in my city are jammed packed with H1N1 patients. I told my husband that if I died in my sleep to tell the kids I love them. Obviously I didn't expire and my heart is not racing like it was last night but it is still beating at a rate of 115 bpm right now. I swear I need to be taken out back of the shed and be shot (just kidding). Lately I have so many health issues I am starting to sound like a hyperchondriac. I did have my BP checked yesterday and it was 131/89 which is high for me. Can things change overnight (8 months since last seeing cardiologist) for BAV patients? Just want to know how fast things changed for some of you patients. I will call my cardiologist if you all feel it is necessary. However it will probably take 3 months to get in and see him...right in time for my next scheduled visit.

You can go into a-fib or have a tachycardia at a moments notice really. There doesn't have to be any trigger and your heart can be fine the day before. I would definitely go get it checked out. Can you get into your PCP quicker? They should at least be able to run a ekg and see what's going on. Good luck.

Call your cardiologist or even family doctor, if needed.

I had tachycardia post-op a couple of times and it was extremely unpleasant -- I couldn't even talk during one episode. My dad called the surgeon's office for me and we were told it was due to a change in BP meds Rxed for 1 month post-op. It did quiet down after about an hour. Had it several more times the first month post-op. Haven't had any more episodes.

Do call your doctor and have him/her check it out.
Definitely let your cardiologist know when this happens.. also, it doesn't sound like you have a b/p machine at home.. I'd recommend one and taking your b/p when this occurs =)
Try holding breath and bearing down

Try holding breath and bearing down

Have you tried this? There's a medical term for it and I can't recall it. I get little runs of tachycardia sometimes and if it lasts more than a couple seconds, I'll do that and (fingers crossed) it has always worked. Afib or tachycardia over a protracted period of hours or days can significantly increase your risk of a stroke. Please get medical attention of the method I mentioned doesn't work. Also, do you have any electrolyte capsules? Maybe even one of those drinks for elderly or infants that contain eletrolyte supplements. Often cardiac rhthym disturbances are related to electrolyte imbalances.

Thanks for the info and the concern. No I haven't tried doing the hold your breath thing...next time it happens I will. The electrolyte imbalance theory really sounds probable. I noticed in the past when my potassium is too low I often get chest pain and arrhythmia. The few times I packed myself to the ER for chest pain my potassium came back low. I will bring up my concerns to both my GP and my cardiologist. I plan on seeing my GP next week. Just so you all know I am not on any meds at this moment. My BP is usually very low. I do not have CAD. I do have LVH and I am very fearful that I maybe going into CHF. I have been feeling more short of breath lately even at rest. I just have the feeling that things just aren't right. I will keep you posted if things get worse or I have a definite diagnosis.
