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What are the symptoms of needing surgery for avr?? I know the stats test wise, but are there any physical or "seat-of-the-pants" type things I can look for???

I currently feel fine, nothing really bothering me. The only thing I notice is a hard heart beat once in a while and some fluttering on occasion (usually when I concentrate on it, feels like I make it happen by stressing).

I haven't had any reduction in physical activity, just out of choice only. (I need to get my butt on the elipto-rider).

Is it better to get it fixed sooner than later?

Also, my echo was done Tues. but no word from Dr. yet (he'll or his assistant will call), the tech whom I see everytime I have an echo said nothing looks different. She said you can live with regurg for years and maybe never need surgery. Okay?
In my case, breathlessness on exertion, extremely tired all the time, and that's about all I noticed. I'm sure you'll hear more.
After I discovered there was a problem I went thru all the tests and also met with the surgeon.
I felt just fine and he said I would know when it was time.
Well he was right.
A few months later it all went downhill almost overnight.
I couldn't breathe,I couldn't walk down the driveway the 100 feet to my mailbox without resting once or twice.
Same thing at work trying to get to and from the parking lot.
Them I knew it was time and we did it.
Hopefully you may never have to go thru this in your lifetime but if you ever do you know where to come for answers and support.
In the meantime just have regular check-ups, I didn't and almost paid the ultimate price for it.
Hi Kevin-

There are several people on this site that felt quite well, even though their valves were seriously impaired. Each person is different.

I sincerely hope that your echo turns out to be something that doesn't need immediate attention.

The decision to have surgery will be something the cardiologist will discuss with you, if he sees things in the echo result that need to be fixed.

In some individuals, the heart can compensate for flaws in its function, but it does so at its own expense. It may enlarge to try to make the blood flow in the right direction, and at some point there will be symptoms. Sometimes there is irreversible damage.

So trust your cardiologist to tell you what the condition of your heart is.

In my husband's case, the symptoms were overwhelming, even though his tests showed only moderate regurgitation.

Every person is a little different, and also there are lots of different kinds of heart problems which can cause trouble.

Please let us know what the results show and good luck!
Hi Kevin!

Hi Kevin!

Nancy is right about how everyone is different. I had severe aortic regurg but had no synptoms at all. It was a fluke that they heard the murmur. They first told me that surgery could be 6 months away or 20 years. They were just going to watch it since I had no symptoms and there was no damage to the heart yet. That wasn't enough for me, so I went for another opinion and they found that I had a dissection that made the valve prolapse. I then developed an aneurysm. All that and I had no symptoms. There are other people on this site that have had symptoms such as short of breath, dizziness etc....You really need to talk to your doctor and get as much info from him/her as you can. Ask alot of questions. If you are not satisfied with the answers you are getting, find another doctor who will answer them. Good Luck and Take Care!

thumping heart

thumping heart

Hi Kevin,

Just like Gail, I had no ill efects at all before my AVR, and my problem was also only diagnosed by chance. The one symptom I did have was a 'thumping' heart when I laid down in bed. I had always assumed it was natural, and my wife, who could hear it clearly, assumed that I could hear her heart too!

But as Nancy says, we're all different.

Good luck,

I am so glad that all of you are here, sharing your advice!! It gave me the courage to seek the 3rd opinion. I sort of feel like I'm going through what Rich went through. Feeling "ok" at my cardio appointment in Aug. '01, then this past August I started having shortness of breath, fatigue, chest pains, & swelling in neck. I go for the 3rd opinion in early Jan & will keep you all posted.

If there is one thing I've learned so far it's "listen to your body!!" No one knows it better than you. Recently I had a CT of my neck because I felt like it was swollen a lot & sometimes a little painful. I called my Dr's office for the results and was told it was "normal". When I got the results mailed to me, it said "normal" but then said there are 2 cysts in the right sinus. (is that normal????). Has anyone had any recent sinus surgery? I was just wondering if they've found a way to make it less invasive & painful.


Have you been to see a surgeon yet? My cardio wanted me to wait a year or more, because I was asymptomatic with the exception of some mild fatigue. Although he said my heart function was "normal", I had severe aortic regurgitation, mild mitral regurgitation, and an aortic root aneurysm. I just could not except that as "normal."

I took the initiative to visit a surgeon I trusted. I found him to be much more frank about the risks of waiting and compromising the function of the heart muscle. He advised that I have the surgery within months. I'm glad I listened to him.

A TEE that he scheduled before my surgery revealed more heart enlargement and thickening than the previous echos had shown. On July 17, 2001 I had AVR, mitral valve repair, and aortic root reconstruction.

After my surgery, the surgeon told me that my heart was near the limit before irreversible damage would set in. In other words, I had the surgery just in time. In just 1 1/2 years from my surgery, my left ventricle size has decreased from the upper limits of normal to mid-range normal. My ejection fraction is normal. I run 10 to 15 miles a week. I am not perfect, but I am much better than I would have been if I had not listened to a trusted surgeon with a proven record!
I had a congenital bicuspid valve that gave me no problems until I was 46. Up until that time I had always been active and participated in a variety of sports.

Over about a six to nine month period I gradually started developing shortness of breath and fatigue after mild exertion.
At first I wrote the symptoms off to other things (work, travel, etc.), but they got progressively worse to the point where I couldn't climb stairs, walk any distance, or even stand for any period of time. If I forced myself to do something I would end up soaked in perspiration and completely fatigued afterwards.

My surgeon found that my valve was much more calcified than expected. He said it one of the worst ones he had seen and that my symptoms actually should have been a lot worse than they were. I ended up developing a bit of left ventricular hypertrophy, but fortunately didn't do much permanent damage.

The only time I notice any wierd heartbeats or thumping is when I concentrate on it and usually I'm holding my breath to listen to it. Of course, I notice it worse now that it is this time of year (my yearly appointment time).

I feel the same as I did 2 years ago, but I don't want to have irreversable damage.

He still hasn't called me about the echo, I tried his office but the nurse was out, and I guess this is who will talk to me about it.

It must not be that big of a deal cause they haven't called me back. Maybe it looked the same as last time.

My freakin' dentist shot me up w/ numbing stuff today, so much that my whole face is numb. I need to tell him to lighten up on that crap!! I think it affects some more than others and I'm certainly affected A LOT!!!

I heard that gum health is related to strokes and heart health on the news today. I knew this was true when having work done but I didn't know brushing my teeth was good for my heart. Wish I could brush something and make my valve better :).
Be persistent with the medical stuff!!

Re: the dentist, did you take your antibiotics before your procedure? (I hope so).

During my recent trip to the dentist to have cavities re-filled, the dentist shot the "numbing stuff" in a nerve that affected my swallowing. It was pretty was a good thing that he wasn't working on both sides of my mouth or I would have been in real trouble. Luckily I was able to swallow a bit. He then noted it in his chart the effect of hitting that nerve. Has anyone else had this experience? I wonder if it's going to be the same when he does the other side??
Hi Kevin!
I wanted to let you know that I sometimes feel what is an extra beat. It kind of feels like a flutter or flip flop. It doesn't happen much, usually just when I am thinking about it or really paying attention to it. I had these before and after my surgery. Before my surgery my doctors were never concerned about them. Then when I found out I had a problem, I thought maybe the extra beats had something to do with the problem. It turns out it didn't. The docs at Cleveland saw my extra beats and didn't seem concerned at all about it. They always used to check my rhythm and that was fine, just an extra beat in there. My family doctor had told me that the heart has extra beats all the time but you usually don't even notice them. I don't know if this is what you are talking about, but if you are concerned about it, you should definately talk with your doctor.

Take Care!
Hey Kevin, I didn't have my aortic valve replaced, I had my mitral valve replaced. I will be honest, I used to smoke, and a few times when I would be outside smoking, my heart would pound almost out my chest. I would also have angina attacks that would hurt BAD for like 30 minuites or more. I would have this tightening in my chest that ould hurt, and my arm would just get like a cramping in it all the way down and my legs would go numb. I just thought I was too young to have heart disease. It took me almost dying to find it...I would sleep on the couch upright because laying down flat made me short of breath...I had a cough that was hacking, I was always tired, and my O2 levels were at like 80% and my heart would race at over 130BPM. IT ws aweful. I was pregnant at the time. Other than the pregnancy, that is what you will sort of feel. Just keep looking out for those symptoms, and feel free to ask any questions!