Surgical Scar

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I understand your feelings. I have had to deal with my heart all my life. And when I first started teaching I had wondered if I should tell my principal that I even had a heart problem. But as it turned out, the first principal I had knew me from my childhood and had no qualms about hiring me. The second principal I had I did not tell. However, on the first day of the new school year I found out that one of my references told her that I had heart problems (that REALLY bugged me!). However, she hired me, too. My third principal (in as many years) was our assistant principal last year. So he already knew about my heart, especially after I had to have emergency pacemaker surgery in the middle of the year last April. At the beginning of the year I felt like he was hovering over me, almost looking over my shoulder. I was probably just paranoid, because he was giving a teacher friend of mine a hard time when she had to go to the dr about her MS. However, when I had my episode on Friday that sent me to the ER, I felt better that the office staff already knew, so I wouldn't have to explain that on top of what was currently happening.

I do have students that tell me my scar looks "gross" but I just explain to them that if I didn't have it I wouldn't be here, then change the subject. Most of my students know I have some sort of heart problem, but I don't think they really think of it as an immediate threat. They just think it's "cool" that all my organs are on the oposite side and that a machine makes my heart beat. And once in awhile I give them a little bio lesson they actually find interesting (and I'm their theatre teacher). I've never had a parent make a comment about my heart problems (other than the parent of my student who HAS heart problems, and that was a positive comment). It stinks that you have. Feel free to vent about those jerks anytime.
14inches,2 chest tubes & pacer wires

14inches,2 chest tubes & pacer wires


I have a nice long scar that runs a 14 inches from just about even with my collar bones to about 4 inches above my navel. I had my surgery just over 14 months ago. I have been using a thing that was recommended by my doctor to make my scar fade. This is called Curad Scar therapy. This is available over the counter in a pharmacy, usually with the band-aids. This has worked real well for me. This bandage is a preuuure typr dressing that is like the bandages used for burn patients, it pushes the blood away from the skin and fades the scar.

My two cents worth

My two cents worth

Okay I've gotta weigh in on this scar/bra thing. Ladies, Hanes makes a knit bra that is very, very comfortable and forgiving to incisions. It is a pullover type.. no thick elastic, no hooks.

Okay... that out of the way, about the scars: I have six of them on my chest. The heart surgery scar is like John's, a mini and barely noticeable two years later. The other five are from mastectomy and subsequent breast reconstruction. I plan to use vitamin E oil on these as I did with my heart scar. Don't spend a lot on creams, oils, etc. ... just buy the capsules and break them apart.

John.. your "eyes" (drain tube scars) will fade with time. I can hardly see mine now at all..... it is like losing an old friend... lol

Take care,
I remember thinking, as I lay in my hospital bed last winter, that I would just wear a tee shirt when ever I went to the pool of beach from then on due to the scar on my chest. When I got back to swimming I forgot about it and no one seemed to notice. It does show when I wear an openned neck shirt, but comfort has to come first
Right on,Bonnie.... burn the bras!

Right on,Bonnie.... burn the bras!

Tom Harrison has the right idea... ?comfort has to come first?. I still wear the same clothes I wore before the surgery. I don?t really care who sees my scar. And if someone asks me a question I don?t feel comfortable with .. they get a very short answer. I?m thinking about the post I just replied to about wearing a medical ID. I complained about having to do that... I didn?t wanna wear a tag saying I had a problem. But the scar is a different deal... it?s part of me... and I like me, scars and all.

My scar is ten inches long... very thin except right at the bottom. And has faded very nicely. :)

Hey, you oughtta see Bill Hall?s scar. Totally amazing!
