Surgical Scar

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Creed3 Supporter
Supporting Member
Sep 12, 2002
I know this might sound like a really silly question, but it is about the surgical scars. My scar goes from the collarbone right to about 4 inches above my belly button. I also have one to the right of my chest where they had me hooked up to the heart lung machine. It's about four inches long. I feel like Frankenstein. Do they ever fade and how well do they fade? I feel like I will have to wear turtle necks for the rest of my life. Don't get me wrong, I am thankful that I had the surgery, I am just wondering what kinds of clothes to wear from now on.

I'm in the same predicament. The scar fades somewhat, but it will always be visible. On my last surgery (July) they had to trach me and the scar from that is just below my adams apple and I can't cover it. It looks like someone shot me in the throat.

If your allowed, apply some vitamin E lotion to the areas. People say it helps.

On the other hand, why don't we apply bolts to our necks, take our shirts off and scare the villagers away on Halloween?
PCP told me

PCP told me

Friday..just to rub mine..It still itches. I do have Vitamin E cream..Ross, let's go all the way and be completely naked for Halloween and it really would scare the dickens out of the trickers.:p :p :p :p :p Bonnie:D :D
I want to go to Bonnie and Ross's house trick-or-treating and have my camera ready when they answer the door! Then I'll find some website to post the pictures on!!! Won't that be cute???
As far as the scar goes, my surgery is just shy of 2 months but it has faded (from glowing red to a soft pink) and is not near so prominent as it was. I know that I'll always have the scar and I wear it proudly. I think of what could have been....and the scar doesn't bother me at all. I have worn shirts that show the top of my scar and I don't know what I'll do next summer about a bathing suit - but for years I've been beyond the 2-piece bikini thing, so a one piece is what I usually wear anyway.
Bonnie, you and Creed will identify with this, but Ross won't = the thing that really bothers me about my scar is my BRA......I have to wear one when I'm out and about, but the thing really irritates my guys, consider yourself least you don't have that to worry about that.
Creed, all things heal with time. Some things don't go away, but they fade.....
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I burned my bras when I came home from hospital. I think Ross did too..:D :D I discovered black Bali type crimosoles sp? work wonderful under all pull over shirts..and any cute spegetti strap type pull-over under a button down blouse.shirt. No way to wear a bra. Would cut me just where my thickest scar is..Swinging Granny now:D :D :D Type some sport bras too. Bonnie


Hide it?no way.When I'm really out and about I'm going to find one of those stores that prints things on t-shirts and have one made up with the large open heart like the one I got at the hospital to hold against my chest,and HVR printed on it.
Way back when,a duelling scar was considered a badge of courage,well these are our badges of love for life and all that goes with it.
Tale of 2 scars

Tale of 2 scars

I have 2 major scars:

The first is from my splenectomy from Hodgkin's in 1980. I goes from the bottom of my breastbone to 4" below my navel. It's a red-colored keloid scar about the width of my little finger.

My valve surgery scar goes from the top of my breastbone to 2" below it, and they cut into my other scar at that point. I can barely see my 6-month old scar.

So, my 22-yr scar still very prominent, but my 6-month old scar I can barely see. I don't know what the difference would be.
That's it, I'm going on a ban the bra and ban the clothing protest.
I'll just have to remember the next time the cops are chasing me when I'm streaking, not to run into a briar patch. THAT HURT!!! :eek:


Yeah, I haven't worn a bra that often myself. Usually just when I go out. I find the sports bras are a little more comfortable, but totally forget the underwire. They make me look better but they sure do irritate the scar. I guess I will just have to get used to the idea of having the scar. Again, I am very glad that my condition was caught and I had the surgery. I guess it is just another area of the surgery that I have to come to grips with. I'll get there slowly but surely.

Take Care!
Sure you will get there. No doubt about it! I look back at my posts that I made just weeks ago and think "did I really feel that way/that bad?" But, sure, I felt like that and needed reassurance from people who have "been there, done that"- that what was happening to me was "normal" - at least for people who have gone through open heart surgery. I know that this website has helped me sooooo.... much. My doctors are wonderful people and I trust them completely. BUT, there's such a thing as = my doctors have not gone through open heart surgery themselves - sure, they've heard complaints/moans/groans from a lot of other patients, but it really takes moaning and groaning to people who HAVE had what you've had. Those are the people who REALLY understand and to me, that is what this website is all about.
So, whether is be about a bra, how soon do you start driving, why am I so tense, why do I feel foggy/dull - whatever the question is, it makes it so much better when you've vented/shared/whatever......and someone out there writes back and says, "Yeah, me too."
Ain't life great?
Hi Creed,

My scar has faded (one year, 5 months), but is still quite noticeable. The incision was opened up again the day after surgeryfor the surgeon to go back in and try to stop excessive bleeding. I am sure that made things worse! I am a teacher also, and the kids will ask about it often if I have on a top with a neckline that allows it to show. At first, I wouldn't wear anything that showed the scar, but now I figure "what the heck!" I went through a lot for this battle scar and I am not going to worry about it! There are still plenty of other heart related things to trouble me! I do frown away from necklaces though. They seem to draw attention to the scar. I am now into braclets!!!! In addition to the chest scar, I have a small scar from the central line by my collarbone, the chest tube scar, and two scars where drainage tubes were inserted (at the base of my ribcage)......oh in my groin area (about an inch) where the heart pump was attached.

Things will get better!!


Been there with the students making comments about the scar. I didn't have that problem last year, because the scar was 4 years old and pretty well faded (though some people noticed it even then). But after my VR this summer it is VERY noticable and I refuse to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe just so the kids will stop asking their questions. After all, it gives me a chance to educate them, and isn't that what teachers are meant to do??? ;)
Hey there,
If the scar really bothers you and you want to wear a low cut blouse or tank top consider theatrical makeup. There are all kinds of ways they use it. People that have been burned in fires also resort to this method. If it means the difference between wearing a turtleneck in the dead of summer or feeling great about that tank top, I would contact someone along those lines!!


The little ones, kindergarteners, are the most inquisitive! They always ask. The 4th graders and up, usually stare, and some ask! Last summer, I felt like everyone was know, even strangers in the grocery store. I hardly think about it anymore.....if I notice someone looking, I just let them wonder!

I have a student this year who saw my scar, pulled his neckline down and showed me his! He had open heart surgery at 2 years of age. We have something in common now!
I also have a student this year who has had heart surgery. She was 5 at the time. I actually found out through her other teachers. So I approached her and told her that I had heart defects too, and had had my first surgery when I was five. Later I met and talked with her mother and she said that her daughter was very excited to have a teacher who was "like her." She (the student) even came to my room a couple of days after I had talked to her to tell me thank you for telling her about my heart because it made her feel really good. She reminds me so much of myself when I was her age (6th grade). But she's a lot more extroverted than I was back then. :)
I have a student this year who saw my scar, pulled his neckline down and showed me his! He had open heart surgery at 2 years of age. We have something in common now!
Beware of thee who walks behind the rows! It's looking like there are more of us then there is of them. :D
For the pre-op folks who may read this thread, I will point out that there are some surgical options which will reduce the size, location and visibility of your scar.

A full sternotomy (where the entire sternum is split) is favored by many surgeons because it gives them the largest access to the heart. In recent years minimally invasive approaches have increased in frequency, and I will describe the procedure I had, called a "mini-sternotomy."

Only the lower portion of my sternum was split; at the top of the incision (just below where a tank-top would end) is where they "t-ed" the sternum, leaving the upper part intact. This method gives good exposure to the aorta and valve. In addition to having this shorter incision, you can discuss with your surgeon a "cosmetic close." My incision, now 4 months old, is about the width of a piece of string, and in some places is becoming barely visible. My regular doc says that within a year it will be nearly invisible. Now, some of this varies with individuals and how their skin reacts to scarring. I'm not sure everyone can get this result, but I do know that if you inquire, there are more options available than a surgeon will initially tell you about. I have no itching or pain from the incision, and when I wear a chest heart rate monitor for heavier exercises, there is no discomfort at all (this hits the chest about where a bra would, so I'm guessing this might work well for women).

The incisions where the two drainage tubes went in are actually more visible than the sternotomy scar. I'm hoping those fade a little more, but they are quite small.

hi Creed3

hi Creed3

I can sympathise with your feelings about your scar ...I already had 3 big scars on my chest as well as 6 drain tube scars and scars down in my groin ...the Surgeon said that he would use the same area as the down the front scar and make it better ..I'm wondering what planet he lives in ...yes the new one is finer across the way ..but is much longer and it is squint comes much higher up than my previous ones and I am not happy about that ...while I understand that some people are happy and proud of their scars I've had a lifetime of children and adults expressing their views on my scar ..some (the other kids ) found it disgusting and I feel just because I have a scar I should not have to explain my medical history to complete strangers . I had a lifetime of being the village "Blue Baby " or "Heart child " and I don't wish to be known as the teacher or adult who had heart surgery . One parent has already expressed her worry that I may have a heart attack in the classroom . My feelings are that as long as the Drs say I am fit to return to work ..when I do I want to be judged as the teacher I am ..not as the teacher who had heart surgery.
Sorry to be down beat ..but I really have had a lifetime experience of this and it has clouded my judgement. I live in a small community and have been astounded by how people I don't even know feel they have the right to stop me in our local store to ask me personal medical questions they should not be asking a stranger .
Sorry for venting ...I am as you have noticed into personal privacy LOL
Take care
Pictures of Reunion

Pictures of Reunion

Scottie..Print off the pictures of reunion in Las Vegas and takeback to school with you..and tell all the people what fun to go on valereplament reunions and you are hoping to attend next year's in Chicago.bonnie:D :D :D
hi Bonnie

hi Bonnie

Maybe I'll take in a box to go with it for donations ...they might be so glad to see the back of me they'll contribute for a one way ticket LOLOL