surgical glue questions

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I had my AVR on the 14th and my incision was closed up with surgical glue,and already its starting to flake up and even come off in a couple spots.. The very bottom part has already came off a bit,and looks fine where the glue is gone,and a spot rubbed off today where my bra lay--first time Id put a bra on since surgery,went to church so wanted to wear one and did fine w/ it,didnt hurt or anything but it rubbed the glue off in a spot it looks fine in this spot too..

Just curious as to whats normal when it comes to this glue,its also flaking up apart from my skin at the top of the incision. I suppose this is all normal but wanted to ask here too :)

otherwise things are going well.

Might take a while to get a response. I'm don't recall anyone else having been glued. Are you Humpty Dumpty? :D
Dick also had surgical glue and was told to just keep washing it off. When he went to his 6 week check-up, the doctor's assissant said "what's this?" and peeled off some more.:eek:
I had surgical glue. and it come off like dead skin. I'm now 11 weeks out and have no problems. So Good News Your Normal!!!
I was "glued" also, but I don't remember any flaking. I was too busy trying to keep the chest tube holes from bleeding!
I would call and ask the surgeon's office if you had any questions.
I was glued 13 days ago on 6/13 and a couple of places have started to flake/peel. I'm trying to force myself to leave it alone and only peel off the loose parts, but it is sure tempting to peel more! :D
gadgetman said:
I'm a "glueie" too!!!!!!!:p :p :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


And just think, maybe for a few dollars more, we could have had the surgeon strategically place some glue elsewhere!!! :p :p :p :D :D :D
How does the scar look after being glued? I've heard that it's nice and thin.

I have my PVR on July 14 (2 weeks and 4 days!), and am hoping that my surgeon uses surgical glue on me.
glue here too. At least on the outside. I'm sure there were stitches deep inside.

I had very little flaking and no separation. It all healed perfectly.
pfsinger said:
How does the scar look after being glued? I've heard that it's nice and thin.

I have my PVR on July 14 (2 weeks and 4 days!), and am hoping that my surgeon uses surgical glue on me.

i think it depends on the person and how many surgeries they had, justin was glued (there is a picture of him 2 days post op on his photo page) he old scar were pretty big to the actually did a scar revision, it looked nice and thin at the beginning , but then parts of it, got keloidy (how's that for an adjative? lol), so parts are thin parts aren't. if your scars are big from the past surgeires I would definately ask if they could do a scar revision when they are closing you. It made a big difference w/ Justin's, he saw a female resident preop and she was the one that asked if he would like them to make his scar look better, I often wonderred if a male would have asked the same thing.
his other surgeies he was glued to but had a strip on gauze like material glued w/ it, lyn pcture on bottom of photo page
I was glued. When I went to see the surgeon at roughly 2-3weeks out for a follow up they peeled it completely off. What a difference.:)
I was glued over 14 years ago. I think this would make a great t-shirt.

"I'm Glued!"


I had steri-strips over the glued incision, but my glue held very well. I was bathing when I got home from the hospital.
I got glued too. Mine all came off within two weeks. Everything healed up nicely though.