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Aunt Granny

Well-known member
May 30, 2003
Justin, Texas
Well I got back from my echo today. The doctor says it is time. Which means I guess that we start doing all the prep work. I am scheduled for a heart cath on December 3. This will determine if I can wait until January or not. January is when I would like to have it done. That way all the stress from the holidays are over. My family is more afraid than I am. For me it is because of yall:) that most of my fears have been calmed. I don't know what I would do without yall:D . I don't worry about dying, or the surgery itself. I worry about being able to go back to work. My husband is on disablility and my income is the only one we have. That scares me far more than the surgery.:p .

Anyway just thought I would give yall the update! :p
You are not new in feeling a responsibility for family finances. There are many people here in that position. The fact is you need the surgery and will feel better after it is done. Don't try to hurry back to work before you are ready. You are better off just taking your time. Meanwhile, the wait is the worst. There is lots of time to think about all the things that could go wrong...just try to think about the positives. Use the time to organize for when you come home. I cooked extra meals and shopped for extra food. I also planned quiet projects that needed to be done for my recovery period.

You will do great!! I'm happy to hear things are moving along.

Aunt Granny let me put this into perspective for you a little. Without this surgery, you would not be around in awhile, therefor being the breadwinner really wouldn't be a consideration, since you wouldn't be around for anyone. You kind of have to think of it like this, plus it isn't a lie, it's the truth.

You'll be able to return to work. It just won't be in a matter of days like most people would like. In my experience, give it 2 months or more. If you have temporary disability coverage from your employer, make use of it. The last thing you want to do is jump back into the game too early and back slide.

One other thing, once you've had this surgery, you may have a whole new look at life and what is and isn't important. Jobs come and go, people live and people die. Being a survivor and alive puts a spin on everything else.

Please realize that I'm not discounting your position. I know where your coming from since my wife and I are in the same boat. Your surgery and recovery are way more important now then any job can be. Without you, what is a job anyway? It's not going to do anything for your SO then. ;)
Dear Aunt Granny,
Listen to these people and have faith. These folks are wise way beyond their years. We all will be with you
I think sometimes it's harder on family members because they don't get all the information we do, nor process it the way we do because we know what our bodies feel like. Tell them that this is a good thing! 60 years ago and you would have been just plain out of luck. Now you can have the procedure and lead a normal life.

all my best wishes,
I agree with you that it seems to be easier on us. Your right when you say we have first hand knowledge to how we feel. I am going to take real good care of myself and I have alot of family and friends to support me. Also the folks at work are just great. I work in a small office and they are all wonderful. Thank you all and I promise I will not worry about finances or anything else for that matter. I am just ready to move on and get better so I can enjoy my honorary grand baby. One of these days I am going to post a picture of the most BEAUTIFUL baby in the world.:D . Thanks again guies
Hi Aunt Granny-

You have a wonderful attitude. You'll do very well with your surgery, and you'll be back working as soon as you've healed enough. It's good to get it over with, and if it can wait until after the holidays, that is good, but if the doc says it needs to be done, then go and get it over with so it isn't hanging over your head any longer.

You can always have a "special" holiday celebration when you're feeling more like yourself, just to celebrate the new you.

As far as the holidays and all the excitement that goes along with them, I hope you will not try to do too much. Overdoing at this point to make others happy might be very hard on you. Just take it easy this year, let other do for you, next year Woo-Hoo!
Aunt Granny,
I had to come to the realization of the others who have posted on this thread - it's only a job & it's only money. I had a plan for my Real Estate business, and it did not invlove AVR this year or next! Then it went from the future to now - so I had a new plan to get me into December. Then my surgeon said now or much later - so I went from years to months to days in less than 2 weeks.

I love being in control and having a plan. I spent the last two days trying to accomplish everything I was going to do the next 4 weeks. But I told my broker today I'm pretty much done. I'm going to lay back and let it happen and pick up the pieces 3,4,5 weeks down the road.

We aren't much use to our families sick and near death - might as well take some time to get better, whether we can afford it or not.
I've been broke before:cool: I'll probably be broke again. But I'll at least be ticking (actually, with my planned bio valve, probably not)
Aunt Granny,
I've re-learned from the family here that it makes little sense to agonize over things we cannot control. That said, I'm a Class-A control freak and have several times tried to plan this all out. Can't do it -- it isn't in my hands and I just have to give it all over to The One Above, who has the whole plan.

Do your best, then have faith that the rest will take care of itself.
Aunt Granny:

I agree with what's been said by others.
When a cardiologist told me 4/29 that I needed surgery, based on an EKG and echo, I was in shell shock and said I'd like to delay it until the end of the year. He said he didn't think I could.
I was hyperventilating about costs of the surgery, taking time off from work, putting my life on hold, etc.
When I began having problems walking, talking, working, sleeping, etc., I knew I had to have surgery ASAP or else I wouldn't be around much longer.
I did some checking into my insurance, other things, and learned everything would be OK.:D :D

Have sent you a private message.