surgery postponed

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maggie wright

Dear Friends,

We got a call from the surgeon today who postponed the surgery which was supposed to be Monday. The reason was his partner is ill and he is taking over all patients and some are sicker than Bob and need his time. His nurse is supposed to call Monday to reschedule. A lot of phone calls had to be made because so many people has changed there schedule to be at the hospital.
We wanted to get this done so he could enjoy Thanksgiving so I hope it can be soon.
Hi Maggie
so sorry to hear that your husbands surgery has been put back, You prepare yourself and the it get's put back,it must be stressful for you both,Hopefully you will get a new date soon,

Kind thoughts
Jan ( surgery planned for Nov 7th )
Hi Maggie,

What a bummer huh? Yes, always such a disappointment when something happens and everything has to be rescheduled. I understand the frustration. The waiting is the most difficult part of it all.
I hope it will happen before Thanksgiving. Keep us posted.

Aortic Stenosis
AVR's 8/7/00 & 8/18/00
St. Jude's Mechanical
hi maggie!
something similar happened to my husband, joey. his surgery was set for sept. 12th, the day after the wtc attck!
we were in the city for pre-op when the whole thing happened. in the scheme of things, postponing the surgery a week was small potatoes compared to seeing those towers collapse from the surgeon's office.
still, the waiting is by far the worst.
we thought of it as "found time". we got to spend a nice weekend with our daughters and each other.
now that it's behind us, i can honestly agree, the waiting is truly the worst.
try and get through the next few days as best as you can. try to think of it as a gift of some extra time to try and relax and get some sleep.
good luck and be well.
God bless you ,
MaGGie, if you check in to Jan's post, you have company. Hers is delayed, too. A low blow when you get everything planned and all ducks in a row and then your date stands you up! Hang in - it will happen. God bless