Surgery is scheduled

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Duke called and after a very long question and answer session they scheduled surgery for Jan.3...I have a sore throat and feel Im getting a cold and they want me on antibiotics and rest so I get rid of it before surgery.

I go in Jan 2 for a catherization and pre-ops. We will spend the night at a hotel nearby and go back next morning for surgery. We opted on the pig valve (cant remember appropriate name) due to my age and health, they feel its in my best intrest to use the pig valve.

Im just ready to get it over with.
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Well Alicia, you know that we are all standing beside you and praying for you and an uneventful, short, easy recovery. You sound almost as bad as me. Getting sick before surgery that is. Mine got rescheduled because of it, so if your not feeling well by that date, don't go through with it. Make them reschedule.

Can someone post on your behalf while your out? :)
Hi Alicia-

Well, that's not too long to wait. Just gives you enough time to get things ready and get over the holidays. It's good to have some end to your problems, isn't it. You'll be fine and will be feeling better.

Take care,
Hey Ross, Its just my luck getting sick now. My friend Lisa can post for me to let you guys know whats happening. :confused:
I also had my surgery in Jan (the 10th). It is good to recover in the cold, getting ready for the spring. After my surgery in Cleveland, I went down to a house that I own on the Outer Banks, a nice area to get better. I was also sick just after my surgery. Just think, there is very little chance of that happening to you. Good luck, I will be praying for you.
Just checked to see if Ross (or someone) is on the ball and sure nuff you are in the calendar.

Well, at least you can have the holidays without pain and soreness and that's good. Enjoy them. Take care of that cold and maybe get on some antibiotics. We all didn't want Ross to go when he did as he wasn't totally over his. But your dr will make that decision.

Anything you need to know about your hospital stay? We will have answers to any questions. We are pushy that way, you know.

God bless
How long will I be on the ventilator? Im dreading that. I was on it for several days after my last heart surgery. What is the normal amount of time ones on it?

Even with a pig valve wont I still be put on Coumadin for awhile?

Whats the name of the pig valve, I forgot?

Lots of questions, just cant think of anymore right now.

My GP put me on Zoloft today and Xanax as needed. Seems to think Im depressed and have anxiety. Does anybody out there take Zoloft and if so, what are side effects? How long to get in system? He said most heart patients for some reason are on anti-depressents. True?
Best wishes and thoughts for you. Hope you don't become ill so you can get this done with and move on! Have a great holiday and don't know how many people are with you.
AVR ' 93 / '95
Hi again Alicia

The vent-Ideally, only about 12 to 24 hours. It depends on your body, as you well know.

With the pig valve, I believe they do anticoagulate you for a short period of time after surgery. Anyone else want to elaborate here?

Pig Valve-Porcine or Pork, Bovine or Beef.

I'm beginning to think it's standard practice for these Docs to place surgical patients on anti depressants and such. For some people, that may help. For me, it nearly drove me out of my mind completely. It usually takes a week or two, sometimes longer, for the drugs to do what they're supposed to do. I can't tell you about Zoloft, they had me on Paxil and Ativan. In fact, they had my body addicted to the Ativan.

I'm sorry, like I said, for some, those drugs are alright, but I'd stay clear of them if possible. If it's not possible, don't even try to stay clear of them. You need to be relaxed, but not driven mad.


After my last surgery (aortic and pulmonary valve replacements using host human valves) they didn't put me on blood thinners but they did put me on steroids so my body wouldn't reject the valves. Let me tell you by the time I got home from the hosp. I was bouncing off the walls. I had surgery on Tues. and came home on Sat. Mon. morning I got up and started scrubbing my kitchen floor on my hands and knees. I had a false sense of being able to do anything. Anyway that feeling left about noon that day and I was on the couch for the next couple of days. I was on these steroids for about 6 weeks and when they started to ween me off of them I went into a major depression. The doctor told us that was pretty normal. I'm so glad you've got your day set. Make sure you get better. Peggy


I have been on zoloft for ten years and it has been very effective. No side effects period. Good Stuff! My physician tells me there is no problem with zoloft and my coming mitrol V surgery.:)