Surgery in 4 days

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Gary Snodgrass

I am a new member as of 3/4/02. I will be undergoing AVR and ascending aorta replacement on 3/8/02. I have decided after much reading, thinking, and discussion to go with a mechanical valve. I am 43 and do not like the prospect of multiple surgeries required for tissue valves. Of course being on Coumadin indefinitely doesn't appear to be a picnic either! I have looked into the Medtronic freestyle valve but the clinical data just isn't there yet (~ 7 years longitudinal data) and I'm not willing to take the risk. I wanted to thank all of you for the information on this site. I have found it useful to read about other's experiences and used the information in discussion with my cardiologist and surgeon. I will try to update following my surgery.
Hi Gary

Welcome to the site. You'll find lots of helpful information here including choice of heart valve, though you seem to have made up your mind. I was in the same predicament as you. Didn't fancy being on Warfarin for the rest of my life and didn't want to face more surgery. However at the age of 40 I chose to have a tissue valve and will face more surgery in 10 to 15 years. I don't have to take any medication though. Hopefully there will be something new on the market by then which will last a lifetime and not require any medication. I am now 8 weeks post op and doing well. I have my checkup with the surgeon on Friday. Good luck for your surgery and hope someone can post for you to let us know how you are doing.
Hi Gary,

Welcome and I hope you'll come back often.
I also have a mechanical valve and received the St. Jude's. My first valve was a "Sultzer Carbomedics". Read my personal story as why I had a second AVR.
The "Sultzer Carbomedics" valve was much louder than the St.Jude's valve that I have now. I can only hear this one when everything is absolutely quiet before I go to sleep, and I have to be on my left side.
Any other time I don't hear it.
My surgeon chose the mechanical valve because of my age and that they'll last forever. No guarantees though, because I had a second AVR within 11 days because of a blood clot that had formed underneath the valve. This was caused by a too low INR. You'll learn about INR/PT when you start taking Coumadin.

Thinking about you on the 8th and wishing you all the best.

Congenital Aortic Stenosis
AVR's 8/7/00 & 8/18/00
St. Jude's Mechanical
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Good luck on your surgery Gary. I'll be thinking of you on Friday.

It's great there are options for us choose the right solution as individuals for our valve problems. The lack of a re-op is a darn good reason to go mechanical.

I wish you a successful and uneventful sugery.

Hi Gary

I need to be making a valve selection myself very soon. I still don't know if I want to go tissue or mechanical, but they've already started me on Coumadin for a Blood Clot in the Heart.
The Coumadin thing isn't a great big deal. Maybe I'm fortunate in the fact that my INR is staying within the target range so far.

Your surgery date is on my previous surgery anniversary, 3/8/95 for me. They did a Ross Procedure on my dissection and Aortic Root and now it's time to replace that too.

I'll certainly keep you in mind on the 8th.

Please try to find someone to post for you on how your doing after surgery. ;)
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Hi Gary-

Welcome to the site. You'll love it. There's so much info. and support. Lots of very good cyber friends.

I want to wish you all the best as you prepare for your surgery on Friday. We'll all be here waiting to hear how things went. I hope that someone can post for you and let us know.

We'll want to hear from you personally also after you have some time to get over the initial few days.

Bon voyage!
Welcome to the site and good luck on your surgery. I'm 4.5 weeks post op and feel much better than I thought I would at this point. The hospital and recovery experience wasn't as bad as I had imagined. I found it to be true what I've read on this site that the waiting is the hardest part. Please keep us posted and know that you'll be in our thoughts and prayers.

Good Luck

Good Luck

Hi Gary, welcome to the group. I would have posted sooner, but I just got out of the hospital on Sunday. I'm starting to catch up on some of the back news and saw your information.

I am 59 and I opted for a bio-valve, if possible, to avoid the coumadin. However, I wasn't sure until the surgeon opened me up to see the extent of damage done to the mitral valve, in addition to the aortic valve that I knew had to be replaced.

It turned out that the mitral was okay and most of the leaking there was being caused by the stress put on it by the severity of the aortic valve damage. So, bottom line, everything went okay and I now have a great bovine valve pumping away and I do not have to deal with coumadin.

There are lots of choices and everyone has their own preferences, although they all include certain trade-offs. I hope you're as satisfied with your results as I am with mine.

The surgery is no big deal, there is little pain involved, and the progress seems to come quickly. There may be a snag or two with meds, etc. but overall, it's quite managable. Keep a positive attitude and you'll do fine.

I'll be watching for your posts early next week.
Thanks to everybody for the support. I still find this all hard to believe as the only symptom I have is fatigue which I attributed to exercise. I did have my condition confirmed at Mass General so I know the aortic regurgitation and left venticle dilation is real. The way I am looking at things is that it's better to catch this early and fix it rather than having permanent heart damage. I intend to have my wife update the site following surgery until I can do it for myself.

Welcome to our family. This is the best support group around. You will find a lot of useful information here.

My one year Anniversary is March 8th. I had my MVR And AVR replaced one year ago and my Tricuspid valve repaired. I have St. Jude Mechanical valves and I am on Coumadin. My surgeon felt it was best for me to go with mechanical valves because of my age.

Good Luck with your surgery on Friday. I will keep you in my prayers. See you on top of the mountain! Please post and keep us informed. Take care!
Gary Snodgrass said:
Thanks to everybody for the support. I still find this all hard to believe as the only symptom I have is fatigue which I attributed to exercise. I did have my condition confirmed at Mass General so I know the aortic regurgitation and left venticle dilation is real. The way I am looking at things is that it's better to catch this early and fix it rather than having permanent heart damage. I intend to have my wife update the site following surgery until I can do it for myself.

I'm in the exact same boat as you, but I have breathlessness and fatigue.

I'll stay in your cheering section if you stay in mine when I go. J/K

I'll cheer you on anyway no matter what.:p
Thinking of you on the 8th Gary

Thinking of you on the 8th Gary

Wishing you a quick and easy op and a quick and easy recovery Gary're young and healthy so all should go well ...I look forward to hearing how well you are doing .
Take care

I'm almost 4 weeks post-op after mitral valve repair. It is much better to have your surgery early before your condition starts to deteriorate and/or permanent heart damage occurs. The deterioration is often so subtle that you just don't realize it's happening; just seems like you've slowed down a little (maybe it's age we say, or maybe I'm just out of shape).

I'll add my prayers with the rest of the gang here on the 8th for a smooth surgery and uncomplicated recovery.
Welcome Gary

Welcome Gary

You have come to a good place and made a very good personal decision. I have a mechanical valve also, St. Jude's Valve. Got it back in September and am doing very well. More active and feel great. You come in when you are better after surgery. We will be here for you and all your questions. You are going to be alright and hope you will have someone post for your during the first part of your recovery. You have come to a great place. Come back soon.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve
St. Jude valve

St. Jude valve

First, Hi Jennifer you're beginning to sound like your old self. I know you're feeling better but just think you're going to keep on feeling better and better for the next few months before you level off in perfect health. Gary, I'll be thinking of you and I want you to know I think you're doing the right thing. St. Jude makes a great valve. I never hear mine at all anymore. As for the Coumadin depend on your doctors at first but as soon as you can read Al Lodwicks book, get a home monitor, and be reponsible for your own management.
Where is Al Lodwick's book available? Also were you able to get reimbursement for your home PT test monitor? My insurance company here says the technology is too new and unlikely to be covered. I may go ahead and purchase the Pro Time monitor anyway for peace of mind. Thanks for the information. :)
Al Lodwick's Book, Pay for monitor?

Al Lodwick's Book, Pay for monitor?

Gary, hit Al's web site He'll tell you how to get the book. About $30.00 as I remember. I refer to it all the time to answer questions from patients and friends. About my monitor: when I bought it Roche said they would help me get reimbursed by Medicare and if they didn't accomplish it they would refund the money. Well one nice day I got a check from them for $1200!Medicare wouldn't pay and neither would my supplement. The original deal was that I would have to return the monitor but they told me to keep it. Very nice. Now I have helped two people here in Northern VA get their insurance companies to cover. Ihad to write letters and they both got covered. One had GEHA and the other BCBS. If you buy a protime Lance will help you with the paper work and maybe you will need a letter from your doctor but I think you will get reimbursed. We'll be thinking of you Friday. I know you will do well. See you on the other side!
hi gary!
welcome to this wonderful site. i wish you all the best on the 8th, and will be thinking of you. from what i've read here, most people who take coumadin don't mind it one bit. it's the people who don't take it who are nervous about it.
in addition, as long as you are comfortable with your choice of valve and surgeon, nothing else matters. i don't think anyone here will tell you that there is one valve that is better than another; it's a totally personal choice.
i look forward to hearing from your wife how things went. good luck tomorrow and God bless.
see you here again soon

see you here again soon

gary, good luck with your op.You'll be in recovery sucking those ice cubes before you know it.When you're recovering ask the person checking your inr to factor in a nice glass of wine every night. Apparently its fine as long as you stick to the regime!
hear from you soon.
debs x;)

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