Surgery Date

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Aunt Granny

Well-known member
May 30, 2003
Justin, Texas
:D I have a date. February 16. I am going in and have a St. Judes mechanical valve put in and an aoritc aneurysm repaired. My doctor "Dr. Doogie" ;) seems VERY confident. Any body have any suggestions on what I should take with me to the hospital? He said the mortality rate was 5% so I feel fairly confident. Also what did some of yall do the week before your surgery? I know my level of nerves will be increasing the closer it gets. :( I just want to try to stay as calm as possible. He said that coumadin itself does not have any side effects, but that it reacts with so many other medications that is the problem? I want to start water arobics after the surgery, the doc said to talk to Cardiac Rehab. What do they do have you do in rehab? How long does rehab take and when do you start rehab? (I guess I might should have asked him hah)? I am a little bummed. I have to take off my acrilic nails. Oh well - I guess I will just have to get a peticure before surgery:D . I did ask if they would cut under my breast, they said no. they go straight down the middle:mad: Oh well I guess it's not like I wear a bikini anymore anyway.:p I can not thank yall for being here. I don't know what I would do without you. I will have my husband inform yall of what takes place. Thanks again, and God Bless You All!
Love that picture! It's so cute.

So--There is a light at the end of the tunnel for you. Just enough time to get all your stuff done before surgery. Here is a link for Guided Imagery tapes (and CDs) which many people have used and love. It has a wonderful calming effect. Might want to look into it.

And of course, hang out with us until the big day.

Joe never brought anything to the hospital except the clothing that he wore and a few toiletries. Didn't want to get any blood spots on his good stuff, and the hospital provides pretty much everything. You might want to bring a robe, but even then you'll have IV lines and the robe would be difficult to put on with those. Slippers would be a good idea. The footies they give you aren't very stylish :)

I'm sure others will have a better list.
Aunt Granny, let's send each other GOOD VIBES. We'll be Valve Sisters!!!

Your aortal valve surgery & my mitral valve sugery are gonna overlap!

I just talked to my surgeon's nurse. As of now: another consult on Feb. 6, the pre-op on Feb. 10, the Big Day is Feb. 12. These dates are not graven in stone yet, she's got to double-check with the Wizard Himself, AKA Dr. C., but they seem pretty definite.

I'm planning on taking a robe, some scuffs, some toiletries, & not much else. Oh -- I'll have my husband bring me my iPod and earphones once I get to the ward, so's I can have my music & drown out the hospital noise.

We'll both do fine. You especially. You can't keep a Texan down. I know that -- 'cause my mom's home town is not that far from where you are there in Justin. She was from Whitewright TX, in Grayson County.


Aunt Granny,

The picture is adorable, maybe you need to take one to the hospital with you. I put up a picture of my daughter and dog across from the bed so I could look at them often!

It's good that you have a date. I would agree with the suggestions that others made. I also brought a pad so that I could jot down thoughts and questions. You might want a prepaid phone card and a list of phone #s, if you have family out of town. I was able to flip through a few magazines after a few days and listen to CD's. I sent my husband out for thank you notes, but wished I had brought my own.

I wasn't feeling well at all, but kept busy before surgery organizing things for work and home so that I would have as little to think about as possible when I returned from the hospital.
My aunt and uncle from NH had been planning for months to stop for a long weekend on their way to Chicago. They didn't want to come since I wasn't well. I insisted that I really wanted to see them so they came and I just kept things very simple. That was a really nice diversion.
Thanks Yall. I have to admit SHE is adorable. This is Hannah my honorary granddaughter. Tim & I do not have any kids - OF our own. My sister is sweet enough to share her kids and grandbaby with us. Now adopted kids, from church, neighbors etc we have about 5. Thanks a million for all your comforting support. I think I will take my word finds to work on in the hospital - and maybe a book. I don't think I will be up to anything else - if these. I really like the idea of "Valve Sisters" :p


I took all kinds of pajamas but landed up wearing only the bottoms since I was cold all the time. Also took undies because I have a thing about my butt hanging out. My daughter brought me a phone card and that was the best thing. Could call on this and not run up long distance calls. Of course, toothbrush etc. Chapstick is a good idea since they like to keep the place very dry. Hope this helps. Good luck,
Aunt Granny:

Getting a surgery date set means there is light at the end of the tunnel -- you're headed toward being up to speed again.
Is there a place around you for water aerobics? How far are you to Denton (UNT, TWU are up there, don't know if they do anything for non-students)?

Love your "honorary grandbaby." Soooo cute. Will she be your nurse once you go home? :D

Will PM you -- can't get messages through to your addy @
work. :(
shop 'til you drop

shop 'til you drop

Shopping is my recommendation for the week before surgery. It's distracting and fun. You certainly can't have enough comfortable lounging duds. You need a recliner, so if you don't have one of your own (your hubby's doesn't count because it probably doesn't fit you) that can be a major shopping trip to find one that's comfortable.

Hospital: much less than you think. Books with short stories. Mints because your mouth tastes awful. A watch or clock. A dry shampoo (in case the hospital doesn't have them). Your own pillow if you're fussy (I have a real problem with "strange" pillows - I slept much better with my own) and several cases.

I took some clementines because I love them and they really tasted good (unlike mostly anything else).

CD player. And I think now I'd add a personal dvd player if you have one. I really needed distraction in the hospital and would have enjoyed some movies or tv shows.
what to take to hospital

what to take to hospital

I can answer this from the point of view of a parent of patient. Hopefully, our daughter will log on within a few days and answer it also.

pre-paid phone card (the ones they sell at the hospital are EXPENSIVE)
street clothes to wear home
hairbrush (hospital provides a small, useless comb)
If you have long hair, take something to put it up --that keeps it from getting tangled.
Children's no more tangle hair spray

I took snacks, magazines etc, but she was unable to use those.

Our son made a poster with photos of his kids (our daughter's nieces) which we put between the bed frame and the mattress -- that was probably the BEST thing. It really cheered our daughter to see those smiling faces. Also gave her something to discuss with hospital staff.
Surgery Date

Thanks yall!! I had not thought to take pictures of my babies. That will be GREAT. Nothing can bring a bigger, better smile to my face than all my nieces, and nephews and all their babies and my darling baby Hannah. Yall have been wonderful. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
My surgery date is Jan 21st. I plan on taking stuff I feel that will make me comfortable and make the room more homey. When my wife was in the hospital for chemotherapy, she brought a lap top computer and hooked up and kept in contact with her friends and stuff.
As for what to do to keep busy up until then, do what you like to do, I am just catching up on stuff that needs to be done at home, you know the honey do list one never gets to, that and alot of fishing. I will be out on my boat 3 of the 5 days I have left before I go in. I figure I will get to sleep alot when I am at the hospital.

Good Luck
Joe Parker
AVR, Jan 21 2004
Mt. Diablo Hospital, Concord, CA.
Dr. Sommerhaug
St. Jude (don't let me down) valve (hehe)
Hi Aunt Granny

Hi Aunt Granny

Can't believe I haven't wished you the best yet since you have a surgery date. Now I have!
Good Fishing!

Good Fishing!

Hi Joe,
I am sending youmy best wishes too! I am so jealous that you are in a part of the country where you can still fish. I love fishing but i not an ice fisherman, sooo...I am waiting for spring.