Surgery April 16th

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Mar 7, 2014
Santa Rosa, CA USA
After being a "squeaky wheel", calling my surgeon's office daily for more than a week, I finally have a date for aortic valve replacement, April 16th. More than a little nervous, but anxious to have it behind me so I can look forward to riding my horse again. This list has given me encouragement and information as well as questions to ask when I go for the final pre-op next Monday. Thanks to all.

Carry the thought of riding again and you will soon be on the other side.
My horse passed 2 years ago and I decided not to contemplate having another until after my surgery, I am now 7 weeks post AVR and as I get stronger physically, so is the desire to have an equine companion, there is nothing quite like it ��
Good luck with your surgery on the 16th, I look forward to chatting to you on the other side.
Catherine, I am glad to hear that you "squeaked" a little. When you begin to feel stressed, stop, take a deep breath and remember that it should go much better than you imagine. The idea of such surgery is daunting for us but the surgeon and staff who will be taking care of you will know what to do because its part of their routine. This is a very good thing. Who would want the surgeon to tell you "I've never performed this surgery before but I'm willing to give it a go." They know what to do and will guide you throught it all. One thing to consider, these people know a lot and can be a wonderful source of information once you can remember the questions you were going to ask...for a few days, I could only remember things if I wrote them down on a pad in front of me. Who does not like talking about their specialty? Asking good questons of these highly specialized individuals is like speak a little of the local language when traveling. People are delighted that you are trying and are usually eager to help. Let us know how else we might be of help, Catherine.

Best of luck on 16th Catherine. I'm also having my surgery on 16th after being bumped from my original date back in March. Right now my stress levels are low, but prior to March, I was just like you - very apprehensive and filled with terror at times. Larry is right, when you feel stressed take deep breaths, they do the world of good.