Suprasternal notch

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Active member
Jul 3, 2006
Hello, I had my AVR little over a year ago because of aortic regurgitation.

Now what really concerns me besides heart/valve function and valve noises is that I have a clearly visible pulse in my suprasternal notch. From what I have read and understand, this is not a good sign. It would most probably mean either aortic regurgitation or an aneurysm :eek: . I feel like I done a quite good recovery considering that I was hospitalized for severe HF just 2 weeks before my OHS. My blood pressure readings are usually 120-130/80-70 and heart rate at rest 65-75. I would not say that I have SOB but more like a constant feeling of pressure in my chest (I'm on beta-blocker and ACE-inhibitor). Am I going to pop :eek: or what is this? No doctor has even mentioned that aortic dilatation would be an issue for me, not even after my surgery. I even think, looking back, that I have had if not visible then palpable pulsations way back as long as I remember brushing it off thinking that everyone is put together differently. But now, especially knowing that I was born with a BAV, this has become a real concern to me. The first months or so post-op I could barely feel any pulsations even with the tip of my finger but now they have gotten way more prominent. Since I had a very depressed heart function post-op I think the pulsations could be due to increased ejection fraction (I hope) rather than any other significant physical or anatomical changes since the operation. I have a check up next month and this would be an issue I would bring up then. Have anyone had else here had experience with pulsations in the suprasternal notch? And if so, was that linked to an aortic aneurysm? Am I just put together differently :mad: or am I going to have a nother OHS :( or pop :eek:.

Thank you for your time!
I'll venture a guess at increase EF as being the cause. Won't hurt to bring it up and maybe have a Catscan to be sure, but I don't think it's anything to worry about.
Yes, I would think that increased stroke volume has caused it to become more prominent but it still should not be a normal finding in a relatively young one (35) like myself. I definitly want to have it checked but not sure if want the results if it is bad news.

Searched around and found this though:

So maybe it could be that I'm wired differently, some kind of benign anatomic abnormality.
TikTak said:
Thanks, I do hope your right :)

Well let us know what you find out.
I did a search on it, and then got a little worried myself.
I've had some similar sensations.
Artery Issues

Artery Issues

If you got your AV replaced a year ago and did not need your ascending aorta repaired, I would suggest you research the correlation between artery problems and BAV. There's also some good data on post AVR surgery and incidence of follow-on artery problems. Actually, I was thinking of starting a new thread on this topic. If I were you, for my peace of mind, I would insist on a CTA of the Chest and Abdomen, just to make sure your plumbing is OK. My surgeon requires a CTA one year post-op. I just had mine and it showed three areas of ectasia (a bulge not yet big enough to call an aneurysm) a bit upstream from my aorta repair. I can't tell you how delighted I was to get that tidbit of information. My one year visit is next week and I'll be curious to hear what the surgeon has to say about my CTA results. I'm sure it'll be, "ah, nothing to worry about; we'll just keep an eye on it." But then again, they're not his arteries. :eek:
jax3172 said:
If you got your AV replaced a year ago and did not need your ascending aorta repaired, I would suggest you research the correlation between artery problems and BAV. There's also some good data on post AVR surgery and incidence of follow-on artery problems. Actually, I was thinking of starting a new thread on this topic.

I think Tik has done some research on the correlation between BAV and arteries and that's why he's concerned.
I know that's why I am.
Arylss recently posted some very good links in this thread
That's what originally got me thinking.
Keep us posted as to what's said at your appointment next week, Jax.
Yes, I have done a little research on this and was not happy with what I found. But I would definitely like this thing to be straighten out and CT-scan would be just the thing to do it. Since my surgery I have moved to a different area and had my check-ups at a different hospital than where I had my AVR which may have complicated things a bit. Some years ago my grandfather was diagnosed with an abdominal aortic aneurysm and had a graft implanted at age 7X. A couple of years later he passed away due to rupture of another aneurysm (aortic I think :eek: ).

Thank you and I'll return to this issue when there is something more to report. But for now I think I'll try to enjoy summer :cool: