Support Our Troops

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Hi all. Well, whether you're for or against the ousting of the regime in Iraq right now hopefully everyone will Support Our Troops and keep these men & women in your hearts and your prayers. I just returned last November after being recalled for Operation Noble Eagle for 13 months and I call tell you how horrible the conditions are in the Middle East and how much is means to our troops that people back home are praying for them. So if you have a flag, fly it and if you don't please get one. If you know of a family where a member has been called to duty see if you can help them out... sometimes just a call can raise their spirits. It was toughest on my young children and seeing that people care really helped them out.


I CANNOT get this iamge to attach!!! :( It must be getting late...!
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Yes, I fully support President Bush in his effort to liberate the people of Iraq. People from all over the world deserve the same freedoms we enjoy every day in this great country of ours. May God guide, direct and give wisdom to President Bush in all the difficult decisions he has to make. May God protect him and his family.
I also fully support our great men and women overseas who are willing to die for this cause so we can continue to enjoy freedom in this country. Freedoms that so many of us take for granted.
May the anti -war, anti- America demonstrators hang their heads in shame.
My flag hangs in my front window!
Hey, Scott - I agree that no matter what our individual and collective feelings about the war, we must support our men and women in our services. They are far away from home, they love their families and their country and they miss being home playing ball or watching TV - or using their computers like we do. They are always in my prayers and I will do my part from the home front for MY troops. This is not a statement about the war, in case anyone wonders - just about our youngsters over there and those who suffer because they are.
DoD cannot support creative and well-intentioned efforts that defeat force protection measures, but can instead recommend alternatives to mail and donation programs. To show support to troops overseas, the following are recommended:

* Log on to the following Web sites to show support, to include greeting cards, virtual Thank You cards and calling card donations to help troops stay in contact with loved ones:

* Visit Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals and nursing homes. Volunteer your services to honor veterans who served in past conflicts.
These are good sites, Ross and thanks for posting them. I have never been an activist per se, one way or the other, but I do support the troops and there are many ways listed in these sites where we can do something for the men and women (actually, to me, boys and girls) who are giving their best for us. I urge y'all to check in and send a card - or whatever you choose to do. It's important for them and for us who sit and wait.