Support My Troops! (Prayer Request)

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Well-known member
May 28, 2002
Princeton, Minnesota
I never would have thought I'd have to worry about my girls going off to war!

Actually, my niece, Shanna, (age 19) has already been in Iraq for about 8 months and has been home on leave for the last couple of weeks...She heads back there tomorrow and will (hopefully) be home by Christmas.

And Now...My daughter, Jessica, (age 23) called me today to say she's off to Iraq this Friday! I knew it was going to be soon, but last we heard it was going to be next Mon or Tues. Sooo....we're off to Rapid City on Wed Morning to go pick up Christian, (age 10 mos.) who will be spending the next few months with us. Jess should also be home by Christmas, God willing.
The good thing is, they will actually be at the same base over there! I'm not sure they'll get to see each other, but it's a possibility.

Please help me pray for my girls while they are gone, and also for Ray and I as we adjust to having a little guy in the house again. In my daughter's words, "He's a handful".

Thanks!! Catch ya when we return!
Our hearts and prayers are with you all during the upcoming months. We also thank your daughter and niece for their faithful service to our country. Being retired military I have a special place in my heart (even after repair) for fellow military members.

May God bless each and every one of you and send them safely home,

My thoughts and prayers are coming to you tonight, Jeannie. Please let her know how much we appreciate her service to her country. Good luck with your new little handful.
Hugs and prayers are coming your way for your girls and also most sincerely for you and your husband for taking on a 10 month old baby. My goodness you are brave! I too support our troops 100%. I pray they will all come home safely.
You have my prayers also Weekycat!!!

You have my prayers also Weekycat!!!

I pray that your girls will be safe as I do for all the troops over there now. I am praying even harder for you and your grandson. God Bless. Harrybaby :D :D :D
some time ago we sort of heard about someone who had a member 'over there' - then we sort of knew someone who had a loved one 'over there' - now we all know somebody personally or in our own families we have someone 'over there'. And we have prayed for them all. I do every day.
My prayers are with you & your girls. I have no idea what you might be feeling, but my thoughts & prayers are with you all. May God be there with them both & keep them from harms way. The only thing I have to give is my prayers for you, your girls and all the other brave men and women & their families that sacrafice for us all. God Bless All of You! And Thank You! :)
All our prayers and good thoughts are with you guys and your girls. I'm sure this is a tough time for you; and a 10-month-old. My gosh - you'd have to send me to a rest home - once a week!!!! Got your house baby-proofed yet??? They really are cute and fun and cuddly at that age.

Best of luck to you and yours.

Georgia and Jim
My prayers will be with your girls.....djacq (Donna) last posted about her son, Eric, on July 9th..Said, he was coming home for a visit and going back..also, mention, her step-daughter who is a single mom was over there, too...Maybe you could PM her for support......I know your daughter will be sad to leave her son for 4 months.. Hope they both get to come home for Christmas....Will keep you in my prayers at night..Bonnie
All of our thoughts and prayers will be included as well. I can not even imagine how hard this must be for your family. Will Jess be home for good around Christmas? I Thank God for all of those special service men and women!
May God Bless them and keep them safe..

My son-in-law will be deploying soon. It will be a very worriesome time for us while he's gone as I'm sure it is for many of our military families. I hope to be able to send lots of care packages to him. Have you been able to do that for Shanna? Do you know how long it takes for them to receive them?

God Bless America
Thanks Everyone!

Thanks Everyone!

You guys always make me realize what good friends I have here on this board,
whenever I need prayers and support of any kind. Thank you!

Actually, it's Wed. afternoon and we haven't left yet. Ray needed to finish up a job b4 we left, so we will leave tonight and drive throught the night.

Ann- you are absolutely correct, when this whole thing started I don't think I even "sort of" knew anybody over there. Now it is as close to home as it can get. :eek:

Danny- Thank you for your prayers...and also for your own service to our country. BTW, I don't think I mentioned that Jess is in the USAF and Shanna is in The Army.

Georgia- no, we don't really have the house completely baby-proofed yet, we're working on it though...and it's a long story, but it won't matter a month from now...more details later...

Bonnie- yes, that will be the hardest thing for Jessica to leave the little guy behind.

Marilyn- yes I have sent care packages to Shanna in the past, I think it took about a week to get to her...but she may have been in Saudi Arabia at the time...she spent some of her time there.

All the rest of you- Thank you so much for your kind words and prayers...they really do mean a lot to me.
Another prayer request...

Another prayer request...

Now, for the "details later" part. We need even more prayer support at this time. We found out yesterday that our landlord, (who bought the house from Ray before he was foreclosed upon a few years ago, and has been letting us stay here for very little rent), is going to sell the property soon and wants us out in 30 days!!

I'm not even sure where to start, Ray's construction business hasn't been going that great lately, (he's been busy, but seems to have more money going out than coming in for some reason), and we're pretty much flat broke!

As much as I appreciate that this man has let us stay here for the past 5 years, (he really doesn't need the money), his timing really SUCKS, with the baby coming to live with us for a while now.

The bottom line is: within the next month, we need a miracle. We have to find a place for the 5 of us, (Ray and I, Ruth, Molly and baby Christian) to live, that we can afford somehow!

I've decided I'm just going to drop this in the Good Lord's hands and let Him get us through this...because I don't have a clue what to do.

Once again, we welcome your prayers and any suggestions as to what to do next. Thanks, I'll keep you updated on our continuing saga...
Jean, wasn't Christian the baby we were all waiting for around reunion time last year? Well you definitely will be a hands-on Grandma for the next few months. What a busy month!

I will keep you all in my prayers, both about the move and for the safety of your girls. I can't begin to express how much gratitude I feel for all our armed services. We live quite close to Fort Bragg and Pope Air Force base so we see our uniformed troops often and they look so very young.

When you get the chance please update us. I hope you are soon settled again and enjoying your little one.
Jean, sorry to read of your housing predicament. Do you belong to a church or know of someone's church who might have some recommendations or ideas for you? Our church had a member a year ago that was houseless after a nasty divorce and one of our members, who was a realtor, was able to help them find a home until they could get settled more. I think the house was part of a woman's estate and the family needed to paint it before they sold it. So they let the woman and her kids live in it for a year in return for them painting all the rooms. They paid the utilities and any repairs on things that stopped working during their stay, but they did not have to pay rent.

Just a thought. I wish you the best!