Sunday chatters/ Justin taken to hospital

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I enjoyed chatting and of course my son Justin was chatting with all of you. He was telling you how sick he had been. Well when the Dr. called back we took him to the ER. He was severly dehydrated.:eek: He was throwing up so much. Had a terrible headache.:( High fever and very sick. I felt so bad as a mother.:mad: I felt that I had let him down by not taking him sooner. I thought maybe it was just something he ate that didn't settle in his stomach. But all day long he was getting worse. He had lost 7.5lbs in 24 hours.He is used to weighing everyday due to his phyical training he does at school. But the blood work came back that he had a viral infection. ( don't know exactly where). They pumped with IV fluids and pain meds along with pheregan to stop him from throwing up. With in several hours the fever broken, he was able to perk up, and keep some fluids down orally. He cheeks began to get color back. But I still feel guilty about it.:( He has always been healthy and for a few bumps in the road, he is in good health. I am glad that he is getting better, he has to be on bed rest for 2 days. Our whole area, cancelled school due to the below zero temperatures so he won't have to miss alot at school. the chill factor is -25 here this morning. He is not one that will complain and you know when he doesn't feel good, I just wish I could have taken him sooner.I really do feel bad about this. Thanks all of you for your advice. Hope to chat with you again.

I missed Chat due to the Superbowl. Sorry to hear about Justin's ER trip. Sounds like he is getting better. Only 13 more days until there is some real sports to watch on TV----NASCAR!!!!:p :p :D

May God Bless,

Danny :)
Justin and I love NASCAR. It is something that we both enjoy alot. Dad on the other had puts up with our yelling and ecxitment!!! But he does get into it some. Does watch along with us, especially at the end , to see the winner!!. Justin has a small fever today so I am watching him closely. As a mother, I hate to see him feeling so bad. Ill keep you updated.
Don't feel bad, Mary. Feel glad that you got him in and he got the care he needed. When my children were younger they were sick all the time. Sometimes we took them to the doctor and got antibiotic, sometimes we took them and got sent home because they weren't really that sick. And rarely we could tell the difference. At Justin's age it's still hard to tell just how sick he really is. You did right. Glad you both came to chat last night.
Glad to hear that Justin got in to the ER

Glad to hear that Justin got in to the ER

Don't feel guilty, it's really hard to tell with kids, my step-daughter (19) was complaining about a "side ache" between Christmas and New year's...but didn't make it sound alarming. On New Year's eve, she went down to her bedroom and her older sister went to check on her. She was lying in her bed, crying because she was in so much pain. Sarah, (the older sister) who is an RN decided to take her into the ER and it turned out she had a kidney infection....

If they don't make it clear to you that they are in real pain, we don't always think it is anything serious.

Anyway, it's interesting that they closed schools for -25 below. Our schools were delayed 2 hours because we were -22 without the windchill this morning!
It's supposed to be cold all week, but I really doubt that they'll close schools or even delay them the rest of the week...That's Minnesota for ya!
All mothers here can identify with you. And none of us should feel guilty as long as we didn't do anything wrong and I am sure with your background and Justin, you didn't. Please tell him to drink enough liquids, rest and we are sending him our best thoughts. Go, Justin!!!!!!!!!!!
Justin is feeling better. I am very wore out!! But that is my job to take care of him. Thanks everyone for your support. He is the biggest blessing God could ever give me. He hurts when I hurt, he feels my pain when I am down. He is my LIFELINE. I tell him that all the time. He is what has got me thru the past years with the heart surgeries. When I have a bad day, he will encourage me not to give up. Most of you know what kind of days I am talking about. Just heard school is cancelled already for tommorrow due to the chill factor. Justin has another day to rest up. He has been able to keep fluids down and no fever right now. I am relieved. Kids just seem to bounce back quicker that grown-ups. Take care everyone. Stay warm, it's cold outside.
I'm glad to read the Justin is feeling so much better. Don't keep kicking yourself. It sounds like this virus came upon him rather quickly.

I agree ... don't keep kicking yourself. The GOOD news is that he IS getting and feeling better :).

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"Tell me what you see" ... Bob Carlisle ... 'Getting Stronger'
Just wanted to let you know that Justin is getting back on his feet. Luckily, school has been cancelled all week long, so he didn't miss school. Gave him a chance to relax and recover. Seems like he is back to his mischeivious ways.

He is now eating everything in sight. It has been a long week. But we survived!!! We both have Dr. appoinments this week. Hoping for some good news. Thanks everyone for your support. You are great here, even when it seems like a small crisis, you hang in there for the duration.

Justin has been thru so much with me being ill, these past 4 yrs. and saw things alot of teenagers may never see. But he has learned so much (medically speaking) that he surprises me when he talks to others about heart surgery and he is getting good at my INR testing, coumadin, and protime numbers.

I told him he should go to school (medical feild) but he has his heart set on law enforcement) and I will support his all the way. AM I BLESSED TO HAVE SUCH A GREAT SON? YOU BET I AM!!!!! You see Drs. don't always know what God can do. I was told I would never have children. But I did, and I can't have anymore. But God gave me a miracle and I thank him every day, for that BLESSING!!