Successful visit to the cardio's.

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Debrinha GT

Well-known member
Feb 19, 2004
Hello everyone! I'm just back from my visit to the cardio's and yes, nothing can stop me now! He did an EKG and said I'm fit to travel. Thank God for that or what would I do with the two beautiful tickets I got just the other day to go to NZ??!! LOL!! The only thing though is that my EKG says: ALTERAÇÃO DIFUSA DA REPOLARIZAÇÃO VENTRICULAR but he didn't actually mention it so I guess it's nothing serious?? Does anyone know what it means?? I think that in English you'd say: DIFFUSE ALTERATION OF VENTRICULAR REPOLARIZATION???????????? He said he could hear no regurgitation and my mitral's working fine. He even gave me a declaration to take with me. Anyway, I'm so relieved and I want to thank you all for your prayers and crossed fingers!!
Gosh, Deborah, if he says you're fine......just believe him and go have a great time!! :D :D I know, we don't do that very well, here, do we?? We always want everything explained to us!! Maybe you could call and have a nurse call you back. They're very good with terminology. She could explain what it is and put your mind at rest.

I hope you will be taking a camera to NZ with you! You're so good about sharing photos! It will be fun to see them.

Now, be off!! And have a wonderful, gorgeous time!!

:) Marguerite
I'm so glad that you got a clean bill of health to travel. I hope you have a WONDERFUL time! Can't wait until you return to tell us all about it.:D LINDA
I'm so relieved; now I can uncross my fingers AND toes!
I'm glad you received such a good report Deborah.
You will have a wonderful time in New Zealand!
Here's hoping you keep getting good news from the cardio and not just for your trip.
Have a great time.

isnt it good to know we were all right! ;) ...

Now you really really can relax and go to NZ....

Gosh its less than 2 weeks now! :D ...

I would have thought that if the "diffuse etc..." stuff was a problem your Cardio would have mentioned it to you...then again I do know how we all like to worry about things we havent understood...check with them then go pack those bags!