Strange feeling in upper chest

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Well-known member
Sep 17, 2008
shreveport La
I was wondering if anyone has this. Hard to explain just a weird sensation in my upper chest that i notice usually at rest. Kind of feels like I am smothering a little bit but nothing that would be bad enough to make me panic.. My dr put me on a heart monitor for a month. Said he saw nothing but irregular heart beats. Nothing to worry about. I still worry. Can anyone relate to this. Do I need to find another dr. This is my only problem as of now.
Maybe it's not heart related. There are all kinds of things that could cause that. Asthma, allergies, could also be congestive heart failure which might not show up in a monitor.

I have asthma and allergies, and just this last week, had a very tight feeling in my chest and difficulty breathing, like smothering. It was the asthma kicking up. So I ramped up my asthma medications and that is helping.

I also have a very large substernal goiter which is below my collarbone and pressing on my windpipe and other organs in there. That can also feel uncomfortable. Probably going to have that out some time in the near future.

So just wanted to let you about some of the things I know of first hand.

Why not call your Internal Medicine doctor and get in to see him/her for an evaluation. It's not normal to be feeling that, so better to find out what it is.