Strange aches and pains

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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2011
Lakewood , Washington
Good morning everyone . I was going to post something months ago on this but kept putting it off.

I have been dealing with some muscle aches for some time now, really hits my forearms the hardest.
My ankle and shoulders have aches and pains but forearms really zap me, my sleep has been affected for months from this.

My doctor has given me prednisone several times for this, I'm currently seeking out a referral to get some other opinions as to what is going on .

In my mind my issue is med related but who knows, the doctor does not agree but he also does not recall why I cannot take cholesterol reducing drugs.
Personally I think I'm sensitive to medications , if it has certain negative side effects I am a candidate that could experience the negatives of that drug.

The main meds I take besides warfarin are Metoprolol ( twice a day 25mg) and Lisinopril, I suspect the warfarin or Metoprolol. I was curious if anyone else had some weird or strange muscle aches and pains once taking these meds daily.

It could be I'm just getting a new problem and will need to figure it out , just curious as to what others experienced since were pretty much
all in the same boat here.
Thanks and take care
Well I see many have read but no response. Thought I would elaborate a little more on the strange part rather than the pain part of what I'm dealing with.

Cold feet, not all the time but when it comes it is almost a pain cold.
Wheezing and shortness of breath, been having this issue for months now, also treated with prednisone by my MD. This one scares me , I did have oxygen levels checked and I'm OK.
Clay colored stool.
Fatigue....I really was wanting to feel more energy, I did at first but the past months has been hell.
and the muscle aches.

I'm going to try and make time next week or shortly after to meet with my Doctor to discuss the Metoprolol, find an alternative or ween down dose.
Thanks for listening.

What is your dosage of metoprolol? I started out at 100 mg/day and it felt like I was towing a sled full of boulders all the time. No energy, everything was a major effort. I was bloated, gained weight and was wheezing. Over the past 2 years, we (my cardio and I) have reduced my metoprolol twice - first to 50 mg/day and later to 25. What a difference! I feel human again. I have more energy, the wheezing is goine and I enjoy exercise again. I never had trouble sleeping, but I did have wierd dreams at the higher dosages; the dreams are greatly diminished now. I also seemed to have vague muscle aches before, but they are much less now. I would discuss with your doc and maybe see if you can try a different beta blocker, or at least reduce your metoprolol dosage.. Maybe you won't have the same side effects, or maybe they will be lessened.
Steve, thanks for the reply. I'm at half the dose you were on , I take 25mg in the morning and another 25 mid afternoon by Doctors instructions but like I mentioned earlier
I'm sensitive to meds.
What you described for your symptoms are exactly what I am dealing with. I've gained weight and feel poopy from it.I had a good conversation with my doctor last month about how I am feeling but the meds did not come up. It was after he gave me a referral I began to really investigate the meds, I'm thinking I will go back to my doctor in next couple weeks and see if he will change my beta blockers, if not I will go to the cardio doc. I want my energy back.
Not only do you want your energy back - you need it to continue the recovery process. It is hard to work out when you're worn out.

Actually, your metoprolol dosage is double where I'm currently at. My current prescription is for 50 mg tabs, but I've gotten my cardio to agree that 1/2 tab daily is sufficient. So, I actually get only 25 mg a day, and I feel great. No afib, good ejection fraction, no rhythm problems AND all the other side effects are all but gone. My cardio says he doesn't think I'll ever be totally without a beta blocker, but at a reduced dosage, it doesn't seem to be a problem for me. Maybe see what your doc says to reducing the dosage as a test. That's how my current dosage came to be. We said that if I had no rhythm issues, I could stay there. If my blood pressure goes too high, he says he will prescribe another type of med for that.
Brad, I take 2x25 mg metoprolol. I've been having muscle aches and paind in both arms for the past two months or so but only when I reach behind or straight out to the side. A perfect example is taking drinks from a drive through window or reaching into the back seat of the car for something. Any long stretch or reach with the arms can cause significant pain. Sometimes it is enough to bring tears to my eyes. I never even considered that the bata blocker could be the problem. Maybe I forgot about that side effect!
Terry, that was a good description of when the pains can occur, I can also have difficulty if just sitting on the couch with my arm up over the back rest.
Yeah, seems kinda strange to feel it when arms are stretched out on the sofa ...I also use a pillow at night to hold my arms at certain levels..

Any way, I called my Doctor today and we talked about my last appointment and the referral he gave me . We then discussed my med investigation and let him know I wanted to go that route first. He was uncomfortable making the drug change and asked me to see my Cardio doc.

So called my Cardio's office and low and behold, I'm in tomorrow at 8:45am. So more to come on this, I'll update later in day.
Well I think this is good news for me. After a conversation with my cardio doc we are going to ween me off the Metoprolol. I will be cutting a 25 mg pill in half
and taking it twice a day along with my 10mg Lisinopril. After 1 week I stop the metoprolol altogether , my lisinopril will be increased and I am to watch my
blood pressure closely during this time.
I'm feeling good about this decision, this should rid me of the awful side effects and be one less med to take :)
Brad, I've been dealing with muscle pain for almost a year now. It started very, very gradually last summer, mostly in my legs, but a couple of months ago also started to appear in my shoulders and upper arms. Checking with my GP and doing research on my own I am apt to blame the statin I was on until three days ago.
So far I am not seeing improvement, but I have to give it some time I'm sure. It seems like everybody I talked to either knew of somebody who developed muscle pain after being on statins for a while. I am also on 25 mg of metoprolol daily, but I've been taking a beta blocker for years with no problems.
I'll report back in a month or so to update. I'm really hoping the pain is gone by then.
Hey Brad,
I remember when I was initially on Tropol it was dragging me down, but also keeping my HR in control. Once I was weaned off of it and started exercising more, my heart rate stabilized on its own and all the Tropol side effects were gone. Just sharing my recollection of things.
Bradvo, I assume you've googled and informed your MD about clay colored stool ??
That is the big red flag for me as to how you are feeling.
That is an important symptom that should be addressed.
Well I've been off the metoprolol now for a few weeks, might have picked up some energy but the joint aches and pains have increased, this alone wears me down. I'm off to a specialist April 17 who specializes in rhumatoid arthritis.
I really do not know what the heck is going on, my sediment reading is not really that high, so my blood is not showing inflamation issues. Guess I'll be up for more tests in the near future as it is now spreading to my lower limbs as well. I was really hoping the med was the issue, ( frowning ).
OK, Brad -- The next question is "Are you taking any statin meds for cholesterol control?" I did not see any mention either way in this thread or in your profile, hence the question. Muscle pain and weakness are fairly common side effects of the statin family of anti-cholesterol meds, and if allowed to go on for too long, these effects can result in muscle deterioration.

My own experience is that the first few meds we tried for cholesterol control caused such pain that I just quit them. After my valve replacement, my cardio prescribed a low dose (20 mg/day) of generic lipitor. My cholesterol plummeted to normal levels, and I usually do not have any pains from it. Once in a great while, if the muscle pain becomes too bothersome, I skip the lipitor for a couple of weeks. The pain subsides and when I re-start the med, it takes months before the levels build enough to again cause pain. My cardio is OK with this practice, as long as I use the lipitor consistently enough to keep cholesterol within approved ranges.
I discontinued use of simvastatin (generic for Zocor) because of pretty bad muscle pain, especially in my legs and shoulders. I've been off it for about 3 weeks now and while the pain is not totally gone yet, it is much better. I'm just hoping that my cholesterol number stay good and my cardio doesn't want me back on it.
My husband had the same issue with statins. He tried two. It took weeks for the pain to stop.

It's just not worth it, especially since his high cholesterol is genetic, not dietary.
I have tried 3 statins.All have given me terrible leg pain and could not sleep at night.I was tested for PAD.....negative.

I have been off now since Nov.The pain is better but not gone. I am going to see a neurologist in a couple of weeks to check for neuropathy.