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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2007
Near Phila. PA
Well here is my story, believe it or not:

Went into the hospital Tues 12/3 for a 7:00 am appointment at the cath lab, didn't even get to sit down. They brought me back to prep area and they starting getting me ready almost immediately. After not much time I was prepped, briefed, and signed off so they wheeled me into the cath lab for a 8:00 am stick time (hospital talk). The procedure was neerly painless and the only discomfort was the chilly temperature of the lab but that is nothing new. Within an hour I was in the recovery area where I had to lay dead flat for 4 hours while cath site healed over. These were an excruciating 4 hours, couldn't decide which hurt worse my back or my bladder but I did make it through the required time counting every second of the last last hour. I was surprised that they had me up and walking within about 5 minutes. Anyhow seems as those they found 2 arteries that could use a little bypass work so they were to be added to the next day's agenda. Well several more hours went by before a room became available were I could be admitted for the surgery the next day. It was probably 6 pm before I saw anyone from surgeons office where he informed me that I was the third surgery scheduled for that particular opering room and wouldn't get in there before probaly 1pm. He also kind of warned me that the hospital was extremely busy and emergent case took precedence over elective surgeries meaning don't be surprised it I get bumped until Thursday. Not much I can do about it so I'll just have to see how it all goes.

I wasn't a great night for getting much rest between the anxiety, my roomate that was having some problems and seemily being stuck with a needle or otherwise being awakened every hours or so it was a little rough.
My room was on the elevnth floor adjacent to the Heli-pad for the Penn life-star helicoptor, it seemed to come and go all through the night every couple of hours. I think the number of these emergencies played a big part in what would happen to me later in the day.

So the morning brought the usual preparations for the surgery like multiple washings with the hibiclens soap and starting an IV etc. All looked like it was still going ahead as planned untill about 2 hrs beforehand when a team fom my surgeons office comes into my room and closes the the door behind them. One of the team was Dr. Bavaria's scheduler, she asked "you probably know why we're here don't you?". I look at the scheduling book she had clenched in her arms and knew that it could not be good. They told me that hospital was out of critical care beds and that they could not perform elective surgeries without have a critical care bed available, not today and not even tomorrow... I had to go home! As much as I wanted to scream I knew that it would do any good and just asked how soon we could reschedule. Well the date we all agreed on ended up being 1/2/08 not as early as I would have like but the only other opening would have had me in over Christmas and since I still have one of two boys that still believes in Santa I thought I would like to be home for holidays.

My frustrations on that day were not nearly over with as it took almost two hours to get discharged from the hospital. After that another 2 hours rescheduling my surgery in the doctors office then another hour at the hospital pre-admissions office where they had to draw even more blood and fill out more forms. What a day, I didn't get out of there unit almost 4 pm just in time to start hitting heavy traffic for the trip home (about an hour w/o traffic). Did I mention that I had been NPO since midnight.

ust to add one little twist My Parents, wife and two kids all drove down to the hospital to wait during my operation, they showed up about 30 seconds after the team left after giving me the bad news. The problem is the car they came in was full, I had no ride home and by wife had taken my coat home the night before (it was snowing out). So after some discussion my parents volunteered to take the train home. Turns out that they got home hours before we did and they enjoyed the ride so maybe that wasn't all bad.

Someday I hope we can get a good laugh out of what happened but right now I'm just pretty disappointed.

Thanks for taking the time to read my story.. and thanks to all those that where thinking of me.

Nick, so sorry to hear this happened to you. The man that was supposed to have surgery the same day as my husband also got bumped and as we were leaving the hospital 8 days after my husbands surgery we ran into his family and he was in surgery then. I will say a prayer that the time passes quickly and you are through surgery and enjoying the Holidays soon.
What a frustration, Nick! You're not alone, however. Over the past few years on this site, there have been other members all ready to go like you who were aggravatingly postponed at the last minute. Somehow, I think you will be able to make the best of this situation. Take care and keep us posted.
Well, I guess I'm glad I live in sleepy little Oregon! I'm sure such things happen here, too, but probably not so much since we have a much smaller population.

At least you'll be home for Christmas!! Maybe that was the whole karmic thing. Maybe someone was wishing it would be after the holidays and their wish came true!!

If it's any consolation I think the angiograms drive many of us nuts. I was lying there for more than 4 hours (using a bedpan several times) but I had brought knitting and an iPod.

I'm sorry. That is a rough story. You really have some sympathy from me. But again....paying your dues up front.....may not work out so badly!! ;)

Have a WONDERFUL holiday season!!

:D Marguerite

I am sorry for the delay and your frustration. I wish I had some comforting words but I don't so I just wanted you to know I am sending big cyber hugs your way. I hope your wait is not too long.
I'm sorry that happened. Justin seems to be one of the people that always has his surgeries bumped (unless of course he is the one bumping someone else because he is an emergency, which has happened twice) so I know how frustrating it is. BUT I really believe these things happen for a reason, that is the only thing that kept me sane when Justin's surgery was postponed 3 times and when you are meant to have the surgery and the best outcome you will.
I had forgot you were having it at Uof P until you mentioned the PennStar, Justin had a couple of his surgeries at CHOP so I know how often and loud that helecopter is.
What a mess, right down to the car being full and how cold it is here without a coat.
I hope this never happens again, but it is does tell the nurse to get you food, I'm surprised they didn't offer.
I think it was best to wait until after Christmas, kids grow up so fast and it is such a special time. Lyn
I'm so sorry, Nick- nothing could be worse once you are physically and mentally prepared for surgery!:( I changed the date on the calendar to January 2nd and I hope you manage to enjoy Christmas with your family and have a speedy and uneventful go of it on the 2nd.
We was sent home on the morning of my sons surgery because he had a tummy bug we waited 4 months for the next date. Horrible when your there and ready, just hope you can manage to have a brilliant christmas and it will soon be all over, take care and best of luck.
Sorry to hear this happened to you. I received a two week postponement two days before my surgery, while I was at the pre-admission. It is very disappointing after being psyched up for it. Try to make the best of it and enjoy the holidays.
Thanks everyone for your support. I have accepted the situation and take some comfort in that things do seem to happen for a reason. I still feel bad for my wife, pretty sure this whole thing is tougher on her than me.

well, goodness, Nick, you have been to the Outer Limits! Too bad you couldn't rest while you were in there. That's a bummer, but at least you can now put up the tree, hang the lights and help with Christmas dinner - maybe do the dishes? :D :rolleyes:

We will be wishing you all the best on Jan 2nd and hope their scheduling works this time. Blessins..........
postponed surgery

postponed surgery

Wow, what a story! I spent a whole month in a hospital with my mom and I think I saw just about everything that could go wrong. I spent day and night there and knowing all this does not make me real excited about my upcoming surgery! Good luck and it will be nice you'll be able to enjoy all the holidays with your family, ENJOY. DEbbie
public or private?

public or private?

well, i guess you would just have to accept the situation if this has happened in a 100 % free public hospital like we have in new zealand; the logic being that if you gain something, you loose something.

but it is unacceptable in a private hospital where you are paying big bucks.

hope you are not shagged around next time, have a great christmas