Sternotomy Healing Longer Term

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Jan 28, 2016
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I am hoping that some of the members who have had their surgery a while ago can help me out with this question. I am six months post op and still find that my chest gets tight/sore after I work out or do something like play golf. I think some of it is muscular soreness. I had the impression prior to the surgery that once the bone had healed I would feel the same as before. Xray shows bone is fine and sternum is stable. After seeing the extent of the injury it is hard for me to believe I could be the same as before. Maybe I was also a bit naive or maybe not enough time has passed. Can anyone comment on their experience?
It will get much better over time. For me, chest/back tightness or pain continues even now, but not to a meaningful way. I just came in from playing golf this AM and I don't notice any chest discomfort. Best thing I've found is the gym or other activities that require the upper body exercise.
Docs cut through more than bone to reach your heart. I still have numbness on the inside of my left breast. Clearly nerve damage that will never go away but certainly something I can live with. You have muscles healing also, and probably some scar tissue that could have an impact on your ability to stretch the way you did before surgery. Now I'll share an old joke: Patient says, "Doc, it hurts when I do this." Doctor: "Then do do that."

I wouldn't worry, really. Just use your judgment if the pain gets too bothersome.
At two and a half years post surgery I still get pains on the right of my sternum where the ribs connect to it when I've been exercising which lasts for a couple of days - so since I exercise at least three times a week that means I have this most of the time. I feel it mostly when I breathe in. Cardiologist told me that it is a touch of costochondritis. It is not bad enough to require meds. It's obviously to do with having a sternotomy. I also have a touch of numbness on the right side by the breast like Honeybunny.
Heartvalvefix;n867680 said:
I am hoping that some of the members who have had their surgery a while ago can help me out with this question. I am six months post op and still find that my chest gets tight/sore after I work out or do something like play golf. I think some of it is muscular soreness. I had the impression prior to the surgery that once the bone had healed I would feel the same as before. Xray shows bone is fine and sternum is stable. After seeing the extent of the injury it is hard for me to believe I could be the same as before. Maybe I was also a bit naive or maybe not enough time has passed. Can anyone comment on their experience?

Sounds normal. 4 months post surgery I was splitting wood with a 12 pound sledge hammer and cutting wood with heavy chainsaws. Did not bother me. But sometimes when I drive more than 6 hours my chest get tight and slightly sore.