Sounds like Hank knew this

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I have seen that before. It never ceases to amaze me the similarities between nature at its best and people in a good relationship -- either a support community like or a good marriage.

I feel especially blessed because I have both, and I give thanks each day for that.

Thanks for posting the link.
It's been a long time since I've been to that site. Frankly, I've forgotten about it. I never saw that one before, so it's first for me.
That's a great find Hensylee. :)
Must be a really popular told me that the subscriber had exceeded their bandwidth for the day and wouldn't let me on? What is that all about?
Jean - my guess is it's aol - that's my server and it's been iffy the last few days. I think there's a huge amount of use due to the war. Try again.


That was just BEAUTIFUL! YEah, I'm sure that's us!:)

I got to view the site earlier today. When I just tried to view it a few minutes ago, it showed the same thing to me that it showed to Jean. I think all the sites are starting to do some type of clamp down.
Absolutely a beautiful site! It's funny a large flock of geese live where I work, Right in front of 3 office buildings by LIJ Hospital and I always thought they were kind of in the way. Blocking traffic and all, and that site really gave me a new perspective on geese and when I see them tomorrow and the next day I'll smile and think of all of you. :D
When I was in the corporate world, we got flooded with motivational posters, films, slogans, etc. all of the time. Some times they got just a little too cute (but I did like the geese message)...and some were enough to make you gag! In retalliation, a company started doing "anti-motivational" posters, etc. that are hilarious. One of them is below. You can see more at:
Oh, John, Thank you thank you thank you for the Despair website. Have forwarded same to my coworker. At my office someone (who certainly won't admit it) has begun putting the gooey motivational posters inside the stalls in the washrooms. Just before I got sick in January I had perfected my plan to "fix" those posters. Now I have a way to fix them really well. This is the first time I've looked at going back to work in a positive vein.

Thanks, John!

Thanks, John!

I felt like Bossbert (AKA the pointy-haired boss from Dilbert) was working at our office, what with the motivational posters and such. Gotta get some of those before I go back to work...

Did anyone else think the original geese site was going to be a Jack Handy "Deep Thought"? from Saturday Night Live?:)
I always knew

I always knew

this about geese but now to look at it in this perspective is more amazing. Thanks Ann


Finally got is similar to a thread I go to on the Weight Watchers Forum...Goose Feathers...we all honk and care for each other when the going gets tough...maybe sappy, but it works, just as we find on this site. Thanks and thanks for the demotivational site too...I'll look it up soon.
Oh John you've just given me fuel to light up my sister-in-law
She is one of those that is very high into motivational crap and actually goes around to companies and incites them to incite their employees!
You can just imagine how sick and tired I am of hearing it. :D
Wow Hens......that was definitely thought provoking. Thank you!

I wish our soldiers could read it!!
