SNOW is a FOUR letter word!!!!

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Well-known member
May 28, 2002
Princeton, Minnesota
Especially at the end of April. I no longer have a digital camera, so I "borrowed" a picture from my friend's blog. She had set up their kiddie pool on Wed, for her little ones, and hauled buckets of hot water out to fill it, because it was 79 degrees here that day. Two days snowed. This is what we woke up to this morning. It could be worse. Northern MN got a foot, and NW MN got 18 inches. The couple of inches we got are almost melted already, thankfully.
aussigal said:
How COOL is that!?...I love all this snow you guys get. Glad I dont have to live through it though.

Ditto here.
I love the snow
"No work, No school!-YEAH!!!":p
A friend grew up in northern Sweden. Last year as my kids were leaving school for the summer holidays, he told them of breaking up for his childhood summer holidays with snow still on the ground! No to that thank you.
We get a light coating three or four times over the winter months and early spring. Each year less though. Got to be global warming in my view.
Yes, that ol' Global Warming thing! Yeah, that's it.

Yes, that ol' Global Warming thing! Yeah, that's it.

That's kinda the standard joke around here. Yeah, right. Seems more like we're going into another ice age at times. Yes Ross, I think I remember once as a child, it snowing here in Early May too. Oh well, most of it is melted here now.

The worst thing is the accidents it causes, I was almost in one myself yesterday, just running to the store to get a few things for my step-daughter before her PROM. The roads were wet and just a little slushy, and I didn't expect them to be slippery...but they were. I started sliding sideways:eek: , and then straightened out and, and then went the other way. Eventually, I got it under control, but it was a litttle scary.
weekycat said:
That's kinda the standard joke around here. Yeah, right. Seems more like we're going into another ice age at times.

Yes Global Warming does seem inappropriate in some places. Predicted for the UK are colder times. The model is, as the polar ice caps melt ocean currents will change. The Gulf Stream will then no longer flow by and warm our little island.

Global Warming is the general term. Perhaps Weird Weather is better. The media are using it over here now. Whatever the chosen term it seems Climate Change is a reality. The problem with CC as a term is implicit in it is the thought we might be able to change things back again. In fact whatever damage mankind wreaks on our vulnerable globe will be for keeps. No changing back. :eek:
Hi Jean,

I was up in Hayward, Wi about April 10th-13. The snow down near Chicago had already melted. I arrive up there and the next day Hayward area was part of that blizzard you all had in Minn. They got about a foot of snow and Minn got more than that! It extended my mini vacation a day because there was no way I was going to try to come home in that snow! :eek: :D I was happy to come back home to the green green grass of home! :cool:
Well, it's already been past 90 a few days here and I've gotten my shoulders, arms, neck and chest sunburned TWICE while sitting at baseball games, so while you are having your nice summer, I predict that I will be cursing ours!

As a southerner, I don't have the clothes, car or tires to deal with that stuff, but it sure is nice to ski in!