Snoviper update!

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Well-known member
Jul 26, 2008
Syracuse NY
Hi All,

Not home yet, still in the hospital. I had some complications. I had the minimally invasive surgery but ended up having heartblock because of the tricuspid area. they had to implant a permanent pacemaker. The said the valve was read to come off and was only attached by a little bit. I have put on some fluid so trying to get rid of that. They also couldn't decide on where to put the original pocket for the pacemaker so I ended up with another incision. I am glad to have it over but still worried how it will turn out. No release date yet.:rolleyes:
Sorry to hear about the bumps in the road, but you will get out soon. I know it seems like an eternity when your in there. I had more then my share of the place.
Bummer! We're all pulling for you.

Silver lining, silver lining.... I know! Since you have to restrict your fluids, you won't be able to drink disgusting hospital coffee!

(The above Silver Lining only works if you like coffee. If you hate coffee, think of something else that the hospital can wreck.)
Hope there are no more bumps in the road and you get released soon- best wishes!


to hear about your extended hospital stay but recovery and rehab is a process. Once you're out and dealing with other normal recovery issues, in a week or two you'll have trouble even remembering your hospital stay! Still, I hope you get sprung soon.
Wishing you a smoother (flight) from here
my turns coming for all the fun your decribing
and my prayers go out to you,hope your home
soon and your recovery goes good.

Hey, no need to rush out of St. Joe's....the weather has stunk since you went in! 72 degrees in August! Come on! Get all the bumps out of the way while you are in there, and then get home for a speedy recovery. Wishing you the best.
Sorry to hear you are still in the hospital. A pacemaker isn't a bad thing, though, just something new to have to wrap your mind around and adjust to. In the long run you will be glad that it is being taken care of now. Take care and hope you are home soon!!
Thanks for the update. Hoping you'll be feeling better soon and released when appropriate. Take care :) .
Sorry to read about all the difficulties. I hope you get the release plans soon--you've already done lots of hospital time this year--and wishing you a smooth recovery from now on.
Hi Everyone, I am home now with my regime of meds and instructions. Not feeling too bad even after the complications. I think the pacemaker will take some getting used to, they also will probably need to adjust it. I sweat a lot but It has been a little muggy and
I also am taking lasix. My throat still hurts a lot. I am doing throat lozenges which make it feel better. I will be able to be on more now that I am home :)
So glad you are home and wishing you a smooth and easy recovery.
Glad you're home. Post-op night sweats and such seem to be pretty common. I think the night sweats bothered me for just a couple of weeks though.
Glad you're home. Post-op night sweats and such seem to be pretty common. I think the night sweats bothered me for just a couple of weeks though.
Yeah, they also seem to get worse if the pain meds wear off, probably a response to the pain.
Snoviper, glad to hear you are on the road to recovery. Keep your spirits up and smiles coming :)