Small pinpoint red dots on skin -

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Christina L

Well-known member
Sep 2, 2003
Estes Park, Colorado
Hi all - I have had tiny red spots on my skin for several years now - don't exactly know how long, but today I have one that has cropped up in the thin skin under my eye. I was rubbing that eye a lot a few days ago.

I have been on the internet and have been reading about purpura. I am scaring myself. Says purpura can be caused from leukemia, autoimmune diseases, blood disorders, vasculitis, etc. or just be a benign condition.

Does anyone here on get these little dots also and have you been checked by your doctor? I have never asked a doctor about these and wonder if I should.

Thanks very much!

Christina L
When you say that you have had these for years do you mean the same ones for years or that you have been having them for years and that they fade after a few days then you get more? When I had them related to my health they faded from the middle to the edges over a few days. I have other red spots which have been with me for years and do not change and those are harmless - I did show them to a doctor years ago.
Sue -

Sue -

You know, I have had some for a long time - one on the underside of the tip of my nose - that has been there for years and I notice other ones every now and then, but there are not many, probably about five of them in all.

I found a great site that has put my mind at ease just a little (link below). It says that purpura can be caused from hypothyroidism (which I have) and is common in postmenopausal women (I am peri). Also, I have always had "thin skin" - literally and figuratively. :(

I am just afraid this says something about the "health" of my blood vessels. I also take aspirin every now and again - am on no blood thinners per se.

Any more input from y'all would be appreciated. Thanks Sue!

P.S. These are pinpoint red dots - tiny little spots, barely noticeable.

Christina L
Hi christina,
Do you mean flat red dots or raised dots like a small pimple?

I know there is a name for the little red pimples that people get on the backs of the upper arms or upper legs....can't think of it right now.
Bina -

Bina -

They are flat and tiny - they are isolated - I have one under the tip of my nose and one on my forearm (underside where the skin is thinner) that have both been there for a while. I also have some on my chest.

Thanks for your help.

Christina L
I had this but mine were just red dots. Below is cut and paste from Just info.


ro·sa·ce·a /roʊˈzeɪʃiə/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[roh-zey-shee-uh] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun Pathology. a chronic form of acne affecting the nose, forehead, and cheeks, characterized by red pustular lesions.

Also called acne rosacea.
Hi Cooker -

Hi Cooker -

I do not have acne rosacea I don't believe. There are now just two spots on my face (nose and under my eye) and about 3-4 others scattered over my body. They usually are in places where the skin is thinnest. I believe it is purpura - just hope it is not caused by anything serious. I know I need to make an appointment with my family physician - the handwriting is on the wall. :( I have let these go for too long, I guess.

Christina L
Okay now I have

Okay now I have

diagnosed myself with "cherry angiomas." However, I do have a doctor's appointment scheduled for next Tuesday afternoon.

Here is the link that talks about the cherry angiomas and there are photos - this is exactly what my "spots" look like - however, I don't have nearly this many.

I am somewhat relieved IF this is what I have - it is not as serious.

I would still be interested to know if any of you have these. Thanks and have a great day!

Christina L
It could be a type of herpes virus too. That's what my doctor said about the occasional few small red dot I get on my nose and on the rare occasion one or two on my knuckles. The "cold sore virus" in otherwords.
Christina, I have 3 tiny ones on my chest. They just look like the ones in the pic. I had mine looked at years ago by a dermatologist and she said it's nothing. They have never grown, multiplied or caused any problems. Try not to worry. Let us know what the doc. said. Good luck and best of health!
I will ask the

I will ask the

doctor about herpes Karlynn. Never had the herpes simplex virus before that I know of, but will ask about it.

I do personally believe the spots are cherry hemangiomas. Pegasus - thanks for the reassurance - I have about 2-3 of the spots on my chest also. It seems the CH's are hereditary and benign, removed by laser if a person wants them removed.

I got myself so worked up looking on web sites this morning, I had to go lie down in the bathroom on the floor as I made myself sick and ready to pass out - thinking I had a deadly disease. I guess I am just waiting for that "other shoe" to drop after OHS!

Thanks all. I will let you know ASAP what the doc says.

Christina L
Christina L said:
I got myself so worked up looking on web sites this morning, I had to go lie down in the bathroom on the floor as I made myself sick and ready to pass out - thinking I had a deadly disease. I guess I am just waiting for that "other shoe" to drop after OHS! Christina L


yo' keep this up we just gonna have t'revoke your 'GOGGLE license'. :eek: :rolleyes: :p

May God Bless,

Bubba :)
We had a thread on this several months ago and someone (Mary perhaps?) came up with an answer. I'ved had the little red dots, too. I'll do a search and see if I can find. Meanwhile (even better) maybe Mary will come along and solve this. :)
I recently had two little spots burned away from my nose which were little blood vessels that were very close to the skin. When I washed my face with a washcloth, I would sometimes make one bleed, and it was hard to stop the bleeding (and I'm only on baby Asperin). Could it possibly be that?
Gadgetman -

Gadgetman -

Pullleeeaassee revoke my google license! :) Getting rid of the computer would be the best thing for me.

Rob - at first I thought they were petechiae but now I think they are cherry hemangiomas. They do not go away. They stay. I am not on Coumadin but I take baby aspirin periodically and do take fish oil caps which I know thin the blood.

Adrienne - I believe you and I have the same thing. My spot on my nose doesn't bleed but it probably would if I aggravated it. I think we both have cherry angiomas. :confused:

I will go to the doctor and tell him MY diagnosis :D ;) and see what he says.

Christina L
I don't get cold sores or anything, just the occasional few dots. You can pick up the herpes simplex virus anywhere. Many people can carry it and not know it.
Karlynn -

Karlynn -

I sure didn't know that about the herpes simplex virus. Here are some photos via link that show cherry hemangiomas very clearly. These are exactly what I have. Adrienne - is this what you have? Karlynn? Others here?

Again, will see the doc next Tuesday and I will let you know what he comes up with! :)

Christina L
Christina L said:
Pullleeeaassee revoke my google license! :) Getting rid of the computer would be the best thing for me.

Rob - at first I thought they were petechiae but now I think they are cherry hemangiomas. They do not go away. They stay. I am not on Coumadin but I take baby aspirin periodically and do take fish oil caps which I know thin the blood.

Adrienne - I believe you and I have the same thing. My spot on my nose doesn't bleed but it probably would if I aggravated it. I think we both have cherry angiomas. :confused:

I will go to the doctor and tell him MY diagnosis :D ;) and see what he says.

Christina L

Christina, I hope you have the same thing I had because it is nothing dangerous and very easy to have burned off. I do have to say, though, I think Google withdrawal might be a good thing for you!!;) :D LOL
I have had some small pinpoint red dots on my stomach and legs for quite some time. A coworker who saw a dermatologist said they were small capillary aneurysms that were no big deal. She thought everyone had them. Mine haven't bothered me at all. And much better to have an aneurysm on a capillary than on our aortas. :p But I could see why one might want to remove them if they were on the face, or bleeding sometimes. I'm anxious to hear what your doctor says.