Sleepless in Missouri

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2008
Columbus, Ohio
The first 6 weeks for me I was in the recliner. Im a stomach sleeper and there was no chance of that until my incision was healed else my shirt would stick to my chest, not good !

I also had trouble sleeping more than 1 or 2 hours and what seemed to work well for me was taking two Tylenol-PMs and one Xanax. That combo seemed to give me 5 to 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep.
Johan Thanks.

It is getting much better. I am sleeping 2-4 hours at a time now without sleep aids. I took 1 pain pill last night more to make me sleepy than for pain.

My BP is running good. 10-115/60-70 so several days ago I stopped the BP pill. I still take the one for heart rate mine is usually in the low 70s but Dr. said to take it unless it drops below 62. Over all I think my recovery is going well.
Sleepless in Missouri

Except for a pressure sore my recovery is going well. However, I am so worn out from lack of sleep. With a [ain pill I might sleep an hour and without one 5 tp 15 minute cat naps is all I get. My poor wife is so worn out she is still sleeping right now. Is this normal? Is there any way other than time to fix it? I have slept on my side for years but with a full stern cut I don't think that would work less than 2 weeks post op. Perhap spme suggestions if not at least asking has kept my mind busy for a few minutes.

Sorry you're having this problem. It seems to be a very common problem after this type of surgery, judging from past conversations here. I could not sleep in a bed for months. Instead used my recliner, and usually just slept maybe 2-3 hours at a time.

After I got back into a bed, I still had problems sleeping. I don't recommend getting started on sleeping aids, but I did, and I still use a low-dose one. I now sleep fairly well.

Many others here have suggested other solutions. If you do a search of past threads with "sleep" as a keyword, you will find a lot.

Good luck to you. Just try to relax about it. Get your rest, get your walking in. Everything will improve as you get back in a pattern.

John it's very common. Ask your Doc for some Ambien or other sleep aid, at least long enough to get some decent rest. Right now, I'm taking Valium at bedtime and it's the only thing that lets me get any sleep at all.
Thanks guys. With all the complications and problems many have here this seems small. However, when you get no rest it wears on you. I had planed to do most of my sleeping in my lift recliner. However, the pressure sore prenets that.
I had a heck of a time. I had to manipulate myself onto my side, which hurt like mad, but once in position, could sleep some until I started to move and the pain woke me up. It's hard when you have a pressure sore to try to stay off of.
I thought three hours of sleep after surgery was common, and that only one hour of sleep was unusual. I treasured my darvocets after surgery, since they sent me straight to dreamland night after night. Is your pain pill sufficient to handle the pain? Is it pain that's waking you up after an hour?
I think we all experience sleeplessness for several weeks after surgery, John. My docs continued me on clonazepam in conjunction with the vicoden, and I could sleep for maybe four hours at a time for the first two weeks or so. I slept propped up for a while, but found that I could roll over onto my right side and stay put if I placed a sausage-shaped pillow to support me. I actually slept better after I got off the pain meds, but used the clonazepam until a couple of weeks ago, and I'm three months out.

You might want to try some relaxation exercises, because tension could be adding to both the pain and the inability to sleep. Good luck with this, though--it will pass.
effective sleep aid

effective sleep aid

Echoing what Ross said, I'd ask for an Ambien prescription. I had surgery last month as well, and I am still finding this useful.

Yes I think I will ask for a sleep aid. I am not having a lot of pain other than the pressure sore so I don't think it is the pain keeping me awake.
My only objection to stuff like Ambien is the potential for side effects, some of which are really scary. A milder anti-anxiety med like Valium might do the trick without the potential for weirdness.
My doctor prescribed hidroxicine clorhidrate, a mild sedative to help me sleep. Also, my son lifted the head side of my mattress to achieve a slight angle. These two things (plus 1000 mg of acetaminophen) have allowed me to sleep rather well... so far.

You may have to try several things to find what works. Ambien didn't do a thing for me, neither did Lunesta or some other benzodiazapines. Benedryl didn't do anything either, but I did find that Unisoms doxylamine succinate (25 mg) tablets work pretty good, but leave you sleep hungover the next day.
I had my son in law move my lift recliner (I need a hip replacement so I have the lift on) I think that would work even though it is old and not that comfortable. However, the pressure sore I developed keeps me from being comfortable enough to sleep much in it.
Your in a catch 22 John. You gotta stay off of that sore in order for it to heal and it's in a spot where you haven't much choice but to be on it. I've felt your pain before. Best I can say is do whatever you must. By the way, left or right hip? I had a left total hip done.
Yep left hip also. The head is dead and will need some reenforcement for the cup. I plan to get the ceramic hip. It has the least wear and what little wear there is is not toxic like the cobalt metal.
That is the exact reason mine was replaced. Left femoral head necrosed. This is getting scary, you and I have what seems a lot in common.
Yes I have thought of that. I am glad I did not let my anyuresm get to 4.7 before I got it fixed. that was one of my motivating factors in getting mine done now. I know what happened when yours disected,