Sleeping Meds??

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Valium, or maybe CBT

Valium, or maybe CBT

Valium is the second oldest benzodiazepine(Librium is the oldest) and has a 50 some year record and is fairly safe. I still tell people not to use it more than three days in a row. Take 10 mgm every night for six months and you can wind up in a sanatorim as one of my friends did. He's OK now but had a tough time getting off the stuff. How about CBT? Works for me!


I so agree on the weird dreams when using ambien. That happened to me more so when I was getting off them, after just 10 nights use while adjusting to jet lag in Europe. Very bizzare. There are documented cases of people sleeping walking while using ambien as well. I am having some anxiety after finding out my surgery is now on my radar and my PCP prescribed Clonazepam to help me sleep. That may be the generic name for one of the other drugs I have heard mentioned here. Anyway, it definitely helps me sleep, but I feel sluggish the next day on top of being tired because of the AS. I am going to try 1/2 a dose (1 mg) and see if that is better. I really crave a good night's sleep. Especially now because I feel bone tired by the end of every day, but then can't turn my mind off. In fact - I'm going to try and turn my mind off and get some shut eye now. Night night.;)

Wildflower, Clonazepam is a benzodiazepine like valium, xanax, dalmane, etc. It works by enhancing the neurotransmitter GABA that slows down brain activity. Take it for months and then stop suddenly, look for seizures, tremors,cramps, sweating , and vomiting! Use it wisely but be careful!
I can't knock CBT until I've tried it. I just know that for whatever reason, 5mg of Valium doesn't put me to sleep, but enables me to sleep, and for a couple of days after also, then the insomnia returns.


Ross, You are smart enough that I know you won't get in to trouble. Just don't take Valium continuously for weeks or months. Give your brain a chance to allow the GABA to work normally.5 mgm at bedtime two or three times a week should be OK.
Bad side effects I have seen in people who have been on high dose valium for long periods who try to go cold turkey include:Anxiety, blurred vision, changes in salivation, changes in sex drive, confusion, constipation, depression, difficulty urinating, dizziness, double vision, hallucinations, headache, inability to hold urine, low blood pressure, nausea, over-stimulation, rage, seizures , skin rash, sleep disturbances, slow heartbeat, slurred speech and other speech problems, tremors, vertigo, yellowing of eyes and skin. Otherwise, they've been just fine.
Heck Marty, with everything they have me on, do you think I would be able to tell the difference? :D Honestly, the side effects of everything else I take hit nearly everything your listed before Valium came into the picture.

I just think it's strange that out of everything I tried for insomnia, Valium actually seems to reset my sleep clock for a couple days.
Ross, I think the way you are using valium is good for you. Stay on it, but don't do like some folks do; take more and more to make it better and better.
Just a little aside, Dr. Leo Sternbach , a chemist , working for Hoffman-Laroche discovered the blockbuster benzodiazepines Librium then Valium in 1960. My understanding is he used both drugs in judicious amounts and died a happy man in 2005 at age 97!
Wildflower, Clonazepam is a benzodiazepine like valium, xanax, dalmane, etc. It works by enhancing the neurotransmitter GABA that slows down brain activity. Take it for months and then stop suddenly, look for seizures, tremors,cramps, sweating , and vomiting! Use it wisely but be careful!

Thanks for this information Marty as it is very good to know what I'm dealing with and the consequences of long time use. I'll try not to overdo and when it comes time to stop it I will work with my PCP to gradually stop. I'm sorry to say my 1 mg dose did not do it for me last night - I tossed and turned. Probably didn't help that I stayed on this site so late and just before bedtime. ;) My prescription says take 1/2 to 1 pill 2 times a day (2 mg tabs). I don't think I could function if I did that.

What about melatonin? Isn't that a more natural like supplement? Anyone have success with that?


I take a half a lunesta some weeks. Others I can go to sleep on my own. I have noticed that I wake up several times a night when I don't.

I tried the melatonin and benadryl but they didn't work. Insomnia started about 6 months after MVR.
anyone tried valerian? I found that it's like valium. read up on it last night but it says not to take if w/some of the meds I am on. never liked valium anyway.
Lunesta ?

Lunesta ?

I take a half a lunesta some weeks. Others I can go to sleep on my own. I have noticed that I wake up several times a night when I don't.

I tried the melatonin and benadryl but they didn't work. Insomnia started

about 6 months after MVR.

Lunesta new in 2005, a non-benzodiazepine, they are not sure just how it works but has something to do with GABA. Seems to be safer than benzodiazepines and ambien, less addicting, and easier to quit. needs more time to be sure. Many patients say it leaves an awful taste in their mouth.