sleep apnea?

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Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007

I am 11 days post-surgery (avr and aneurysm repair) and wondering if anyone has any ideas about this. I go to my family doc tomorrow and will ask. My throat is still swollen from the tube and hoarse from it and talking alot in hospital. I also feel like I have thin phlegm coating my throat and am always clearing my throat. My cough has died down for the moment. But I have a bit of a being suffocated feeling. The doc has looked down my throat and says it looks ok.

I haven't been sleeping hugely well, but have gotten more sleep the last few nights. I have a thing where when I am very tired and starting to nod off, I kind of snort as I am falling asleep. Never had this before. Is this possibly sleep apnea?

Thanks everyone! Betsy
Have you seen an ENT? The vent can damage a nerve in the windpipe and it can cause vocal chord issues also. I hope you feel better soon. Take care and post again.
Cleveland Clinic docs told me it could take up to 6 weeks to get my voice fully back and to then see an ENT if it did not resolve by then. anyone have any experience with waiting and getting their voice back? I did a day of silence Sunday and it seemed to help. Also, my throat still feels swollen. Is this common...I believe I was on the vent tube about 4 hours total.
Thanks! Betsy
Hi Betsy.

I'm wondering if you don't have a little reflux from your stomach. The drugs they pour down us can wreak havoc on our digestive system and take quite a while to resolve. Tone down the acidic and fatty foods (citrus juice, tomato sauces, butters, etc.) and see if you don't wake up with less of a sore or hoarse throat. I've been investigating sleep apnea and reflux disease and have found that I really was experiencing that lumpy throat feeling because of reflux.

Keep a very close eye on the hoarseness, though. The tube does venture close to vocal chords, I guess, and there can be problems. Very rare. Don't worry about it...just grade yourself on progress every day and make sure you are satisfied with it.

Also remember that you are experiencing a real heightened sensitivity to everything because of what you just went through. It's easy to become anxious, but also important to verify with yourself what is or might be going on. You are in recovery so there isn't much else for you to think about and so these things tend to become magnified some. I don't say this meaning you should ignore anything. I just say it because it can be anxiety producing. Part of recovery.

Please don't hesitate to ask about everything though, either here or with one of your doctors.

Hope this helps!

Hi Betsy,
I don't have anything of substance to add - I didn't have this and don't know anything about it - but I'm sorry to hear you're having throat / voice / breathing troubles. It sounds very unpleasant. Maybe try some traditional soothing remedies like gargling with salt water or sucking on slippery elm lozenges? Not much to offer, but it's the best I've got. Hopefully, a couple more weeks of rest will get you back to normal. Take care, Kate
Thanks everyone! Went to my family doc today and she suggested gargling with salt water and resting my voice. I do talk alot! Sunday I did a day of silence and it seemed much better. I really think I talked sooo much in the hospital to all the wonderful nurses, docs and surgeons and that contributed to my hoarseness. One thing I did do to try to help it was Cepacol lozenges, and these seemed to almost burn a hole in my tongue! I had a spot that was very sore and numb for a few days...go figure! Anyway, I think it will resolve itself. Cleveland Clinic also said they would not worry until 6 weeks post op, so I will hang in there.

As for the snorting when I am falling asleep, the doc suggested it may be a state of exhaustion, where someone falls very quickly into a deep state of sleep. And since the first good night sleeps I got in over 2 weeks were the last two nights, I think she might have a point.

thanks, again, Betsy
I was hoarse for about three weeks after surgery. I think this is "normal" after open heart surgery because the vent tube really irritates the throat lining...

Like the others have said, I would not worry until three weeks after surgery. Hope your recovery continues without complications....