Sinus misery

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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2004
Columbus, OH
After seeing the post about sinus problems--thought I'd start a thread where we can commiserate with each other about our sinus issues. I've been fighting some crud for the last two weeks. I'll get a little better, then feel crappy again. Finally got antibiotics after showing up for my colonoscopy last week with a 101 fever! However, I'm still hack and coughing and blowing disgusting looking stuff out of my nose. I know it's in my sinuses, and now am just waiting for the ABX to kick in.
For the records, here's the drug combo that has helped me the most;
Mucinex every 12 hours; Tussionex cough syrup (it's awesome, although I don't like to take it when I go to work!); clindamycin 4 times a day.
My throat feels like someone's run a cheese grater over it! I"m ready for this to be over!
On a happy note, GO BUCKS! My Ohio State Buckeyes knocked off Notre Dame tonight in the Tostitos Bowl. Just for Big 10 honor, I hope that Penn State wins tomorrow night!
guess it's time to take my cold medicine and go to bed!!
It all sounds familier, I had it and got rid of it, only to have it come back a month later.
Two of our daughters also have been battling with 'it'.
Funny thing is I never ran a fever, as a matter of fact my temp was on the low side both times. I don't know what this bug is but I sure wonder if some is weather related.
I also usually get a sinus infection each spring, pretty painful stuff.
For that they give me Biaxin XL, really works great.
Well I hope you feel better soon.
We do have a few things in common, my father and his family are all from Kentucky. I was born and raised in Cleveland,Ohio and very much a Buckeyes fan. Great win tonight, I can't wait to see Regis tommorow crying his little heart out.:p
I'm on my 5th antibiotic for my sinuses.My nose stays red and my ears alternate between holding fluid and being infected.This is one of the reasons that I have had to postpone my OHS.I can't get rid of this infection.I'm trying Ceftin again.Last time I tried steroids and Ceftin together.This is really a pain.:confused:


perkicar said:
I'll get a little better, then feel crappy again. Finally got antibiotics after showing up for my colonoscopy last week with a 101 fever! !!

I don't know if you should mention crappyand colonoscopy together like that...........heehee! Yuk! :D

No, seriously, mine have too. I even had my sinuses rotorootered about three years ago after I was having to do sixty days of various antibiotics to try and get rid of my chronic sinus infections. Worked great for the first couple of years, but now they are just as bad as ever.................sigh! I live on Claritin D, which is one reason I am up all night. :D Is it addicting? I absolutely cannot go a day without it or I am all stopped up and snorting nasal spray.............the 12 hour kind lasts me about four hours on a good day..........argh! Many hugs and hope you get to feeling better soon. J
Thanks, Carolyn, for starting this thread.

I, too, am battling sinus problems. I had the rotorooter job done about 9 years ago and was great for the last 8. The winter really kills my sinuses.....pnd, coughing, etc. Have been on two courses of antibiotics....ceftin and amox XL....just had an scoping and culture and they're not finding any infection, more than likely ent said probably dust mites, but who knows. I did go off my allergy shots to dust mites two years ago, so he might be right. It really stinks!!! I've been dealing with this since Thanksgiving and the worst part is that it effects my asthma, so in the middle of the night I have to use my inhaler.....Dr. was on vacation last week, so we'll see what he says today.

I'm so glad other people know the "gunk down your throat feeling!!!"

Yup, Me Too

Yup, Me Too

My sinuses are driving me crazy, too! I have another appointment with my ENT on Thursday. Just finished a round of antibiotics and I think the sinus thing is worse than before. I feel like I have been fighting this thing since early October - on and off!
The interesting thing is, since my valve replacement in 12/04, my sinus infections present differently. Now I don't run the high fevers, don't have the "I can't get out of bed feeling". I do feel run down, overall "yucky" but not as bad as before. Strange, but I'll take it!
My husband, Chloe's daddy, suffers badly with his sinus problems - constantly coughing, saying 'gunk' is down his throat and has had anti-bs, every nasal spray, sinus tablets etc etc but nothing seems to work for long.

He's now considering going to a cranial osteopath as we read recently about how they can 'do something' (?) to drain the lymph and also sinus in your head by manipulation and its meant to be very helpful for people with sinus problems.

Has anyone tried this therapy and has it helped?? If not, I'll let you all know how he gets on.


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