shortness of breath

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Well-known member
Jan 12, 2002
Springfield Mo area
What would be the symptons of a St Jude's valve in the aortic position going bad? Jerry had AVR in Feb, 2002 followed by a pericardial window in April 2002. He had fluid buildup at that time, severe shortness of breath, etc. It turned out there was blood in the pericardial sac as a result of the first surgery that needed to be drained.

He has done well for a year now (after a rather difficult recovery from that 2nd surgery). Two days ago he told me he's been having shortness of breath for a couple weeks. His legs feel "rubbery", to quote him. I had been noticing that his belly was looking big but hadn't said anything. Then one of our daughters mentioned it to me. That's the way it was last year when his trouble started. He's a tall thin guy and it's pretty noticeable. His ankles don't seem to be involved this time though.

I listened to his chest/abdomen (not with a stethescope, just my ear pressed) and there was a lot of turbulence in there of some kind.

Feedback anyone?

I'm just wondering if the valve could be failing or if the pericardial effusion is back or what (if anything).
I had my first St. Jude implanted in August of '93 and then, after my annual sonogram in November of '95, they informed me the valve was severely leaking around the suture ring and would require immediate replacement. I had no symptoms at all. My point being, you need to make an appointment immediately with your cardio and get this checked out. You just never know...When was his last sonogram and what were the results? Just curious, because it doesn't matter...make the appointment and let us know how he is doing.
Les AVR '93 / '95
I agree. With his history, he needs to make an appointment for sooner than later...explain the symptoms with you call in so they give you a quick appointment. Good luck. Let us know how you do.
I would ask for an Echo and checkup with his Cardiologist ASAP. If the scheduler won't / can't get him in soon, ask to speak with a nurse who may be able to expedite things for you.

FWIW, I too have a St. Jude Mechanical valve and find that I do better if I take a diuretic once every few days. I hope my Cardiologist can find the cause of this fluid retention on my upcoming 1 year followup exam.

Hi Celia-

I'm sorry Jerry is having problems. I second what everyone else has said. An echo is in order.

Joe has had fluid buildup in his stomach area, including his liver and spleen. Keeping good control of his CHF with diuretics and keeping on a near zero salt diet has helped tremendously. It's still a struggle and the diet is yucky. I have to make his bread from scratch w/o salt. Keeping his kidneys happy while keeping the fluid off is sometimes difficult. The very low salt diet helps because with that, he doesn't have to take a very high dose of diuretic.

He used to be on very high doses of Lasix and Zaroxolyn thrown from time to time. That caused some kidney failure. His kidneys are good now. Plus he was severely anemic and he is now taking Procrit. That has also helped.

Please let us know how the tests go.
Hey Nancy!

I didn't know you make Joe's bread! I make bread for our home as well, and although I don't do salt free, I only p[ut in one teasp. for three loaves. - For those of you who do retain fluid, the store bought breads do have a lot of salt in them, as does everything you see in a can. (just about) If we go out for a dinner, even just once a week, up goes my husbands weight! He and I have gotten used to this low-salt. Especially since we know the fluid retention is really really not good for his condition.

If your husbands seems to be getting "fact" around the middle, it is more than lilkely fluid retention, which could be from a host of problems. Some small, some larger. So, everyone here is sending you down the correct the cardiologist, and get your man into see the Dr.

Nancy - send me an e-mail, and share your recipe. I'll send you mine as well. Very very simple......but everyone loves it!!
Hi Marybeth-

Yesterday was baking day. I made some plain white bread, and Sally Lunn muffins. They were really good. Because there is a lot of sodium in baking soda and baking powder, I have to use yeast for everything. So I'm always looking for recipes for things to substitute for regular muffins and doughnuts, etc. I started some sourdough and that makes great bread and pancakes too.

I don't want to take away from Celia's post, so I'll send you an email when I have a little more time.