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Hi to all of you! Im Joey from the Philippines. Im 31 months post op and doing very good. Im playing basketball twice a week and started lifting light weights 2 weeks ago. My concern is the kelloids (did i spell it correctly). It is not very good looking and is a liitle tender when bumped lightly. To some it is not a concern but to me it is so i consulted a dermatologist about it and advise me i have 2 options: one is steroid injections the other is Xeragel ointment. My question is would steroid affect my INR? (i am regularly at 2.5). And does this ointment do good? I hope someone would take interest in this thread and reply. Thanks in advance. :)

AVR 04-30-2005
St. Jude's Mechanical
Steroids will cause your INR to rise, so you need to adjust for that. As far as the scars go, I'll let those with keloid experience speak.
I don't know how bad your keloids are but I've had bad keloids for years, even before OHS as I am prone to getting them from any skin injury. Personally, I have yet to find anything that really works. The injections hurt and there's no guarantee they will work. Keloids tend to recur so it is not necessarily a permanent fix either. I have yet to find any ointment or strips that really works if you have a bad case of keloids. Depending on how dark they are (mine are quite dark), it may lighten them a bit but they are still quite noticable....IMHO not worth the effort. I also have senstive skin so usually get a skin reaction from the ointments that I think is worse than the keloid itself. Frankly, my Dermatologist doesn't think there's anything that will really work on me so I've given up and and just wear my scars proudly as a badge of honour. :cool: They can be annoying and tender, especially in hot weather, but they are quite the conversation starter at hot tub parties. :D

Anyway, that's just my experience. Hopefully others will come along who have had more success against them than I have. Best wishes and good luck.
I have no advice or answers except to say this question comes up from time to time and you might search in VR to see if you might find something. (see search above)

Nice to hear from you and know you are out playing again. Stay healthy. Blessins...........
Hi Joey,
My dad had OHS and quite a few other surgeries, and all his scars were keloids. I grew up thinking that's how scars are supposed to look! My brother had OHS a few years ago and ended up with a keloid. He got the steroid injection and it helped somewhat (he's not on coumadin). My new scar is partially flat and about 1/3 keloid. I am thankful that the lower part is the keloid b/c it is not very pretty...I was going to call my dermatologist next week to see what my options are since I have tried a RX strip that was really irritating. On my first OHS scar I tried some creams and I don't know if they made a difference or not, but that scar has faded, although the keloid part is still there, just lighter. Guess none of this is helpful to you but I'm interested to know if there is anything out there that works. Is lasering and option for keloid scars, I wonder?

Thank you for all the replies. I guess its a problem for most of us. Moreso to our active and young members. I hope somebody here have had a solution to these keloid problem. Again Tnx. :)
Jepskie said:
Hi to all of you! Im Joey from the Philippines. Im 31 months post op and doing very good. Im playing basketball twice a week and started lifting light weights 2 weeks ago. My concern is the kelloids (did i spell it correctly). It is not very good looking and is a liitle tender when bumped lightly. To some it is not a concern but to me it is so i consulted a dermatologist about it and advise me i have 2 options: one is steroid injections the other is Xeragel ointment. My question is would steroid affect my INR? (i am regularly at 2.5). And does this ointment do good? I hope someone would take interest in this thread and reply. Thanks in advance. :)

AVR 04-30-2005
St. Jude's Mechanical

I wish I knew the answers to your questions, but I don't.
I hope you will post more after you decide which treatment to use, and let us know the results.
Scars advice post surgery

Scars advice post surgery

I am 6 months post op now from my second OHS. I have seen 2 dermatologists and one recommended RUBBING my scars frequently as soon as it doesn't hurt to do so- and applying MEDERMA. The second recommended against MEDERMA and in favor of plain old vaseline which I use as a way to make rubbing the scar easier. I hope this helps to anyone working to reduce the scar impact. I agree with all who say they are a badge of courage and one many of us share.

scrappy47 said:
I am 6 months post op now from my second OHS. I have seen 2 dermatologists and one recommended RUBBING my scars frequently as soon as it doesn't hurt to do so- and applying MEDERMA. The second recommended against MEDERMA and in favor of plain old vaseline which I use as a way to make rubbing the scar easier. I hope this helps to anyone working to reduce the scar impact. I agree with all who say they are a badge of courage and one many of us share.

Did your ointment MEDERMA work?
Has anyone ever used Emu oil? Justin started it a few times, but never kept it up,he also tried another serum that has aloe in it that is supposed to be good for scars, but gave up on that one too so I don't know if they helped or not


I also heal with scars that are close to keloid. I had the main scar from my valve surgery injected with steroid which did help a lot. The injection did not hurt because it was mixed with lidocaine. It was very uncomfortable before the inection but now I don't even feel it. I had a pacer put in last Jan and an implantable loop recorder removed. Those scars are smaller but bother me more. Haven't had any treatment done yet. Did not find that the tapes or creams do much good.
I, too, am having trouble with my scar. I am 18 months post-op. I don't mind how it looks, red and rope-like and shiny (make-up will lessen the impact if I even care). But I DO mind how tender it is. I can't even brush up against it but I wince. Jewelry that I have loved I cannot wear. It just feels like it ought to heal more! :mad: And of course, I just cannot get it to.

I tried Mederma for 3 months. It did lessen the redness a little, and made it lie a little flatter. But it seemed to kind of bleach the area around the whole thing so I wasn't that pleased with the result.

Before that I tried vitamin E (you buy the capsules, pierce them with a pin and rub the oil in) but it did not help.

I massaged the cut once it was healed, but not hurt! I think massage is very important, but probably not that useful this far out from surgery.

I did get one cortisone injection and it hurt really bad, gave me a little blood blister under the scar (which eventually faded away) and did not really seem to be very effective. I have heard that you sometimes need a series of 3 shots.

Now I am trying silicone gel patches. They itch like crazy and I think I'm just going to suffer the itching and see what happens for a month or so. How can it possibly get worse??

I am curious about the Xeragel ointment. Do you know what it is made of?

Thanks to all who may continue to share their stories and solutions. And thanks, Joey, for bringing it up again.

:) Marguerite
Marguerite53 said:
I, too, am having trouble with my scar. I am 18 months post-op. I don't mind how it looks, red and rope-like and shiny (make-up will lessen the impact if I even care). But I DO mind how tender it is. I can't even brush up against it but I wince. Jewelry that I have loved I cannot wear. It just feels like it ought to heal more! :mad: And of course, I just cannot get it to.

I tried Mederma for 3 months. It did lessen the redness a little, and made it lie a little flatter. But it seemed to kind of bleach the area around the whole thing so I wasn't that pleased with the result.

Before that I tried vitamin E (you buy the capsules, pierce them with a pin and rub the oil in) but it did not help.

I massaged the cut once it was healed, but not hurt! I think massage is very important, but probably not that useful this far out from surgery.

I did get one cortisone injection and it hurt really bad, gave me a little blood blister under the scar (which eventually faded away) and did not really seem to be very effective. I have heard that you sometimes need a series of 3 shots.

Now I am trying silicone gel patches. They itch like crazy and I think I'm just going to suffer the itching and see what happens for a month or so. How can it possibly get worse??

I am curious about the Xeragel ointment. Do you know what it is made of?

Thanks to all who may continue to share their stories and solutions. And thanks, Joey, for bringing it up again.

:) Marguerite

I think it is silicone based. But im going to try injections. From what ive researched it has the greater percentage of effectiveness. One thing more, do i need to consult my cardio about this? He seemed to brushed me off when i ask him about this the first time saying just let it be.
Emu oil is brilliant for burns and is supposed to be good for keloid scars, muscle/joint pain, bruising and many other things. I use emu oil on burns but fortunately I haven't had problems with scars so have had no experience in this area

Joey, your original concern was about INR fluctuations with the steroid injections. So, if you need more clarity on that then it would be wise to talk to someone (maybe just a nurse..quick phone call) at the cadio's office. I have a tissue, so that would not be something I'm familiar with. I found that my surgeon and my cardio are pretty disinterested in anything involving my scar also. My surgeon recommended a plastic surgeon. His initial visit sounded very expensive and I just haven't felt the desire to be cut up again yet.

Frankly, I'm somewhat suspicious of the glue they used initially, to seal the scar. I read somewhere that its use does tend to cause hypertrophy. Do you remember whether you were glued shut or instead did you have dissolving stitches? And anyone else with the problems....glue or stitches?

That emu oil is looking pretty good!! I'll be on the hunt for some, thanks, Mary.

Marguerite53 said:
Joey, your original concern was about INR fluctuations with the steroid injections. So, if you need more clarity on that then it would be wise to talk to someone (maybe just a nurse..quick phone call) at the cadio's office. I have a tissue, so that would not be something I'm familiar with. I found that my surgeon and my cardio are pretty disinterested in anything involving my scar also. My surgeon recommended a plastic surgeon. His initial visit sounded very expensive and I just haven't felt the desire to be cut up again yet.

Frankly, I'm somewhat suspicious of the glue they used initially, to seal the scar. I read somewhere that its use does tend to cause hypertrophy. Do you remember whether you were glued shut or instead did you have dissolving stitches? And anyone else with the problems....glue or stitches?

That emu oil is looking pretty good!! I'll be on the hunt for some, thanks, Mary.


Hi I think the glue leaves nicer scars for the most part than stitches, I think alot of it has to do w/ how well the ends are brought together. Justin didn't have problems w/much keloid until the 3rd or 4th time his chest was open, but I guess after that many times ... anyway here is a pretty good Emu company and they have smaller sample type packs
Thanks for the link, Lyn. I googled emu oil and in fact, there are suppliers/producers here in Oregon (which doesn't surprise me). I'd just never heard of its use.

I am going to give these silicone gel patches a whirl first, since I already have them.

I looked up the Xeragel and it seems to be the same kind of idea.....that the silicone gel or patch presents the skin with an optimum :)rolleyes: ) environment to heal properly. I thought I might try the patches until the area becomes somewhat more favorable and then sign up for some cortizone shots!!!

One of us here has had a laser treatment. Let's see if I can get that into the mix of info here, too.

:) Marguerite
Marguerite53 said:
Thanks for the link, Lyn. I googled emu oil and in fact, there are suppliers/producers here in Oregon (which doesn't surprise me). I'd just never heard of its use.

I am going to give these silicone gel patches a whirl first, since I already have them.

I looked up the Xeragel and it seems to be the same kind of idea
.....that the silicone gel or patch presents the skin with an optimum :)rolleyes: ) environment to heal properly. I thought I might try the patches until the area becomes somewhat more favorable and then sign up for some cortizone shots!!!

One of us here has had a laser treatment. Let's see if I can get that into the mix of info here, too.

Thanks Lyn for that info on emu oil. If you will tuse emu oil on keloids how
long do you think is the treatment? Is there any prescriptions needed? From what ive read steroid shots worked immediately.

Thanks also Marguerite for sharing your opinions on these matter.
Anyway may we all have lots of luck in our quest for scars cure.
Thanks Lyn for that info on emu oil. If you will tuse emu oil on keloids how
long do you think is the treatment? Is there any prescriptions needed? From what ive read steroid shots worked immediately.

I've never heard the steroid shots help imeadiately in shrinking them, but honestly haven't looked that much into it, I know sometimes you do need a series of shots tho.
As for Emu no you don't need a prescription, be sure to try and buy it from a reputable dealer tho, the link I gave I got from someone else that also used it. I don't know how long it takes, I would imagine months, but as i said Justin quit using it after a couple weeks (and has had 2 more surgeries since) but it did seem to be making it better, not as red. if you search for Emu and keloid alot of info comes up, altho most is from emu sellers, but there has been some research done by burn centers ect that seem to show it helps
I had cortisone injections into my first incision and it flattened it out completely. Hurt alot though.