Scared of stomach scope..........8-/

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2006
Kilkenny, Ireland.
Hello everyone......My doctor wants me to have a scope into my stomach to see what is going on as I have a lot of soreness/pain in that general area for quite some time..(from my navel to my stomach area)

The thing is...when I went to see a consultant 6 or 7 months ago, he said he would NOT do it until my a.fib problems have been sorted out, as the scope can bring on a.fib because the stomach and heart are so close together. Also, during one of my hospital 'stays' a few months back two other consultants said the same thing.

Thismorning I got a call from the hospital saying they had an appointment for the scope TOMORROW if I wanted it......I SAID NO....I feel bad for turning it down, but (a) I am very frightened of the thought of having a tube into my throat, and (b) I am even more scared of having an arrhythmia, because I have had VT in the past and ....BASICALLY, I AM SCARED STIFF. I really wanted to say yes, because its soo difficult to get appointment here for ANYTHING !!!!

What do you guys think...would it be safe for me to have the scope down ? Has anyone with a.fib or arrhythmias in general had a scope...I guess the TEE is similar ??
I've has many "upper endoscopies" with only one problem... I came-to during one of them and was choking on the scope so they had to sedate me more heavily which they did immediately.

My Doc's use VERSED for "conscious sedation" which can take you anywhere from "I don't care" to "I don't want to know or remember any of this". They also use Demerol to minimize 'discomfort'. Before they sedate me, they spray the back of my throat with a foul tasting spray that I then have to swallow to 'numb' my throat before inserting the probe.

Yes, it is similar to a TEE except that the 'stomach scope' is SMALLER in diameter so should be less of a problem.

I've had PAC's, PVC's, and A-Fib in the past and never had an arrythmia. SOTALOL (generic form of BetaPace) keeps my A-Fib under control.

Can you consult with an ElectroPhysiologist (Cardiologist who specializes in the Electrical / Rhythm issues of the Heart) before having this test?

'AL Capshaw'
Jacqui ...I have only had it done once but there was no problem....thay said they would give me "a little" something to relax me.....the next thing I knew they were telling me it was time to get up and go home.....Wishing you the best:)
I think I would be inclined to have it done, after all you would be in the right place should there be a problem, and that could even get them to move on the other stuff. When you are about to have the procedure tell them you have had A Fib and could it bring an attack on - they will be forewarned.

When I had my TOE (the British term) they used some drug which meant that I remembered nothing at all. I remember being told to swallow then that was it, nothing until it was all over.
I don't think you'd have any problems, so I would call them back and take the appointment.:)
Joe had many of them because he did have some issues in his stomach and throat. Never had a problem with any of them. He was twilight sedated through all of them.

You need to find out what is going on in there.
It's almost exactly like a TEE. You'll be sedated and won't remember anything, except perhaps the first couple of seconds, then it's lights out until their done. NO BIGGIE AT ALL.
Forgot to add, Joe had chronic afib for many years, and he still didn't have any problems with the scope.
*THANK YOU ALL* for your replies. Unfortunately Iv missed the appointment had to be a yes or no right there on the phone. At least I think I will feel more prepared when the next app comes in.

*Al, I have an appointment in August with my PE chance of seeing or speaking to him before then, but I will probably be waiting for a few months for the scope now so, I may have seen him by then !!! I would feel a lot better if I could get it done in the hospital where my EP is, in Dublin, because my local hospital is small and I dont know if they have the experience to deal with someone like me. It was they who 'shipped' me off to the Dublin hospital !!!

Anyway, 'thanks' once more for letting me 'AIR' my thoughts.
I had a scope done last fall, and it really was a piece of cake. I don't remember much of anything (going on during the procedure). I have A-fib and V-tach but I have a pacer and defibrillator inplanted. Just as long as everyone knows your history, you should be fine. Of course, my gastroenterologist had to have permission from my cardio to do the procedure. But no cardiac doc was in the room during the procedure. LINDA
Im not absolutely sure Sue, but I think they might be checking out 'celiac' (sp)...I have trouble digesting wheat....among other things. Anyway, the doc said they would take a biopsy while they were 'in there'.
Celiac disease

Celiac disease

Im not absolutely sure Sue, but I think they might be checking out 'celiac' (sp)...I have trouble digesting wheat....among other things. Anyway, the doc said they would take a biopsy while they were 'in there'.

Around here, Northern Virginia, all of the GI specialists would require you to go through the "bridging" routine with Lovenox prior to the scope. You need a biopsy of the jejunual mucosa to prove the diagnosis of celiac disease.. The treatment is a gluten free diet( no wheat, barley, oats, or rye products). If your history is highly positive some GI's will skip the biopsy and just start you on the diet.They did that with one of my associates and she is much better.