San Diego Rock n Roll Marathon

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Well-known member
Aug 29, 2006
Lake Havasu City, AZ
Okay, I procrastinated enough.

FIrst a weekend rundown. I had a great time overall. I love spending time with my daughter, son-in-law and their two boys and of course my friend Ron. They are all fun to be around. We arrived in San Diego around noon on Saturday, went straight to the Expo. The place was nuts. I often thought some of the other expos were busy but this one really was crazy. Too many people to look around much so picked up our numbers and went to lunch. We had early dinner reservations (4:30PM) at a place call Buca di Peppo. If you never ate there, next time you are near one, go! The food was fantastic and the desserts were wonderful. I could go on a long time just about our dinner. (LOL).

Our hotel was one mile to the start so we walked along with too many other runners. The thoughts of even trying to get into a porta pottie line was far beyond my imagination. Good thing it wasn't a necessity. We all had different corral numbers but since they weren't closely monitored I got in the one with Judy, my daughter....running her first marathon) and her training/running partner. I had no intention of staying with them but it was fun to be with her and experience her excitement of her first marathon.
Even though we were in corral 17 it only took 15 minutes to get to the start.

Judy never set a time but was thinking about 4:30. Based on her 1/2 marathon, other races and training I figured 4:15-4:25. Her time was 4:25:09. Obviously she was estatic and ran a consistent pace, I think they may have even ran a negative split but can't be certain.

Then there was me.

I was right on target for my 4:50 up thru 10 miles, by the half, closer to the sub 4:55. My finish time ended up 5:25:11. I still haven't quiet figured out exactly what happened. I tried the run a mile walk a minute as I did in training but had to shelf that after five miles because of the placement of the water stations. I then went water station to water station (1.3-1.6 miles in general), I do know this: At about 12 miles I started feeling a hot spot on the ball of my left foot and it only got worse. At mile 17 I started to cramp in my right quad, usually a sign of dehydrating, but I was very astute about drinking cytomax and water (full cups of each) at every water station.

I'm really disappointed in my time mostly because I trained more for this marathon than any other in the last three years. Did all the homework. However, I have to keep in perspective, I'm thankful that I'm even out there at all and able to go the distance. Kind of ironic, I'm getting angry with myself for not being able to maintain my pace but never stopped running and then look around and see all these young runners walking and struggling. I guess I'm more than lucky.

I wasn't particularly pleased with the course. My garmin showed 26.4 but I'm sure the course was 100% accurate. It's very difficult to follow the tangent when there are so many runners and turns.

The last part of the run was around Mission Bay on the walkways used for jogging, blading, etc. There was a nice breeze most of the time there but it was also a time when a lot of the runners were walking. The problem is the lack of courtesy they showed those who were still running. At times there would be five or six abreast and runners couldn't get past them. OKAY, enough of my complaining.!

The good side: I finished vertically and was 5th in my age group.

Congratulations on finishing a tough race and a good result. There are so many variables in a race like that you shouldn't be put off by your finishing time.

Good Job Kodi! :cool::cool: I ran this one at its inaugural debut in 1998. How were the temps? It was 64 degrees at 7:00 a.m. and 75 degrees at noon in '98. The course is hilly in different places, I remember a big downhill early on, several up hills into the neighborhoods, running over bridges where the traffic honked their horns to show support, I also remember running along the bay, you could smell the restaurants and after 24 miles or so the last thing I wanted to smell was food. I walked intermittently the last 2 miles. Did they have the tents spraying water? How were the bands? This is one of the better marathons to run, glad you made it a family affair.
LucyLou. I also did the inaugual RnR in '98. For me it was my worst marathon ever, mentally, physically and time wise. I hated everything about it and said the only reason i would ever do it again was if anyone in my family decided to do it....and that's the reason I ran it. The course is now totally different but there are still hills and freeway running. There was some spraying along the way. It was sunny and pretty warm most of the time, especially for us slow people. Around the bay at the end there was a nice breeze on one side and a not too bad headwind on the other but it felt good to cool things down. There were 16000+ in the half and 10000+ in the full....way too many runners for me. I like the smaller rural races. Do you still run marathons?
Well, another 26.2 under your belt. You more than anyone know that some races just go bad, and all you can do is try and learn from them. You need to head to the east coast for some cooler races! :)
There were 16000+ in the half and 10000+ in the full....way too many runners for me. I like the smaller rural races. Do you still run marathons?

I agree, way too many runners, especially if they did not have two starting locations, merge the runners later in the course, and stagger the start time for both. Fort Worth does this for their 1/2 and full marathon. The temperatures in San Diego, especially in June, doesn't provide much of a window to stagger the start time. I thought they were thinking of moving it back from June to get the temp benefits?

I have run one relay marathon, 10 months post op, the Austin Silicon Labs Marathon Relay. I had the middle 7 mile leg, finished in 1:06:42 (9.43 pace). The training for full marathon takes too much time, I'm thinking of going "1/2" for the challenge, much easier training schedule with life in between. :rolleyes:

Well, another 26.2 under your belt. You need to head to the east coast for some cooler races! :)

If my source is correct, both Kodi and I are already signed up to run Harrisburg with the Cardiac Athletes. :D
I If my source is correct, both Kodi and I are already signed up to run Harrisburg with the Cardiac Athletes. :D

I haven't officiall signed up yet but really want to do it. I'm originally from Pittsburgh and gives me a chance to visit family.

In SD it was wave starts with 1/2 and fulls mixed in. We ran the first 4+ miles on the same route, then at about 6 for the 1/2 and 11 for the full we merged and ran the same course until about 20 (I think) when we split off again. If you didn't pay attention you could end up in the wrong race, after the merge they had cones to try to keep everyone separated.
Man, you have to come over....I'm bringing the homemade wine! I'll be at Harrisburg also!
I'm originally from Pittsburgh and gives me a chance to visit family.

That's my plan too! Visit family and then head to Harrisburg, run the relay, head back to Texas. Our hotel room is reserved, still waiting on the logistics as to who we run with and when we officially send payment for entry.

Just think, you, me and my husband can talk "Pittsburghese". :cool: And the homemade wine that Tom is bringing along....priceless! :p
If I go, and I plan on it, I will most like run the full marathon...guess I'm a glutton for punishment.
Are you from Pittsburgh too? What part?
I had some of that homemade wine when we did Akron a couple years ago. ummmmm!