Running update

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Well-known member
Sep 20, 2012
Temple, GA
It's been awhile since I've posted an update. I've been quietly surfing around the posts here. I have been working on my half marathon/marathon training plan. I've been on a 16 week marathon plan and seem to have been doing really good. I've been running four days a week and my long run is up to 16 miles. It's decision time now. Do I keep going on the full 16 week marathon training plan or stay where I am and be satisfied with the Army ten-miler in October and do a half marathon in Nov? My average times have been around 10:30 minute per mile on runs less than 10 miles and 11:30-12:00 min miles for the long runs over 10 miles. Im really not all that concerned about overall time (even though I check my time every few miles and keep a record of every run!).

I have to admit, the thought of adding another ten miles seems very challenging to say the least. I think I'm just still a little nervous and still testing out the new equipment. Legs and breathing have really improved even though my left ankle is very tender. A little old five mile run is over before I know it! My long run day is Saturday and I have to decide which to do by then. It's a 17 mile day if I stick to the full marathon plan. I've read Amy's Heart Blog several times and that has provided insperation.

And Oh yeah, I take my first full three event Army PT test since the big event on Thursday. Pushups, situps, 2 mile run!
I think you should do what is going to be FUN for you!! And if you're not sure, just continue on the marathon plan and scale back later if the training ceases to be enjoyable. :) Congrats on doing so well!!
I agree with ski girl - enjoy what you are doing. It looks like you are doing really well!!! I have found that I have started to enjoy shorter runs these days. I still have one long race I train for each year which is in April. I have three more of these races to do to reach my target of 21 then it will be shorter runs from then on.
I hope you training continues to go well.:)
We don't know. Only you know what you really want to do, so do it.

I've run over 300 races since AVR 22 yrs ago, no marathons and only one half-marathon. My paces are similar to yours these days, maybe even a little slower. I run races as much to socialize as to test my limits. Ran a 7 mi very hilly race last Sunday, then I've got a 5k next Saturday and a 6.5 mi marathon relay leg the next week and a 15K Nov 10th. I'd rather do lots of shorter races and be able to recover quickly to do another one.
A full marathon training plan is likely going to be overkill for either a 10 mile or a half. When you start doing runs over 10-15 miles, then recovery time becomes more of an issue. My suggestion would be to target your specific races by adding a taper week before each of them to insure that you're fresh on race day.
I certainly wouldn't go longer than 16 miles gearing up for a half. Once you get the half done you can take some recovery time and start building for a full marathon if that's your goal. I'd also suggest looking at periodization plans that call for three week build periods, followed by a recovery week to let your body rest & adapt.
Sounds like you're doing great.
If your ankle was ok I would say you could try to run or run/walk the full marathon! HOWEVER, that tender ankle is concerning. I personally would do the 10 miler and the half marathon for now. Maybe you could do a marathon next year if you are injury free...
I ran with a sore calf/Achilles all summer and now it is so sore and inflamed that I have to take a couple months off of running. So, with that being said I would listen to what your ankle is telling you. And that is that the distance you are running is already stressing it. Marathon training might really mess it up.
Best of luck to you with your training!!!
P.S, Is Amy's heart blog part of this site or another?
Yeah, I agree with the others here have said about your ankle....don't push it if you're feeling pain in it now.

Tough call though because only you know what you can or can't do at this point!

I just finished my first half (since surgery) last weekend - it was super fun - but I didn't train for it properly and so in the last three miles my legs/knee and hip were screaming at me! 3 days later I'm feeling much better!

Good luck to you - my advice - listen to your body!!!!
Thanks to all for replies, comments and suggestions..

Mark and Coffee Lover, I believe you're both right. I have pretty much decided to stick with the Army ten-miler followed by a half marathon two weeks later. The ten-miler actually fits into the training plan if I begin my taper off period right before the half. It makes more since to start with a couple of half marathons before I jump in head first with a full marathon. And I like the idea of periodization plans. I am reading up on that now and how I can apply periodization to my running plan later on. I also think that if I am going to attempt a full marathon I should target a specific race and date and focus on it

Coffee, I found Amy's heart blog while googleing dissections and marathon running. I’ve been looking for and reading everything I can find on dissections, AA and AVRs and affects of marathon running. She has signed up to run for Team Ritter, the John Ritter foundation. She is a BAV and AVR and runner. She has her blog and talks about her running. I’ve been to the Cardiac Athletes web page but I find it hard to find updated info there.

I did complete my Army PT test this morning. It went very well and I was happy...and thankful for my scores. God has truly watched over me and blessed me. It's been a year of recovery, progress, setbacks and accomplishments!
I have pretty much decided to stick with the Army ten-miler followed by a half marathon two weeks later. I did complete my Army PT test this morning. It went very well and I was happy...and thankful for my scores. God has truly watched over me and blessed me. It's been a year of recovery, progress, setbacks and accomplishments!

I ran Army 10 miler almost a year post op, a great experience. Good luck on race day. Yes, the Army PT test is a piece of cake, my husband was career military, retired April 2011. You will get stronger, you will progress, listen to your body and leave the worries to God. You won't be disappointed.
Update for Oct 16th: Training plan has gone very well. The Army Ten-Miler is this Sunday and I leave Friday for D.C. I'm ready and really looking forward to this run. My last three runs have been 8, 6, and 5 miles all at a 10 to 10:20 minute per mile pace. That seems to be my comfortable long run race pace for runs under 10 miles. Good enough for me! I get back home late Monday and will post my results..
Unfortunately I didn't get to do it...I drove up that Friday with my group and about half way there my sister called to tell me my mother had been rushed to the hospital and she ended up in the CCU. I had to fly home Saturday. Good news is she has improved and was released today. She has aplastic anemia and had received a blood transfusion along with platelets and fluids two days prior and ended up with a nasty reaction to everything. Had to incubated in order to breath and had serious issues. Docs did not expect her to live. As I said above she has improved a good bit and was released today to resume treatments at home. She is still in pretty tough shape though.. I'll try again next year and be looking for another run to sign up for soon I hope!

So very sorry to hear about your mom - I hope she continues to improve as time goes on - my thoughts are with you
