RoboChris Update

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Despite everything else going wrong in my world, I spent the entire day running RoboChris to the Doctors where he has now been fitted with his boot. I then had to take him to Yanke Bionics and get the boot molded to his foot. As of now, he may begin bearing weight on the foot as much as he can tolerate. While everything else around here is cast in dark shadows, the end is coming with in sight for all of his foot surgeries. One or two more should do it. I'll have to get some pics when I can.
That light at the end of the tunnel is always a good sign. I'll pray, knowing your history, that it's not a train bearing down on you. (Oh, just trying to laugh a little.)

Here's to the boot!!!!! Yea!!!!!!
Cool Beans Ross....

Cool Beans Ross....

Here's wishing you all nothing but the best from here on out for Chris, and for your whole family...Prayers and thoughts out to ya....Harrybaby:D :D :D
Still Crossing Fingers

Still Crossing Fingers

and toes! Hope all continues to get better. Brian
keeping up the prayers for your son & your family, ross. glad to read there is a light at the end of the surgery tunnel for chris finally.
THE BOOT??? What??? You can't give him the boot!!! It's way too soon...he's barely back on his feet!!! What? Oooooh, I see! THAAAT kind of boot! :D ;) :D Three cheers for the boot!:)
Great news, Ross and Chris- hoping every day brings major improvement!
I really should call and see if they have an autopistol holster accessory for this thing. Here it is in white:
Now you'll have to rent some Six Million Dollar Man videos for Chris to watch;) to further inspire his recovery:D!
Hey - that thing looks very familar to my broken foot enclosure last year. Does it have those great inflatable areas?;) :D ;)

Happy to hear Chris is coming along. Praying that all continues to be good news.
Any idea of how long he will have to wear it? I'm thinking it will look good with a pair of shorts and a tan!:p
It's great news, no matter how long it's on.:)
geebee said:
Hey - that thing looks very familar to my broken foot enclosure last year. Does it have those great inflatable areas?;) :D ;)

Yeap, inflates on both sides which is why I had to take him to Yanke Bionics and have them form fit the thing. His graft still needs to be shaved down and another skin graft put on, but as is, it sticks out so far that the side of the boot had to by modified.
Mary said:
Any idea of how long he will have to wear it? I'm thinking it will look good with a pair of shorts and a tan!:p
It's great news, no matter how long it's on.:)

The way they talk, a month or two, then possibly get him into orthotic shoes.
Well bear in mind his last surgery was just 5 days ago, so he's still sore, but the bones are mending nicely and he should not have a problem starting to put weight on it. He's never going to walk normally, we know that, but so long as it's useable, were happy.