Returning to work post-op?

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Well-known member
Jul 25, 2010
Beautiful Small Town, North Carolina
I know every case is different; but, for those of you with really active jobs how long were you out of work? What are some of the things you did to help prepare you for the transition back to work?

I ask because I work with 3 year-old children.
I took off the whole 12 weeks because I am a pediatric nurse that includes a lot of lifting and transferring of patients. I just started back to work last week. Everything is going fine. I did not do much to get ready. I did a lot of walking and riding my stationary bicycle for cardio rehab.

Uhh.. I work in an office setting If I choose ... I am going back to work tomorrow at 6 1/2 weeks post op.

I have to tell you though, I am more anxious for going back to work than I was the night before the surgery. Go Figure. Atleast I dont have to be at work as early as I did the hospital.
For MVR, I was out about 10 weeks, but worked from home after about week 5. Too soon. I had to re-do some stuff. Had memory problems.

I have an office job. I had trouble concentrating and my back hurt sitting at the computer. This time I'm not planning on working from home until about Week 6, then returning to work full time around week 8-10 depending upon how I feel, even though this surgery has been much easier on me.

I find the pain meds interfore with concentration, and the back, etc. is just going to take the same amount of time to heal. I have a 40 minute drive each way, and my back and sternum will take a hit from that, hence the work from home for a while.
With 3 year olds, you are looking at lifting whether you want to or not. I'd say closer to the full 12 weeks to get the sternum to heal.
I am an ER nurse and I started back 2 months after my surgery part time and then full time after 3 months. It was not enough time for me, I really suffered. But, I do think starting out with shorter shifts and working up stamina is a good idea.